2) Link back to whoever tagged you.
3) Include meme number
4) Include these guidelines in your post
5) Tag 3 other green bloggers.
1. Do you use baking soda toothpaste or baking soda shampoo? If not, would you consider it?
Yes we use baking soda toothpaste. We have not used baking soda shampoo because I had no idea that their was a baking soda shampoo... will be investigating. Yes I would most certainly consider it and will try it out as soon as possible.
2. Do you make any home cleaning products?
I use a lot of vinegar and lemon juice and I also use essential oils where possible. I will put some essential oils in my final washing machine rinse. I also include essential oil (few drops) in a spray bottle of water and squirt it over my clothing when I need to damp it down during ironing. Also use essential oils as an air freshener. I use oils to suit my mood. Lavender and lemon are favourites for around the house.
I am considering making my own washing powder.
3. What is your top green issue at the moment?
Electricity/gas consumption. Use as little as possible for both green and economic reasons. Continue to strive to save much more!!
4. Given unlimited cash, what is on your fantasy green wishlist?
To be able to purchase an eco home. My biggest and most wonderful dream of all would be to build our home in a completely eco style in woodland. To be completely self sufficient. I would also like to own land that could contain one of those gorgeous wind turbines... I think they are so lovely and to be able to use all that energy from mother nature really would make me so happy!!
(Isn't that a beautiful sight!)
5. Have you implemented any new green act/behaviour/product this month?
Yes.. all my statements/bills are mostly sorted out online now. I have cancelled as many paper statements and bills as I possibly can . This will help the environment and also make me less guilty about using a computer. I have also decided that I not going to have outdoor Christmas lights this year, thus saving on energy and hopefully a more economical electricity bill.
Now for nominating three other blogs.... I am going to try to find blogs that have already been tagged with green meme 1. Please don't feel you have to do the Green Meme 2, its only if you want to.....