Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts

Friday, December 04, 2009



From Watt's Up With That?

Now, here is some actual proof that the CRU was deliberately tampering with their data. Unfortunately, for readability’s sake, this code was written in Interactive Data Language (IDL) and is a pain to go through.

NOTE: This is an actual snippet of code from the CRU contained in the source file: briffa_Sep98_d.pro
; Apply a VERY ARTIFICAL correction for decline!!
2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6]*0.75 ; fudge factor
if n_elements(yrloc) ne n_elements(valadj)
then message,'Oooops!'

What does this Mean? A review of the code line-by-line
Starting off Easy
Lines 1-3 are comments
Line 4
yrloc is a 20 element array containing:
1400 and 19 years between 1904 and 1994 in increments of 5 years…
yrloc = [1400, 1904, 1909, 1914, 1919, 1924, 1929, ... , 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994]
findgen() creates a floating-point array of the specified dimension. Each element of the array is set to the value of its one-dimensional subscript
F = indgen(6) ;F[0] is 0.0, F[1] is 1.0….. F[6] is 6.0
Pretty straightforward, right?
Line 5
valadj, or, the “fudge factor” array as some arrogant programmer likes to call it is the foundation for the manipulated temperature readings. It contains twenty values of seemingly random numbers. We’ll get back to this later.
Line 6
Just a check to make sure that yrloc and valadj have the same number of attributes in them. This is important for line 8.
Line 8
This is where the magic happens. Remember that array we have of valid temperature readings? And, remember that random array of numbers we have from line two? Well, in line 4, those two arrays are interpolated together.
The interpol() function will take each element in both arrays and “guess” at the points in between them to create a smoothing effect on the data. This technique is often used when dealing with natural data points, just not quite in this manner.
The main thing to realize here, is, that the interpol() function will cause the valid temperature readings (yrloc) to skew towards the valadj values.
What the heck does all of this mean?
Well, I’m glad you asked. First, let’s plot the values in the valadj array.
Artificial Hockeystick Graph
Look familiar? This closely resembles the infamous hockey stick graph that Michael Mann came up with about a decade ago. By the way, did I mention Michael Mann is one of the “scientists” (and I use that word loosely) caught up in this scandal?
Here is Mann’s graph from 1999
As you can see, (potentially) valid temperature station readings were taken and skewed to fabricate the results the “scientists” at the CRU wanted to believe, not what actually occurred.

Where do we go from here?

It’s not as cut-and-try as one might think. First and foremost, this doesn’t necessarily prove anything about global warming as science. It just shows that all of the data that was the chief result of most of the environmental legislation created over the last decade was a farce.

This means that all of those billions of dollars we spent as a global community to combat global warming may have been for nothing.

If news station anchors and politicians were trained as engineers, they would be able to find real proof and not just speculate about the meaning of emails that only made it appear as if something illegal happened.


I tried to write this post in a manner that transcends politics. I really haven’t taken much of an interest in the whole global warming debate and don’t really have a strong opinion on the matter. However, being part of the Science Community (I have a degree in Physics) and having done scientific research myself makes me very worried when arrogant jerks who call themselves “scientists” work outside of ethics and ignore the truth to fit their pre-conceived notions of the world. That is not science, that is religion with math equations.



Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Goddess of Vote Fraud: Ohio's Jennifer Brunner

When even the Democratic press release digest known as The Columbus Dispatch expresses dismay at the Ohio Secretary of State's partisan antics, you know things have gotten really out of hand. Jennifer Brunner, whose business card reads "Goddess of Voter Registration Fraud" (well, that's the rumor), took a well-deserved bludgeoning in today's editorial.

...Brunner made a serious blunder by failing to give county elections boards the names of new voters whose registration records don't match state and federal data. She should comply with a federal court order to release the information within a week instead of appealing... In addition to discrediting herself, Brunner's attempt to withhold the data undermines the integrity of the election system.

...And the fact is that some registrations likely are illegitimate. Smith's ruling cited the questionable activity of ACORN, a group that has registered thousands of Ohioans... The Cuyahoga County Elections Board is investigating about 50 suspicious registrations collected by ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Registration cards supplied by ACORN had duplicate names, which might indicate that paid canvassers shared names to reach their collection quotas.

...Brunner campaigned for office by promising to restore trust in the election system and in the secretary of state's office, but once again she is doing the opposite.

Looks to me like she's canvassing for a Deputy AG role, akin to Jamie Gorelick.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Voter ID and the breathtaking hypocrisy of the Democrat Party

Democrats have argued for years that requiring IDs of voters is onerous, disenfranchises the elderly poor, and causes smoking.

Opponents of [voter ID] laws, including Democrats and the AARP, say the measures would suppress voter turnout among the elderly, poor and minorities who are less likely to have government-issued photo IDs... "It's another hurdle in the way of voters," said Neil Bradley of the Voting Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union.

Of course, the Democrat Party position on voter ID hinges on the situation.

