Showing posts with label masterpieces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label masterpieces. Show all posts

Friday, July 6, 2007

Brunch and Berkeley

I have a for you dear reader, a conundrum inside a mystery, wrapped by a gluten free riddle and topped by some fresh made guacamole. (Sorry, I'm a little hungry). But the prime component of this ponderous pearl of pontification pivots on the prestigious premise of Berkeley.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it. Does it make a sound?

Now, this little question, as interesting as it may be, has been explored extensively. However, I would like to propose an extension of Berkeley's logic here, so please humor me for a moment.

Let us suppose that an unknown artistic genius, living somewhere undetected, produces a great masterpiece and then abruptly dies. This masterpiece lies in an attic undiscovered while the world continues to turn, never to be discovered. Is this work still a masterpiece though it has never been seen by eyes other than those of the creator? Does it exist within a context, though it is not regarded within that context?

Now let us suppose that the same piece is discovered 1,000 years later and is hailed as the greatest work of that era. Was it a masterpiece the whole time or was it only a masterpiece once it was discovered and described as such?

Hmmm... do you have any salsa?


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Women In Art

A journey through western art. A little Anglo-centric, but beautiful nonetheless.