for our midweek muse: put a hat on it...
images from kate's printables, dezinaworld, pixabay, and retired mischief circus kits.
love to all
this blog is to chart my creative evolution with stamping, paper-crafting, mixed media and some other stuff i haven't figured out yet... on the theory that challenging myself to try new things and post them to the "world" will be good for me. and might also be good for others. my blog title is inspired by julia cameron's "the artist's way" and her admonition to fill the well.
for our midweek muse: put a hat on it...
images from kate's printables, dezinaworld, pixabay, and retired mischief circus kits.
love to all
images and papers from gecko galz. there is one week left to play!
love to all.
image credits: holliewood studios: bird boxes; eena’s creations: alchemist, la vie boheme; itKuPiLLi owls; mr whiskers alice theater (all from mischief circus). mortarboard is from pixabay.
love to all.
it is day 3 of ICAD 2021 -- the index card a day challenge as sponsored by daisy yellow art. the challenge is to make art on an index card for 61 days from june 1 to july 31; this is my second year playing along. so far i am continuing with my plan to work in a mini-series using the same images for 3-5 days. the ICAD theme today was lyrics but i included a bit of a page from shakespeare's king lear, my favorite of his plays.
welcome to day 2 of ICAD 2021 -- the index card a day challenge as sponsored by daisy yellow art. the challenge is to make art on an index card for 61 days from june 1 to july 31; this is my second year playing along. so far i am continuing with my plan to work in a mini-series using the same images for 3-5 days. this sweet owl is back!
love to all.