Vicente decided that he is going to pay our kids 10,000 bucks if they don't kiss until they are 21. I had to call Vicente at work and let him know that his deal was already off. :)
Here are some cute individual pictures of the twins!
Hey! The babies are sooooo cute. I think Bryce looks like Vicente and Kathryn looks like you, April. Everyone probably tells you that. Maybe it's the similar hair colors. I read your post about the hospital experience! Holy cow, they needed to listen to you! That is one thing we DO learn in nursing school by the way. It's just if you remember it or not--- the patient and family knows best! Anyway, I really want to come see you sometime. I will call. Also, everything is working out great for my sister. Thank you so much! Love ya! Sheena
April...Congratulations!! The twins are adorable!! I am so happy that everything went so well and that they are home happy and healthy! You are amazing and I wish you the best of luck with your new family!!! Happy motherhood!! I love you!
We were married December 28, 2004 in the Denver Temple, exactly six months after our first date! Yes, we know it was fast, but waiting any longer seemed torturous.
We met my first day back in Utah after my mission. I went to my new ward and knew that I recognized Vicente; I kept looking over at him and thinking to myself, “How do I know him?” I went over to him and asked him some questions trying to make the connection in my head, he answered me, and we realized that he taught in the MTC a group of missionaries that went to Madrid, Spain. In fact, he taught one of the girls I trained, whom of which had showed me his picture. Vicente -The next day I kept having this feeling that I should call her, I knew that there was something special about her. I came up with the perfect plan, so that I could meet her. I called her to ask for her mission’s address so that I could write the missionaries, thinking I would come over and get it. She quickly responded asking me if I had a pen. So she gave it to me and hung up quickly. I called her and asked if I could come over and get her so we could go out to eat! Since then, we have never spent a day apart
Oh my gosh! Thay are so beautiful. I love Bryce's big eyes. The last pic of Kathryn is precious!
ahhhh! that is so precious!! what beautiful, sweet faces... good work you guys. :)
They are beautiful babies! That is so funny! You'll have to use those pics as blackmail when they start to date!
I love them! I can't wait to see them and you next week:)
They are adorable! So tiny and precious. I just want to scoop them up.
The babies are sooooo cute. I think Bryce looks like Vicente and Kathryn looks like you, April. Everyone probably tells you that. Maybe it's the similar hair colors. I read your post about the hospital experience! Holy cow, they needed to listen to you! That is one thing we DO learn in nursing school by the way. It's just if you remember it or not--- the patient and family knows best! Anyway, I really want to come see you sometime. I will call. Also, everything is working out great for my sister. Thank you so much!
Love ya!
Congratulations!! your babies are beautiful. I wish I were in Utah to help you out, twins are a lot of work! Sounds like you're doing well. Stacy =-)
They are just soooo cute and so wonderfully calm and dad and Les
April...Congratulations!! The twins are adorable!! I am so happy that everything went so well and that they are home happy and healthy! You are amazing and I wish you the best of luck with your new family!!! Happy motherhood!! I love you!
Congratulations! They are beautiful babies!!! I'm so happy for you.
Soooooo cute and it looks like Kathryn likes to use a little tongue. How bad is it that I just wrote that?
Soooooo cute and it looks like Kathryn likes to use a little tongue. How bad is it that I just wrote that?
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