Showing posts with label Tip of the Week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tip of the Week. Show all posts

Friday, May 30, 2014

Don't Lose you hard earned Art Money

I don't know about you but as artist we are always getting email from sent by scammers. One that I get the most is I am a 12 year old taking an art class and I love your work, we have a class assignment ti interview an artist. Could you give me the following information:
Where you Were Born
Went to School
Mothers Name
Pets Name
And so on....

The 25 Riskiest Passwords

Here are the 25 most common passwords of 2012, along with the change in rank from last year.
 1. password (Unchanged)
 2, 123456 (Unchanged)
 3. 12345678 (Unchanged)
 4. abc123 (Up 1)
 5. qwerty (Down 1)
 6. monkey (Unchanged)
 7. letmein (Up 1)
 8. dragon (Up 2)
 9. 111111 (Up 3)
 10. baseball (Up 1)
 11. iloveyou (Up 2)
 12. trustno1 (Down 3)
 13. 1234567 (Down 6)
 14. sunshine (Up 1)
 15. master (Down 1)
 16. 123123 (Up 4)
 17. welcome (New)
 18. shadow (Up 1)
 19. ashley (Down 3)
 20. football (Up 5)
 21. jesus (New)
 22. michael (Up 2)
 23. ninja (New)
 24. mustang (New)
 25. password1 (New)
 Using passwords like these will significantly increase your risk of identity and other theft. password (Most popular and easily hacked.)

Tips for making more secure passwords:

 Include punctuation marks and/or numbers.
Mix capital and lowercase letters.

 Include similar looking substitutions, such as the number zero for the letter 'O' or '$' for the letter 'S'.
Create a unique acronym.
 Include phonetic replacements, such as 'Luv2Laf' for 'Love to Laugh'.

 Don't: Don't reuse passwords for multiple important accounts, such as Gmail and online banking.

Don't use a password that is listed as an example of how to pick a good password.

 Don't use a password that contains personal information (name, birth date, etc.)

 Don't use words or acronyms that can be found in a dictionary.

 Don't use keyboard patterns (asdf) or sequential numbers (1234).

Don't make your password all numbers, uppercase letters or lowercase letters.

Don't use repeating characters (aa11).

 Tips for keeping your password secure: Never tell your password to anyone (this includes significant others, roommates, parrots, etc.).

* Never write your password down.

* Never send your password (or your credit card or bank account info) by email. Sounds obvious, but if I had a dollar for every time someone did this, well, I'd have lot of extra cash.

Email is not secure. It's like writing your passwords on the back of a postcard and mailing it.

 Periodically test your current password and change it to a new one, at least four times a year.

 Don't let your computer "remember" your passwords. Yeah, I know it's easier than remembering them, but you don't want that info stored where someone (other than you) can get at it.

* About the "don't write them down or tell them to anyone" part: I have so many passwords that I can't possibly remember them all, so I keep them in a password-protected file. Of course, I made the password to that file especially difficult and named the file with something that has nothing to do with passwords (I didn't call it "Passwords").


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Memorial Day Tip

Freedom and opportunity only exist if they are used.

And one of the ways we fuel our dreams and empower the future is by "borrowing" confidence from the past. Celebrate your past achievements and use them to know, deep inside, that you can boldly go wherever your wish in the future. Go climb some big mountains! Paint a painting that you have been thinking about.

As I often do, I want to remind you to enjoy nature this weekend. Go for a hike, watch the flowers grow, fly a kite or have a barbeque, and enjoy the changing seasons. This is your life--enjoy it!
Liberty and democracy are fragile things and they do not flourish by themselves. They require loving care and costly sacrifice by those who cherish them. Every day, liberty is under attack by those who would censor our words, our thoughts and our prayers. Every day, freedom is challenged by often good, well-intentioned people who want more "order" or more political correctness at the expense of our liberty.

Flag, We Remember
Flag, We Remember, painting by Delilah Smith
About This Painting:
We Remember
7x5 oil painting on canvas mounted on a museum quality panel read to frame ro set on a small table top easle,
Media: oil painting
Size: 5 in X 7 in (12.7 cm X 17.8 cm)
Price: $100 USD
How to Purchase:

Buy this painting on PayPal
Price: $100 USD plus $10 USD s/h
" POST YOUR OPINIONS IN THE COMMENTS" or email me at All work © 2006-2014

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Tips from a Painter Bum

I'm a painter bum. People ask me how do I find the time to paint so much and how do I get that painting a day done. Here are a few tips from my studio that might help you::

Keep regular habits by day and week.

Have your workplace nearby and handy.

Use a day-timer--plan your work; work your plan.

Always ask--"Is this action necessary?"( It;s easy to get distracted)

Be businesslike--discourage time-wasters and interlopers.

Be efficient and mindful of wasted motion in your space. Keep your work space neat,

Keep Supplies on hand

As far as possible, get stuff delivered order on line .Be modern--pay bills, bank, book flights, etc., online.

Have shipments Picked up

Keep your dress code practical and simple. You don't need to look good in a studio.

I wear my husbands old shirts, they work great to paint in. I am the neighborhood painter bum , every neighborhood needs one.

When you are in public dress professionally.
  1. a person who devotes a great deal of time to a specified activity.
    "a ski bum"
Yes I am an art Addict. An Art Bum, fan aficionado, yes I am the the neighborhood painter bum, there is room for

another one..

I devote all my time to my art but I like to make the most of my day.And all work and no play would make for a very dull day.

Quit your day and move to a relatively decision-free mode: Play well, laugh much, love much, sleep well.

Here are a few of the paintings that I did in Oct. Paint on my friends.