Online internet courses by Call of the Page

Are you interested in a Call of the Page course? We run courses on haiku; tanka; tanka stories/prose; haibun; shahai; and other genres.

Please email Karen or Alan at our joint email address:
We will let you know more about these courses.

Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)
Showing posts with label ekphrastic haibun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ekphrastic haibun. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2020

The People of Van Gogh – hybrid writing by Alan Summers

photo©Alan Summers 2019

Ekphrastic hybrid writing by Alan Summers
from a visit to Tate Britain and an exhibition of Vincent van Gogh's paintings

The People of Van Gogh

There's the girl with bunches and her dad's T-shirt
says books for prisoners with only twenty-six people
who can enter the elevator at any one time though 
my melancholy is drawn to “figures on the road”
like prison exercise yards of Cummings and Dore

we mill around

and sometimes Vincent appears as a slow dance
with music both on pause and coded, directing us, somehow
there’s a blue winter hat that becomes a boy's T-shirt
of red-winged birds still unknown to this planet
whose footsteps on mock wood floors
fall between coughs
as two officials gesticulating to each other
without an audience
girls are quiet with their mother
and the polka dots on one is bending air
as close as wheatfields
with hushed tones of two frames creaking
into each other whenever people 
stop looking

the song of the next shift
has words that travel to bare arms, or ankle bones
clicking and knitting their roseate hair
that end up as washing instructions
all lit up by sunflowers

a woman has petals
from her dress

into someone with lycra and a bicycle chain
adorning just one arm that turns into silver
in his eyes someone else’s teeth 
clenches a friend's camera lens
in front of Van Gogh staring back

the camera sighs
knowing another selfie will be done
before he can turn back to wheat
the moon and stars on all our lower arms
sing a tattoo of gratefulness

frayed sun
the knife edge
of canvas

Alan Summers
Publication credit: Blithe Spirit Vol. 29 No. 4 (November 2019) 
editor Caroline Skanne 
Haibun title: The People of Van Gogh   
(Blithe Spirit journal page 51-52)

ekphrastic hybrid writing/poetry

Tate Britain:

photo©Alan Summers 2019

What is ekphrastic writing?
from the Afterword by Alan Summers for Ekphrasis Between Image and Word

When we attempt ekphrastic forays, into the landscape of painting, haiku could be seen as two brushstrokes frozen in mid-air. Or, using another analogy, while attempting to capture the energy of painting, it’s not unlike the techniques made famous in The Matrix movie; freeze frames that an actor moves around, at will, while everyone and everything else is an individual ‘still life,’ or an intimate and suspended panorama.

When I write about a painting through my own poetry I am both telling a story, but also attempting to tell a story, all at the same time. 

[T]ravel the paintings, hear the echoes in between, and tell your own story too. 

Afterword extract from Alan Summers from the book:
Ekphrasis Between Image and Word
our dialogue as haiku poet with art

Details about our next hybrid writing/haibun online course:

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Thoughtful Raven - haibun (haiku+prose) - after Ted Hughes and The Thought Fox - Kurt Jackson and The Thoughtful Raven (Charcoal and ink sketch 2007) - ekphrastic poem | haiku | haibun

The Thoughtful Raven
after Ted Hughes, and Kurt Jackson

The raven grows out of swift strokes in a moment of midnight: 

Corvid, sublingual, 
in sixty-five vocalisations of its kind, 

from worms to whales; battlefield and gibbet; 
to an excarnation platform; 
the raven’s thought of food is foremost.

The requiem bird is a shark of the wind.

the fox’s bark
for a moment
after echoes

There are stars and stars and stars
and the raven thoughtful in its field.

The bird is glossed in purple, green and blue,
its call blunt with primary colour; 
wind and rain; and hourglass grains 
cemetary stone
digger bees emerge
from letters

as stars lose focus in morning light 
God is in the detail of ripples of silence
inside the caw

a knuckle in blue jeans ripped
while a smell of white forms
    out of granular dark

the writer is chugging ink
from a forearm to fingers to nib, 
the raven is done for the night.

rabbit dusk
goldfinches vibrate
across teasels

The haibun is influenced by:

Ted Hughes
The Thought-Fox
From The Hawk in the Rain 1957


Kurt Jackson RWA
Thoughtful Raven, November 2006
Pencil and ink (25cm x 24cm)

The Thoughtful Raven©Alan Summers

Publication Credit: Blithe Spirit 26.4 winter issue haibun 
Anthology Credit:   The New English Verse: An International Anthology of Poetry
ed. Suzie Palmer ISBN: 9789385945694 Cyberwit 2017

More about halibun:

Details about Call of the Page's courses:
To ask about forthcoming online courses please do contact Karen at:

The Passion of Haibun Online Course