Showing posts with label Digital Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital Art. Show all posts

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Wishing all my blogging friends a Blessed and Merry Christmas!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Steampunk Ammonite

Tonight I felt like doing something steampunkish. I haven't actually sat down and done a piece of artwork in a while. I seem to be going and doing so much lately. In fact, there could be big changes in my life. We will just have to wait and see. In the meanwhile, enjoy my steampunk creation!

"Steampunk Ammonite"
Digital Artwork by Andrea
All Rights Reserved

Elements used are by Finecrafted Designs and Marta Van Eck. Fossil provided by Art-e-ology. Textures by Kim Klassen and Tumblefish Studio.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My artwork has been published in the DeviantMuse!!

I've been published in the September issue of the DeviantMuse!!!! Recently I took a challenge at Deviant Scrap that was sponsored by Marta Van Eck. The challenge was to create a book cover using Marta's kits and the theme was "Fairy Tale." If you were in the top three, your book cover would be published in the September issue of DeviantMuse. Now, this being my first challenge and having to compete with all the very talented artists at Deviant Scrap, I really didn't believe I had a chance to be published. But I took the challenge anyway. Just one more step in helping me to be more creative. Being a HUGE "Jane Eyre" fan, I just had to do a take on my favorite book! Well, below are the results! Was I ever surprised to learn my book cover was one of the top three!!
"Jane Eyre: A Fairy Tale of True Love"
Digital Artwork by Andrea
All Rights Reserved

All images are from Marta Van Eck's "Not a Fairy Princess" and "Chocolate" kits at Deviant Scrap. I'm really enjoying being involved in the challenges and ATC swap at Deviant Scrap. Head on over and join their forum. You're sure to have a fun time!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Butterfly Fish

I just love the images that Land of Nod Studios gives away each Friday. Recently she opened an etsy shop and when she had this image for sale on one of her collage pages, I just had to have it! I also purchased some of her French letter digital images while I was there. I would recommend you stop by to see what all she has to offer!

"The Butterfly Fish"
Digital Artwork by Andrea
All Rights Reserved
Background, French Text and Image from Land of Nod Studios
Water from After 5 Designs
Flower Photoshop Brushes

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wishing and To Be or Not To Be!

I'm really enjoying putting together all the elements to make my latest digital artwork. It reminds me so much of paper dolls. I loved paper dolls when I was little, as you had so many different clothes to choose from. Quite awhile back I had purchased some digital pieces from Cemerony and they just seemed to work great with my digital pieces from Tumblefish Studio. Below are the results!
Digital Artwork by Andrea
All Rights Reserved
Elements from: Tumblefish Studio, Cemerony, Nichole Young and Photshop Flower Brushes

"To Be or Not To Be"
Digital Artwork by Andrea
All Rights Reserved
Elements from: Tumblefish Studio, Cemerony, Nichole Young and Writing Photoshop Brushes

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!

Wishing everyone a Happy and Blessed 4th of July weekend!!

"Happy 4th of July"
Digital Artwork by Andrea
All Rights Reserved
Most Elements from Tumblefish Studio
Fireworks Photoshop Brushes

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dancing in the Rain and Alice in the Land of Zetti!!

Marsha at Tumblefish Studio has been a life saver for me recently. I learned the trouble with my elbow and hand going numb was from tennis elbow. Of course, work only made it worse. So, I quit doing my digital art for a while to help the healing process. Then I was just tired by the end of the day and didn't really want to think about creating. I loved Marsha's TwoDresses and had missed getting them. Marsha was so kind a generous to allow me to get them and that started my creative juices flowing again! Then I went out to Deviant Scrap and purchased some more kits with items I didn't have previously. And Viola! My mojo was back!! I truly have enjoyed creating these art pieces the last few days and I realized what I was missing. My blogging friends and the creative support I needed. And guess what! I think I may have found some color along the way! I hope you enjoy these new pieces and thanks Marsha for the inspiration!!

"Dancing in the Rain"
Digital Artwork by Andrea
All Rights Reserved

Most Elements from Tumblefish Studio, Rain from After 5 Designs, Flower Photoshop Brushes

"Alice in the Land of Zetti"
Digital Artwork by Andrea
All Rights Reserved

Most Elements from Tumblefish Studio, Pixie Dust from Nicole Young, Flower Photoshop Brushes

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tip Toe through the Oilfield and Tillie!

