pas bwk my mom for her 1st check, kitorang follow up lak ngan 2nd check. this time pon gi pagi2 gak. kalo gi lambat kang, confirm dpt angka giliran yg ke 16juta!!! : P
xbwk rifqah coz dia ngan papanye. so, xde la kelam kabut sgt nak 'tangkap' bdk kecik tuh! tp, rase sunyi la pulok! hehehe...
~ ramai kan manusia? crowded woo... xcukup seat! dat's y la dat old chinese lady dok atas wheel chair! : P
~ angka giliran my mom: 60. t'balikkan bley x, ek? : P
~ tp, da time i snapped this pic, baru sampai no. 22. ade lg 58 persons queued in front of my mom.
pas check blood pressure, my mom cam gumbira jer coz bacaannye turun! senyum jer memanjang... hehehe...
* another 2 checks to go...