Monday, September 09, 2024

Pain: Level 8

The human body is an amazing thing. I mean, the amount of pain it can endure without just dying right there on the spot is incredible. And then, the very next day, it’s up and walking about like normal – as if nothing had happened!

To say that I had a bad night is an understatement in the extreme. I was literally on the floor, sobbing and throwing up. Poor Bryan was just hovering with a bowl in one hand and a towel in the other, trying to get me to agree to go to the emergency room.

I came across this “Improved Pain Scale” the other day while scrolling through Facebook. Doctor’s always ask, “What’s your pain levels?” and the new chart makes it fairly easy to determine. According to this, my normal day hovers around a 3 or a 4 – but the other night it hit a solid 8, maybe even a 9 (although, having never been mauled by a bear, I can only imagine).

My entire life I have had people say to me, “Boy, I don’t know how you can do that and still function.” Most of the time, my response is usually that I have no choice. But I have to say, even I can’t believe I lived through that! I mean, yeah – I’m worn out and feel like I’ve been run over by a Mac Truck – but for the most part, I’m completely back to normal again.


  1. Scrappy Heather10:30 AM

    So did you go to the ER?

  2. I'm sorry to read this. Did you determine why it got so bad? Did you do something different?
