All the commotion
"The kiddie-like play"
Has people talking
Your iPhone's on fire....
Καλή σας μέρα...αφιερωμένο το πόστ σε όσους έχουν iPhonies....
After an
iPhone on an Australian plane last week
began to smoke and sizzle as the flight came into land, a report from Brazil suggests that a charging iPhone almost caused its owner to charge to the ER.
I am grateful
to Mashable for its diligent reading of Brazilian news reports that might just cause a troubling tinnitus in the ears of Apple devotees.
For, in this case, the iPhone
was reportedly charging by the bedside of its owner, Ayla Mota, when it allegedly began to emit sparks.
Mota reportedly said she was sleeping just inches from her phone--15 centimeters, she measured with some care. Woken by the sudden fizzing by her face, she saw her room was full of smoke.
The culprit, she said, was her charging iPhone, pictures of which seem to show that it was adorned by a purple-blue bumper.
The Brazilian report on the blog Techtudo suggested that Mota wasn't sure where to go with her exploding iPhone, as it was bought in France and in Brazil, only units bought there are covered by the guarantee.
Naturally, one hopes there won't be a third incendiary incident any time soon, as this might cause panicked reactions, with the world's stock markets crashing and the dollar reduced to the value of an old groat.
Currently, though, the suspect in cases such as this is the battery. Apple itself has not commented thus far.
Το λοιπόν, όπως καταλαβαίνεται εδώ υπάρχει θέμα. Έχετε τα μάτια σας ανοιχτά και προσέξτε και εσείς για κανένα φλεγόμενο iPhone. Δεν ξέρετε καμιά φορά, μπορεί να είσαστε εσείς οι τυχεροί.
Για σχόλια πάλι η μεγάλη εταιρεία του Μήλου είναι χαμένη. Να δείτε πως αν είναι ελάττωμα του iPhone το γεγονός της ανάφλεξης του, τότε η Apple θα σας πουλά και από ένα πυροσβεστήρα...όπως στην
περίπτωση του iPhone 4 με την λήψη που είχε και τα προβλήματα της αντένας του.
Αφήνω υγεία και θα τα πούμε στο επόμενο πόστ...μέχρι τότε ΚΑΛΟ ΣΑΣ ΜΗΝΑ και μετανοήστε οι iPhonakides πάρτε Android....