Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Day 2012

Hello everyone! I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving Day! I spent the actual holiday with friends because my mother planned our dinner on the following Saturday. That means I had three huge dinners last week. I never thought I would say this, but I'm tired of eating! For the dinner with friends I decide to make the dressing. This was my first time attempting it and I've heard all the horror stories about the dry or undercooked dressing so I was a nervous wreck. I called on the matriarchs in my family and I was tickled to death at the outcome. My dressing came out perfect!





We decided we wanted homemade cranberry sauce for the dinner, so I got online to see what I could discover. I found a recipe for Orange Ginger Cranberry sauce. It was so simple to make and so positively delicious. I made some more to take with me to my family dinner on Saturday. I grew up on the canned stuff that you slice, but I can promise you from this point forward I will be making my own.


There was a slight amount of stress involved with the Turducken. The directions said to cook it three and a half hours. Well it took seven. Nothing a little liquid sedative and flower picking couldn't handle. The Turducken came out just fine and everyone enjoyed each other's company while we waited. We still managed to sit down to eat at a little over an hour past the scheduled time. That's why you don't wait until the last minute to do things people.




And what a lovely table we had to sit down and enjoy our meal. I don't have public pictures to display of the food. I want to respect the privacy of the guests that attended. They were all seated around the table when the photo was taken. I had an absolutely incredible holiday and I hope all of you thoroughly enjoyed yours as well. And yaaaaaaaaaaa! Christmas is just around the corner!





