Samstag, 15. August 2015

dc #173: Image








29092014 (in the afternoon)


22102014 (Vacation)

23102014 (in a hurry)

27102014 (in the afternoon, in direction of the Outer Alster, reflection) 


11112014 (dim, homeless after the fire of the Castle's roof)

13112014 (on the way)


24112014 (framed, in the morning)

24112014 (in the evening)

01122014 (Advent)

15122014 (move to the Lionpalace)

07012015 (back to work, still with fir instead of fountain)



27012015 (cold, without snow)


02022015 (earlier than usual)


04022015 (dove sits on the light)

10022015 (run-through;)


19022015 (balanced)

28022015 (Berlin's calling)

11032015 (back from Portugal)


23032015 (fountain, spring, birthday of my twins)




29042015 (westerly wind)

11052015 (throngth)




08062015 (lamp is broken)





06072015 (to the right: the St. Michael's Church)

07072015 (jam because of road works, Wallring)

23072015 (closure of the Lombard's bridge)

06082015 (still)

15082015 (drawing challenge, Anuschka's birthday, today,
and one day after our 17th wedding anniversary
and one day after my dear friend A.,
the Lady of Eppenthorph, moved to Khartoum/Sudan)

It goes on. The drawing challenge goes on!
This week's drawing challenge is hosted by my sweet friend Nadeschda, woolfy Nadine
and her theme is IMAGE.

I show you here a series of one image, running through a year.
It's on my daily way to work (never on Fridays), crossing the Lombard's bridge, looking in direction of the Inner Alster. The 'panning shot' from the left to the right with the towers of:
St. Petri, St. Cathrine, surrounded by scaffolding the St. Nicolai, close to the tower of the townhall (and sometimes you can see the St. Michael's on the right).

The impressions of the cue state, mostly in the mornings. The effect of time of day and seasons and often this image makes an expression of my mental state...

Please come to Nadeschda Nadine's place to have a look on more IMAGEs!


Rouen Cathedral
took this image in 1989 - analogue, only one time.

Do you know Claude Monet's Rouen Cathedral series?

Happy weekend!

Next host is Tammie Lee 
her theme: tiny
this weekend, the 22nd + 23rd of August

18 Kommentare:

  1. hee hee.. that ice train! oh, wow. you dazzle me!! your 9 seconds of moving traffic is superb. what a good idea to bring in your daily inner alster project here! "lamp broken" is also a favourite! i tell ya. love, love, love this... thxs for playing! n♥

  2. This is incredible. I loved it. Such beauty in the everyday. Yes - it does something to my mental state too - it was quite hypnotic, and almost like seeing a montage movie somehow (if that makes sense)

  3. Okay for sure this is my all time favourite (so far) post you have ever done Ariane! I don't know if I've ever told you, but every time I visit your blog I think that the post is my favourite, but this time I am certain of it. Well...there was that one where you used a lot of gold in your painting...but aside from that...! I love your blog. In this post my favourite image is called "westerly wind" and you really have a brilliant installation here. This would look wonderful in a gallery in a large room with lots of sunlight streaming in, with your photos all in a neat even row along the wall. *hugs to you* N, x
    p.s. my most favourite prior to this was the mandala that you created of flowers I think it was on a plate and you just turned the plate and they all fell off and it killed me! In a good way (ha!)...I mean it stopped my heart for a moment. Ta!

  4. an interesting series
    as well as interesting to consider this your path to work
    the ones with clouds caught my attention the most
    so nice to have a DC
    happy anniversary ~

  5. Ah Ariane, to see these all from top to bottom makes quite an impression! Dedicated to collecting the image. Beautifully done.
    Happy Anniversary to you and yours!
    xo Carole

  6. Dear Ariane
    This image series is absolute impressive and stunning. So well done. I love it.
    With occasional recurring sentimentalities thinking of my home-town - it really touches my heart. Thank you!
    I hope you are well
    Cheers, David

    1. Dear David,
      thank you. I am fine.
      My heart melts by your words.
      If you ever come to Hamburg, please let me know.
      I hope you are well, too.
      Cheers, Ariane

  7. rich post! great!
    I love especially the lines, the wirings.
    x Stef.

  8. ;^))
    love this post!
    the strenght of repetition
    the small notes underneath make me smile (dove on light ;^))
    it all reminds me of a favorite movie called 'Smoke' with Harvey Keitel

    it's good to be back on track with the DC

  9. Ooohhh, thank you for this post! The Inner Alster is a lovely place.
    x Katrin

  10. Love your interpretation of the theme. A fountain a day...:) - eric

  11. I would be happy to host DC this next week.
    Theme: tiny
    for Aug. 22-23
    please let me know if that works as i will post tomorrow: Monday to announce it.
    thank you.

  12. Sehr cool diese Reise, die Veränderung des Gleichen und ausserdem hast du mit der Auswahl der Bilder das Image des Stadt Hamburg, daß es hier immer regnet und schlechtes Wetter ist erfolgreich wiederlegt. Freu
    barbara bee

  13. That's a brilliant collection Ariane. I love this time frame view. (And you do have a lovely commute) Also love the fountain. It reminds me of Geneva. I loved living there for months at a time over probably 5 or 6 years. I never got tired of staring at the fountain. Big hugs commuting girl, and I hope you have a lovely week ahead of you.

  14. I like how you have taken the same sand shown them in different types of light and times of the year - the same image, but not the same. Like Monet's Rouen cathedral. Brilliant!

