Showing posts with label Hot Rocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hot Rocks. Show all posts

Monday, July 06, 2009

6th Photo in the 6th Folder Tag

Tag you're it!

I was tagged by dear Susan of Hot Rocks Glass Jewels, to play a game in which I am to post the 6th picture in the 6th folder of my photos. This was actually harder than I thought as I have a ton of folders and photos! This one is an adorable photo of my oldest daughter, Lindsay, with our puppy Sadie. This was in late summer of 2001. A couple of months earlier, she had gone to England, Ireland and Wales with People to People and then sadly, just a couple weeks later was September 11th.

I am tagging the following friends to play this game:
Lady Lynn's Boutique
The Lone Beader
Three Fates Design
Unique You

Please feel free to play along or's just a bit of fun.