Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts

Friday, July 20, 2012

Adagio: Ritardando (rit.)

After the last couple of weeks I am so ready for a little slowing down.  I loved my hike and have survived San Francisco, but I am so ready to get back into the around-the-house routine and just get stuff done.  I missed my sewing machine and I certainly didn't get much housework done--thank goodness for Grandma while I was gone :)

Samantha and I met with the doctors at the UCSF Headache Center on Tuesday and Wednesday.  They basically confirmed her diagnosis of New Daily Persistent Headache (NDPH) with one caveat--there are two "types" of that diagnosis and she has the migranous variety.  Basically her constant headahes mimic migraines in a couple of ways, but aren't really migraines.  But we already knew all that ...  On Wednesday, she received a shot of lidocane and steroid into her left occipital nerve.  That can take 7 to 10 days to feel any positive effect and works for 2 out of 3 patients.  In the meantime, we're fervently praying for her to start feeling some of that relief.

We did get a little bit of sightseeing in between doctors visits, public transportation and the 9-hour drive each way, so here is a sampling of some of the relaxing we did:

Finally, I signed up to do another quilt along a few weeks ago and it started while I was in SF.  I woke up early today to work on week one and here it is.  I'm grateful it came together so quickly since I have so much else to do :)  If you're interested, check it out by clicking on the link on my sidebar or at
Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Adagio: Tender Mercies

I’m so excited to be starting a new week!  Last week was, well, kind of hectic.  Samantha did manage to get all of her make-up work turned in (barely), so tomorrow starts a fresh new semester for her.  Nicholas traversed the “game of life” {field trip} and half a week of subs.  Sarah managed to get an ear infection, but even that only managed to slow her down for about 3 hours before the meds kicked in.  Sometimes, I’m not sure how much I appreciate modern medicine :)  Rhett bought the sheet rock for our bathroom, so the next round begins … 

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I first encountered the word when I was taking piano lessons as a youngster.  Just another one of those foreign words that I had to remember to interpret as I played.  Who knew that playing the piano included learning a new language too.  Well, NOW I know :)  ANYWAY, I love the feel of the word as I think about what it means, as I play a nice slow piece or even just say the word aah-dah-jee-o.  Just the slow roll off my tongue bids me to slow down, take a deep breath, release and relax.