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Showing posts with label goth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goth. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

to my dark valentine

for my soul's dark imagination: dark valentine 

"she keeps her dark love alive, even after death"

"he loves his goth princess"

"we're all mad here"

images are from retired kits from dezinaworld and mischief circus.

dark and delightful love to all.

Monday, October 28, 2013

she asks, what does the future hold?

she asks, what does the future hold--
can it be divined from board or ball?
or is the key, may i be so bold,
deep in my heart where love is all?

here is my DT creation for week two of "witchery" at lunagirl moonbeams.  while creating this piece i was inspired to write the poem above.  you have one more week to link up a creation on our theme.
i'm also linking this to the "goth/hallow e'en" challenge at drunken stampers.

love to all.