AP: "The managing editor of The New York Times threw down the gauntlet as she stared across a big O-shaped table at the prophets of blogging."  TechTV has a podcast.  Jack Shafer: "I'll send a US dollar to the first [blogger] who writes 'Shafer doesn't get it.'"  News.Com: Google blogger reappears, redacted.  I spent a few hours today at WGBH, the guest of the one and only Tony Kahn. Some of the material may be part of a Morning Stories, the full MP3 will be available soon as a podcast.  Two years ago: "One of the sweetest things about life is that you can always learn, right up to the moment you die. And that's part of what's most enjoyable about being human. For some reason, if we can find the pure learning, it's a joyful thing, whether or not we ever get to use what we learn."  957 days since I quit smoking.  Steve Martin's letter to Johnny Carson.  Jay Rosen gathers insight from Big Wigs.  Lots of pointless comments in response to Sunday's editorial.   Arrrgh it's snowing again. The first time it was kind of fun. I had to cancel all my plans for doing stuff in Boston, but what the hell, it's been a year since I got snowed-in. Snow is nice to look at. Then two days later the streets are almost passable, even though it's hard to find a good place to walk, or park, okay, that's just how it goes. But now, after all that, it's snowing again, coming down hard, accumulating in serious amounts. I'm about to give up, but that's not so easy. Where do I go? Wahhhhh.  From the who-do-you-have-to-blow-to-get-some-respect department. According to a USA Today columnist, blogs are great, he loves blogs, but too bad they were invented in the 1700s by Thomas Paine or possibly even earlier. Couldn't we have paused, for a moment, between blogs-are-CB-radio or bloggers-have-no-ethics and who-cares-they're-not-new-anyway?  I've decided to stop referring to reporters by name until they stop generalizing about bloggers without saying who they're talking about.   Mark Jen: "hi, my name is mark jen. i used to work for microsoft, and now i work for google. this is a blog of my personal experience as a new google employee." His site is now blank. Philipp Lenssen explains.  John Robb points out a fallacy that the press promotes.  When I first heard the accolades for Techorati's Tags, I immediately thought of ENT. I'm glad Paolo is rising to the competition. We should remember who the innovators are.  Nick Ciarelli: "Large publications and major newspapers frequently publish news scoops about Apple, but Apple has never sued any of them, and is instead attempting to silence a small online publication." 
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