Showing posts with label art propelled. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art propelled. Show all posts

Calm in the Eye of the Storm

Night, the beloved Night, when words fade and things come alive
 When the destructive analysis of day is done, and all that is truly important becomes whole and sound again. When man reassembles his fragmentary self and grows with the calm of a tree.

                                                                    Antoine de Saint-Exupery 

Inspired by a poem shared by Robyn Gordon the other day, in her wonder-full blog, I started thinking about how we (I) can remain calm in this ever increasingly crazy world......

I am reminded of a tree.  Tall, steadfast, seemingly unflappable.......

Always loved trees as a child, still do.

I hugged them, climbed them, grew them, pruned them, walked through woods filled with them, preserved fallen leaves from them, and strove to learn the names of all of them.

In trying to remain stress free in a stress filled world, I think I should be more like a tree.

                                                                No stress.

Nothing to worry about, except when someone approaches you with chainsaw in hand, a heavy wind rips you from the ground, or a forest fire reduces you and your forest to cinder and ash.

                            But, do trees worry about that happening? I am sure not.........

Unless, of course, one is a tree in a Christmas tree lot, whether a full bodied spruce, or a tiny Charlie Brown twig- they might have an inkling of their specific purpose in life, and what is their fate..... but, still, they live each day as it comes, not looking back, not thinking ahead, living in the moment.

A tree has nothing to do but grow skyward. Nothing to think about but absorbing the sun, loving the rain,  and growing taller.


          The world continues flailing wildly around them, and trees just look up. 

Trees are blissfully unaware, just lifting their arms to the sun, drinking in the rain, firmly grasping their "feet" to their little spot of earth, and going thru' the inevitable motions of the seasons.

                                           With, apparently, 'nary a care, thought, or worry. 

                                                               Oh, to be a tree..............

Again, I Must Refer You To........................

......Robyn Gordon's wonder-full blog- Art Propelled   !!!!
If you are a fan of old fabric, sewing implements, teacups, or Alfi Cella- drop on over and check out the links and pics in her August 14th post!!!

Follow This Blog........................

I found a wonderful "new" blog!! I was blog surfing, and always check in on Art Propelled. If you have never visited that blog - you definitely should stop in!!Her wood carvings are to die for!!!!

As usual, she was featuring another wonderful artist, named Elfi Cella.

Elfi creates some amazing art - using everyday objects within her paintings. I just LOVE this one - look closely at what the chicken is aiming for!!! Her blog is in French - I don't know if there is a translation option - but you'll get the idea just looking at her work!!! I am definitely a follower now!!!!

Art Through Other Eyes.............................

If you have not been - you MUST go to Art Propelled

Several of her recent posts feature other artists' works from all over the world - as if hers were not phenomenal enough!!!:>)

The painted stones, boxed assemblages, the elephants ( I LOVE the elephants!!!) created from wood and woven recycled tires, and the Australian garden elfish gnomes- all utterly amazing!!! She has posted links to all the artists. Art Propelled's own wood carvings and totems are always very intriguing!

If you are finding your personal muse has taken a leave of absence, drop by this blog, for a pick-me-up!! A visit here will definitely give your stalled creativity a jump start!!!!