Online internet courses by Call of the Page

Are you interested in a Call of the Page course? We run courses on haiku; tanka; tanka stories/prose; haibun; shahai; and other genres.

Please email Karen or Alan at our joint email address:
We will let you know more about these courses.

Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)
Showing posts with label cumulus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cumulus. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2013

A selection of haiku short verse poems around BIRDSONG and the SOUND OF BIRDS

A Series of haiku around birds and birdlife 

sunflower heart
the chiffchaff sings
its name

Alan Summers
tinywords 13.2 2013  (ISSN 2157-5010)
eJournal/eMagazine San Mateo, CA : D.F. Tweney : El Camino Press

roll of the apple…
I decide to let birdsong
back out of the box

Alan Summers
Under the Basho Vol 1.1 Autumn 2013

an up-too-late moon
the blackbird whispers its song
as I stumble home

Alan Summers
Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum (Japan 2013)

this small ache and all the rain too robinsong

Alan Summers
Publications credits: Modern Haiku vol. 44.1 winter/spring 2013

         cool morning
light on a distant cloud

Alan Summers
Publications credits: Modern Haiku, (1999); Azami Haiku in English Commemorative Issue  (Japan 2000); Birmingham Words Magazine Issue 3 (Autumn 2004); Birdsong - a haiku sequence  Together They Stood, Poetry Now (2004); Haiku Friends Vol. 3 ed. Masaharu Hirata (Japan  2009)

down side streets -
gulls turning the sky
in and out

Alan Summers
Haiku in English: The First Hundred Years. Ed. Jim Kacian, Allan Burns & Philip Rowland (W. W. Norton & Company 2013); The Disjunctive Dragonfly, a New Approach to English-Language Haiku by Richard Gilbert (Red Moon Press 2012) [Elemental Animsim p80]

cumulus clouds
a clattering of jackdaws
rearrange their pattern

Alan Summers
Publications credits: Blithe Spirit  vol. 20 no. 3 (2010)

An archaic collective noun for a group of Jackdaws is a "clattering."

First recorded in John Lydgate's Debate between the Horse, Goose and Sheep, c.1430, as "A clatering of chowhis", and then in Juliana Berners Book of St. Albans, c.1480, as "a Clateryng of choughes."

A "clattering" of Jackdaws:

Other names for Jackdaws include caddesse, cawdaw, caddy, chauk, college-bird (from dialectal college "cathedral"), jackerdaw, jacko, ka-wattie, chimney-sweep bird, from their nesting propensities, and sea-crow, from their frequenting coasts. ..or just plain "Jack"

four rosellas distant sounds to blue

Alan Summers
Publications credits: Azami #34 (Japan 1996)

through an open window
a kookaburra laugh

Alan Summers
Publications credits: Frogpond (Haiku Society of America journal, Summer 1994); Scope Feature (FAWQ, Australia, 1994); Micropress magazine; Micropress: best poems Ed. Kate O'Neill, Micropress NZ (1997; Moonlighting; sundog haiku journal: an australian year  (sunfast press 1997 reprinted 1998);   California State Library - Main Catalog Call Number : HAIKU S852su 1997

Kookaburra calls:   

Seven Sisters the call of owls either side

Alan Summers
Publications credits: Blithe Spirit (British Haiku Society journal, March 2012)

train whistle
a blackbird hops
along its notes

Alan Summers
Publications credits:
Presence #47 (2012): The Haiku Foundation Per Diem (September 2012): The Elements

V to U
a parliament of rooks
shift their flight

Alan Summers
Publications credits: Icebox, Hailstone Haiku Group, Japan (2010)
Selected by Hisashi Miyazaki

fading last note
torresian crow sounds
the darkening sky

Alan Summers
Publications credits: Paper Wasp (Australia 1997); Azami (Japan 1998); Blithe Spirit, (June 2004); Shamrock Haiku Journal, Irish Haiku Society, Spring 2006; Sketchbook, A Journal  for Eastern & Western Short Forms Nov. 2007; Haiku Hike; THFhaiku app for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch (2011)

the names of rain
a blackbird’s subsong
into dusk

Publications credits: Haiku News Vol. 1 No. 35 (September 2012); featured poet at Cornell University USA (Cornell University, Mann Library haiku showcase March 2013.)

A Blackbird in the rain...

Alan Summers, a Japan Times award-winning writer, regularly runs online classes and workshops on haiku, and related genres such as tanka, haibun, and tanka prose.  

For further information, please don't hestitate to contact Call of the Page Course Director Karen Hoy, who will only be too delighted to send you information about these intriguing short verse poetry genres.

Karen's email:
