Showing posts with label upcycled china. Show all posts
Showing posts with label upcycled china. Show all posts

Tea on Tuesday...and Every Day

Even tho I have been sporadic of late, in posting Tea on Tuesdays, I am here today.

I am very busy doing some catch up quilting - online swap quilted wool PC's that need completion, charity quilts that need to be worked on and mailed off for machine quilting.

All this work, in my newly set up studio (see my previous post) , being sustained and energized by endless cups of tea !!!!

I have a pantry full of tea- and am presently working thru' bags of teas from England, France and Italy, sent to me by a wonderful traveling friend !!!

I thought I would share today, some of the photos I discovered here and there online- peaceful images of tea and it perfect companion - books!!!!  And one really cool teacup CAKE!!!!

How cool is this altered book? Wish I could give credit to the artist....

Several of my orphan vintage teacups repurposed into bird feeders- available at Turner Ham/Fulks Run Grocery and thru' me directly.

Yes, I know - it's really hot chocolate - but this yummy cupcake could so easily be tea!!!!

Back to sewing - enjoy your tea today - and please drop by Patty  for more links to tea fanciers.!
 if you have a post about your tea today - please feel free to leave you link in the comments below!! 

We'd love to visit you today (and every day!!!)