May is a month with Susan Lenart Kazmer and her products on our blog.
Here you can find an interview with our Featured Artist and some of her beautiful creations. Next week are going to have fabulous guest designers and inspirations, so to warm you up we would like to share some videos showing basic techniques on how to use
ICE Resin®.
I guess there are some of you who are frightened to use
ICE Resin®, as it may seem quite a complicated medium. I know what I'm talking about because I myself bought
ICE Resin® about a year ago and wasn't brave enough to try it for few months, but believe me -
ICE Resin® is very easy to work with. Once I tried I couldn't stop and now I'm adding Ice Resin to almost every project. Let me start with a short explanation about the product:
ICE Resin® is a 2-part epoxy resin. Part A is the Resin. It has a slightly blue tint. Part B is the hardener. It has a very slight yellow tint.
Part A and Part B must be poured with a one-to-one ratio and mixed gently but thoroughly for ICE Resin to dry and cure properly.
Crystal Clear –the beautiful, glass-like finish is more transparent. Properly cared for, your jewelry will not fade or become brittle.
Naturally Doming—like water bubbles on a freshly waxed car, ICE Resin has surface tension, and this tension allows the user to fill a bezel and make a dome.
Self-Leveling—because of its surface tension, ICE Resin levels itself in a project.
Self-Healing—the user can sand an area of ICE Resin out of a project, mix a new batch of ICE Resin and paint the resin on or pour the resin into the area and viola! Just like the cat hair, stray piece of glitter, et cetera never happened.
Cold Cure –because ICE Resin® was formulated with an 8 to 12 hour drying time and 3 day cure time, the user can colour the resin with organics an/or place organic matter in their arts and crafts projects.
Iced Enamels™ were expressly developed for creative people who enjoy the look of torch-fired or kiln-fired enamels. Combine Enamel Medium with our quick-melting Relique powders and solidify with a craft heat gun for beautiful mixed-media metalwork in minutes. Seal with a thin coat of ICE Resin® to create a permanent Cold Enameling bond that will never rub off or fade over time.
Here is the first video by Jen Cushman explaining how to use the ICE Resin® Syringe:
And now if you already know the basics here's Chantal Johnson's video that I'm sure will inspire you to experiment with the ICE Resin®:
Visit us on Monday as we are going to have our first Guest Designer this month. Please also remember about our
May challenge - only 11 days to enter now :)
Have a beautiful and creative weekend