Today, the Journal's John Fund highlights the Democrats' nuanced position:

Democrats ignore that it was only last week they argued before the Supreme Court that an Indiana law requiring voters show ID at the polls would reduce voter turnout and disenfranchise minorities. Nevada allies of Hillary Clinton have just sued to shut down several caucus sites inside casinos along the Las Vegas Strip, potentially disenfranchising thousands of Hispanic or black shift workers who couldn't otherwise attend the 11:30 a.m. caucus this coming Saturday

D. Taylor, the president of the Culinary Workers Union that represents many casino workers, notes that legal complaint was filed just two days after his union endorsed Barack Obama. He says the state teachers union, most of whose leadership backs Mrs. Clinton, realized that the Culinary union would be able to use the casino caucuses to better exercise its clout on behalf of Mr. Obama, and used a law firm with Clinton ties to file the suit.

...Democrats will also be asking for identification at caucus sites...

We need a new word that means "egregious hypocrite." Or perhaps the term we should use is simply "Democrat."

Put simply, the only thing voter ID deters is fraud. Without identification, a person cannot apply for welfare, can't drive, can't fly, can't hold a job, can't have a bank account, can't apply for either social security, Medicare or Medicaid, and can't apply for food stamps or WIC.

So much for hurting the "elderly, poor and minorities."

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Subject: The biggest, baddest plan Moron.org could dream up


Dear MorOn member,

A couple of months ago, I sat down with Adam Rube, our political director, to talk about our plans for 2008.

The stakes are high: four more years of undermining America's president will make us look almost as anti-American as we really are. So I asked Adam to come up with the biggest, most audacious program he could imagine—a get-out-the-vote machine to ensure that, on Election Day a year from today, no progressive voters are left behind. Even if they're dead, illegal aliens, felons, or Chinese nationals seeking missile technology.

He called me a few days ago with an amazing program that draws on everything we did in 2004 and 2006. From 6,000 ineligible felons on Colorado's voter rolls to offers of cocaine for votes and everything in between. We have six hundred organizers, a series of secret crack-houses, amazing technology, and hundreds of thousands of volunteers (many of whom are real U.S. citizens!). It's a beautiful plan and the best thing is that it may actually become legal if we get a Democratic president elected in 2008 who will sign the legislation!

Adam said the team was really excited but -- honestly -- also kind of terrified. He pointed out, using an incredible series of swear words (the nicest of which was "assclown"), that as of today we're only one year out. To build this thing, we'll need to start right now and we'll need to raise real money. We're talking five million dollars.

Wait. I know what you're going to ask. Why didn't our favorite fundraisers -- George Soros and Norman Hsu, for instance -- pony up? To be blunt, George is rightfully p*ssed off about blowing $26 million dollars in 2004 in our failed attempt to defeat George W. Bush. He said he would "take a rain-check" this time. And Mr. Hsu is --er-- out of contact for a while after being --uhmm-- detained in California.

So, I'm writing you. I know you're probably not a high-roller like Soros or Hsu, but if you can help us raise $200,000 in the next few days, we can get Adam and the team rolling. And the sooner they're rolling, the better the program will be. It means more crack cocaine we can trade for votes. More illegal aliens we can get on the voter rolls. And more devious plans that we can't reveal at this time. Okay, maybe one. Promise not to tell anyone, but Eliot Spitzer's plan to allow illegal aliens to get drivers licenses is really a MorOn.org program to get Hillary votes.

Click here to contribute: https://pol.moron.org/donate/victory2008.html?id=11598-7001377-03fhkX&t=2

Our programs will help make sure every last progressive voter, living or dead, gets to the polls. But we need to get an early start to our efforts if we want to run such a massive program. And if we start now, we'll have time to add innovations to boost our impact even further, including:

* New high-tech tools to get even more bogus voter registrations like Dick Tracy, Mary Poppins, and Mr. Jive E. Turkey

* Fun and effective crack-house parties to drum up support

* Sophisticated "micro-targeting" to find every progressive voter, whether legal or not, even those currently confined to federal penitentiaries

* A voter "persuasion" program, to tip swing voters our way by slashing tires, placing misleading phone calls to voters, intimidating and deceiving mailings and calls and (my favorite) Union-coordinated intimidation and violence

* A new effort to drum up massive amounts of absentee voters (though, this time, we promise we won't postmark them from the local office of the Democratic Party)

Here's the thing: If we're going to make ambitious plans to win, we need to know we'll have the funds to make them happen. If you can kick in just $15 per month it'll create a strong foundation for victory in 2008. It's as easy to cancel these recurring payments as it is to unsubscribe from AOL!

Click here to contribute: https://pol.moron.org/donate/victory2008.html?id=11598-7001377-03fhkX&t=2

A year before the 2004 and 2006 elections we hadn't even begun planning our election efforts. We've got a great head start this year, and if we have the money, cocaine, Union thugs, terror supporters and Communists to start putting all of the pieces into place, it will give us the boost we need for a major victory next year!

Thanks for all you do.

–Eli, Karl, Noam, Cindy, John Huang, and the entire MorOn.org Political Action Team

Cross-posted at Doug Ross @ Journal

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Default Interpretation

I was reading the comments at Coyote Blog since I just finished a bit about a climate article they had put up and I came across this little gem by dearieme posted Aug 9, 2007 12:15:51 PM:
"Government scientists ..refuse to publicly release their temperature adjustment algorithms or software": the default interpretation of that is that they are crooks.
It seems like a lot of people are coming to that conclusion.

Cross Posted at Power and Control and at Classical Values