Thursday, February 3, 2011

Here we go...

So let me fill you in as to what's going on.

I am stuck in the hospital and will be delivering anytime within the next 3 weeks.

I went in for a regular check up, had very high blood pressure and after a bunch of tests found out I have mild Preeclampsia and have to be monitored and have my vitals checked every 4 hours.

I was really bummed at first to find out I had to stay here, but realized that this is all for the good of the baby and I can live without having to do stuff at home. I have a wonderful support system here that has bent over backwards to help me while I am here.  Needless to say this will more than likely be my last blog post for a while....

I'll keep you all posted :)


Sue from Oregon said...

Will be watching for future posts...Take care Mama!

jeannine said...

Oh April, I am so sorry about you having to be in the hospital, but it will benefit both you and the baby!!!! I am so glad that you have a wonderful support system! Hang in there and good luck! Can't wait to see pics of your newest addition!!

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

Take care and listen to your Dr. and everything will come out alright.

Trina said...

There's always coloring! :D

Angy said...

Oh April, so excited for you. sorry about the preeclampsia and hope the delivery goes well. Bummer that you are stuck in the hospital without crafty supplies. Looking foreward to hearing from you again.

XXOO AMY said...

sending you prayers and hugs from fellow DT member! (Sketchablities)