It has been a while since I have posted. With the weather and being "under the weather," I've only felt like going to work and coming home. I took a bad case of sinusitus and still am not feeling my best. I do have all the giveaways ready to be mailed and as soon as I can get to the post office, they will be on the way. So sorry it has taken this long!
I did create a couple of new pieces of digital art. One is using the cabinet cards from Marsha at Tumble Fish Studios. On both these pieces I've used Paint the Moon photoshop actions. I love them!!
"Tip Toe through the Oilfield"
Digital Artwork by Andrea All Rights Reserved

I really love how this piece turned out. I inverted my image of the rigs and used a texture from DJ Pettit. Some of the elements are from Nicole Young and a texture from Lori Davidson. I then used the Strawberries and Cream photoshop action from Paint the Moon.

Digital Artwork by Andrea All Rights Reserved

This piece was used with all elements from Tumble Fish Studio. The picture is from the Cabinet Card collage sheet. I used the Sugar Cookie photoshop action from Paint the Moon.
Paint the Moon's icon is on the sidebar of my blog, so click on it to be taken to the website to order these great actions! Hope everyone enjoys!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Persuasion!

I created the following for a recent challenge from Louise at Bumble Button. Our challenge was to create a Jane Austen calling card. I personally love Jane Austen. The books, movies, I'm just in love with them all! Can you tell which is my favorite?

"The Persuasion"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

The beautiful image came from IrelandRose Nostalgia's etsy shop. I just love her images! You should check her out sometime. I also used a texture from Playing With Brushes and one from Shadowhouse Creations. And of course, my favorite quote from my favorite Jane Austen book/movie. I hope everyone enjoys!
My blog anniversay is coming next week, so look for more information on the giveaways, tomorrow. I think everyone will love the prizes.

Friday, December 31, 2010

A Blessed New Year!!

Wishing everyone in my blogging world a Happy and Blessed New Year in 2011!!
"Happy New Year"
Digtial Artwork by Andrea

Sunday, November 14, 2010

More iPhone Digital Artwork and........I'm a Winner!!

I'm saying again, something I seem to always be saying. It's been a while since I've posted to my blog. Not that I haven't had some things to post. First, thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers concerning my nephew and my mother. My nephew is now walking with a cane. He doesn't have full feeling back to the left side of his body, but he is on his way, we believe, to a full recovery. My mother is doing great! She has lost over 40 lbs since the heart attack and has received great reports from all her doctor visits.
On the other hand, I've been having some trouble, and the reason I haven't posted in a while. I use the computer every day for my regular job. I've recenly been having some trouble with my right hand getting numb and hurting from the wrist to the elbow. I've also come across about a lima bean sized knot on the bone for this arm. I have a doctor's appointment on December 2nd, and I'm hoping we can find the answer to this problem. Unfortunately, it's made me stop being on my computer and stopped me from creating artwork on my iPhone. To do either of these things just irrates the arm and I find myself in terrible pain. Yesterday, just to dust put me in great pain and I almost couldn't get my arm to my mouth to brush my teeth. Needless to say, I was in tears.
But, I'm glad to say, I had some artwork already created I could share with you. Again, I created it on my iPhone. The little angel came from Art-e-ology. I hope you enjoy!
"Snow Angel"
Digital iPhone Artwork by Andrea

Also, recently I was the winner of one of the prizes from Debrina Pratt's blog give-a-way. I was the winner of her altered tin. Thanks Debrina, I Love It!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

5 Cents Oilpatch!

This piece was created for the Grayscale challenge on Marsha's blog, TumbleFish Studio. She is celebrating two years of blogging! Congratulations, Marsha!!
"5 Cents Oilpatch!"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

Monday, September 13, 2010

Les Soeurs Francaises!!....and To Etsy or Not to Etsy...That is the Question!

This week I have two different versions of the same piece of artwork. The first, I did for my mother who just recently had her 65th birthday. She wanted me to stop at this point and I did just for her. Afterwards, of course, I had to go back and add my fossils. I hope you enjoy them both!
The beautiful sisters came from MirrorImages on Flickr. I can't thank him enough for letting me use the girls! To me they just spoke "French!" I used textures from Playing with Brushes - Flickr and Anji from Distractions Flickr. And of course, thanks to Jamie for the Ammonites! I have used them over and over!! And I've used some flower and french writing brushes.

