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Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)
Showing posts with label Crow Country: A Meditation on Birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crow Country: A Meditation on Birds. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Crows and haiku poetry

Ohara Shôson - part image of Crow on a Willow Branch in Snow

Crows and haiku poetry
by Alan Summers

dark news
the comfort
of crows

Alan Summers
Publication Credit: tiny words 15.1 (March 31st 2015)

floating snowflakes -
the triple caw of a crow
within the tree

Alan Summers
Publication credits:  
Snapshots six (1999); Watermark: a poet's notebook - crows (2004); Mainichi Shimbun (Japan, 2008)

intermittent rain I shed another crow

Alan Summers
Publication Credits: 
Frogpond (magazine of Haiku Society of America, autumn 2013 issue 36:3)

Monet’s Haystacks
a group of crows tug
at twilight

Alan Summers
Publication credits: Asahi Shimbun (Japan, 2010)

powdered snow -
a crow’s eyes above
the no parking sign       

Alan Summers
Award credit: Joint Winner, Haiku International Association 10th Anniversary Haiku Contest (Japan, 1999)

Other publication credits: The Mie Times (Japan, 1999); Haiku International (Japan publication, 1999); Watermark: A Poet’s Notebook - Crows (2004); The In-Between Season (With Words Pamphlet Series 2012); Does Fish-God Know (YTBN Press 2012)

Does Fish-God Know:

    early hours crow
         I invoke a prayer
    to its god and mine

From The Crow Walk ©Alan Summers 2006
HAIKU HIKE (World Walks) Part of Crossover UK's 'Renewability' project (2006)

(different earlier versions of the haibun text published in ‘Paper Wasp’ haiku journal, Queensland, Australia 1997; ‘Azami haiku journal’, Osaka, Japan 1998; and ‘Blithe Spirit’ British Haiku Society journal, June 2004.)

fading last note
a torresian crow sounds
the darkening sky

From The Crow Walk ©Alan Summers 2006
HAIKU HIKE (World Walks) Part of Crossover UK's 'Renewability' project (2006)

(different earlier versions of the haibun text published in ‘Paper Wasp’ haiku journal, Queensland, Australia 1997; ‘Azami’ (Osaka, Japan 1998; and ‘Blithe Spirit’ British Haiku Society journal, June 2004.)

messenger shooting crows

Alan Summers
Publication Credits: Roadrunner 12.3 MASKS 4; Does Fish-God Know (YTBN Press 2012)

Does Fish-God Know:

Books about crows:

In the Company of Crows and Ravens
by John M Marzluff and Tony Angell

Crow Country: A Meditation on Birds, Landscape and Nature
by Mark Cocker 