"Les Soeurs Francaises"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

"Les Seours De Fossiles Francais"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

So, here is my delimma. I've been thinking about starting an Etsy shop, but is it worth it? Would it be worth my while, or should I just keep creating and sharing? Would love everyone's feedback! So, please take my poll at the side of my blog!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Arnold and Ladies!!

This week I learned about coloring images in my class. So, I've used a couple of Verna's images from Bird Bee and Bloom. I've used textures from several sources on Flickr. They are Anji, Shadowhouse Creations and Playing With Brushes. Plus some images from Graphic Fairy and several photoshop brushes. I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Drilling Rig!

Here is my latest creation from using techniques in Susan Tuttle's Digital Layers class! I never knew there were so many ways to work with textures. Textures are from Ghostbones. Hope you enjoy!
"The Drilling Rig"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Shop!

I want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments, thoughts and prayers concerning my mother! She is on the road to recovery, but it is a daily process. She can now walk up to ten minutes after each meal, which is a great accomplishment.
So, I'm taking Susan Tuttle's online Digital Layers class. Diane told me it would change my art, and was she ever right! I had no idea the different ways you could alter textures. To say the least, I'm having a blast! Here is one of my first attempts at using three textures. Postcard is from FrenchKissed and textures are from ShadowHouse Creations and Last Door Down the Hall.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Fossil Collector!

I've been working on this piece for a week. It's another digital art piece using a PaperWhimsy image. I really love this image! But, what I can't decide, is if I have added too many elements. So, I've just decided to post it and see. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
"The Fossil Collector"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Garden Fairy!

I've always loved Gale Blair's collage sheets of her children. In fact, I have ordered quite a few. But, not really being a paper artist, they are in a box with my other paper scrapbooking supplies. But, recently, Gale has added a new category called "Hybrid Images." These images you can use in your digital artwork. I was so excited to buy a few and try them! I really love them, because, the images are already colored so beautifully, so all you have to do is use your magnetic lasso tool in Photoshop and cut them out, and get to making your digital art. So, this week, I've used one of Gale's images. I'm also having a great time using Photoshop brushes in my artwork as well. I truly hope you enjoy it! Be sure and check out PaperWhimsy to see the great images that Gale has available!
"The Garden Fairy"
Digital Artwork by Andrea
Also, please keep my mother in your thoughts and prayers! Last Wednesday, I had to take her to the emergency room for chest pains. Come to find out, she had a major heart attack in what the Doctor's call the "Widow Maker" area of the heart. They were surprised she survived the attack! A stent was put in, and she is back home now. We also learned, at the same time, that she is Diabetic and has High Blood Pressure. It's going to be a daily walk with us, but we are so glad that she is here today! The power of prayer is truly marvelous!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Fossil Beauty!

It's been a tough few weeks lately. First, my uncle passed away a couple of weeks ago. And then last week, I had a friend pass away from cancer. It's been tough, but deep in my heart, I know that they are both in a better place, and no longer do they suffer. It's comforting to know, they are in the hands of our Lord!
I've also been finishing up a class on Photoshop. To be honest, my heart wasn't in this second course, although it had a lot of the elements I wanted to use in Photoshop. Just not as in depth as I would like to go, and that could be due to the fact the class was written for photography. So, I was excited upon visiting Diane's blog to see she had taken an online Digital Layers class from Susan Tuttle. And when the registration opened this past Sunday, I signed up! I'm getting excited to learn some new techniques, specifically geared to digital artists using Photoshop.
But, of course, I couldn't stop creating. So, here is my latest art piece. I hope you enjoy!
"Fossil Beauty"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

Sunday, June 20, 2010

New Blog Header and Background!!

I have been wanting to change my background and header for some time. There are some beautiful blogs that I follow and they were the inspiration for making the change. I've tried several over the past few days, even trying the new Design Template with Blogger. But, nothing seemed to be exactly what I was looking for. Then yesterday, I set down and this header just seemed to come together. Then from there, it was off to look for the perfect background. Today, I've stumbled on it at Background Fairy.

Art Legacy Header
Digital Artwork by Andrea
Hope you like the new look!