Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11 In My Classroom

On September 10 in my American Government/Current Events class, I presented a very effective lesson on 9/11. I made the day “come alive” for my students and the parents who were sitting in on the class. Not a dry eye in the room by the time I was done.

I personalized the lesson with details that my students will never read in history books: the days-long chirping of those cell phones at Ground Zero, the very small body parts, the pink mist in the air, the several hours I spent as I awaited word of the fate of one of my friends in the Pentagon (He, a wonderful man with several kids and a disabled wife, was called out of the building, out of the very room that was destroyed, a few minutes before the plane struck), the children who perished in the day care center at the Pentagon, tales of recovery personnel and what they went through in those weeks following 9/11, the anthrax attacks (the devil in the mail box), the many lost freedoms and the many resulting inconveniences, how this generation will never be as free as my generation, the travesty of the Flight 93 Memorial, and more — including the whitewash of Islam and my anger at today’s dhimmitude and political correctness.

I spoke without notes.

I spoke from the heart.

The last segment of my lesson plan consisted of playing Bruce Springsteen’s “You’re Missing” on the classroom's excellent sound system:

Thursday, July 04, 2013


Our Founders and others living during the first days of our republic would have been familiar with these tunes:

Wednesday, July 04, 2012


This song always makes me cry tears of happiness and patriotism:

The choral version:

Happy Independence Day, America!

Sunday, December 25, 2011


The beloved Christmas carol "Silent Night" in the original German:

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Set to the music of Samuel Barber's "Agnus Dei" from Adagio for Strings:

Leftist though he may be, Bruce Springsteen's "You're Missing" reminds us of the personal devastation wrought by Muslim terrorists on 9/11:

For this tenth anniversary of 9/11, as Barack Hussein Obama and a whole raft of others try to sing kumbaya with the Islamic world, we see that the left would like for all of us to forget 9/11 and ignore the still-present threat of Islamic terrorism.

I won't.

Not ever.

No matter how much revisionism is tossed out there for the dhimmis to suck up — even as the Ground Zero Mosque rises above the World Trade Center in New York City on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of 9/11 is used as a fundraiser for that Islamic center.

Read the names of the fallen. And take time to watch this excellent flash presentation, and gaze upon the faces of the fallen.

Never forget what happened on that day of cerulean and cloudless skies — cloudless until the smoke billowed from three sites: the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Shanksville.

Never forget that on this tenth anniversary of 9/11, by order of Mayor Bloomberg, the first responders on that day will be denied admission to the 9/11 National Memorial in New York City. The President has turned the commemoration of 9/11 into a day of community service instead of a solemn commemoration that focuses on the events of that day (Alinsky Rule #6). And a few weeks before 9/11, the Empire State Building was, once again, bathed in the light of Islamic green. Not to mention this inclusion in the 9/11 Memorial in New York City: this hardhat with an Obama symbol on it.

The attack on the Pentagon is all but forgotten in several respects. The official memorial built in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, is a betrayal.

9/11 is morphing into stories about how Muslims are victims; see this Associated Press video. And the Washington Post has been publishing the series entitled "Under Suspicion: Muslims in America."

We are watching revisionist history taking place.

Never forget that human remains are still being identified through DNA testing, even ten years later. See THIS STORY in the August 24, 2011 edition of the Telegraph. Ernest James is the 1629th victim to be identified; some 1121 victims have not been identified, and the forensic experts are not yet halfway through the 21,000 fragments of human remains retrieved for testing. Many human remains have not been, and never will be, recovered.

Remember 9/11, that day of horror: where you were, what you were doing before and after the attacks, the shock and the sorrow and the rage you felt.

And remember that the Sons of Allah would again do the same — or worse — if they could.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Music by Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg:




Wednesday, June 29, 2011


He came to his senses some years after he wrote "Imagine":
John Lennon was a closet Republican, who felt a little embarrassed by his former radicalism, at the time of his death - according to the tragic Beatles star's last personal assistant.


"...He did express support for Reagan...


"...He had moved away from his earlier radicalism...."
In other words, John Lennon grew up.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Grim facts that should be sending both parties scrambling to curb the coming financial disaster for America:

Obama self-righteously declares:
"We have to live within our means..."
Yet his policies have increased our national debt to astronomical levels.

The hypocrisy is astounding. Until one remembers that Obama is in campaign mode. Is he ever in any other mode?

Saturday, March 26, 2011


In honor of spring (hat tip to Leslie), even though we're going through a last blast of winter here in the D.C. area this weekend, and never mind the final words on the videotape:

I have a yellow tiger kitty, so I admit that this video touched my heart in a special way.

A break from politics helps us to regain perspective.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


A musical presentation satirizing the tripe our children are being taught (found at Conservative Hideout 2.0):

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Independence Day 2010

Happy Birthday, America!

One more video, in which a reading of the Declaration of Independence begins around time marker 4:20:

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Spotted at Social Sense, below is George Gershwin's "Summertime" to accompany masterful photographs:

A much needed break from politics to soothe the soul.

Friday, July 03, 2009


A lot of people probably don't even recall the name of this performer, who passed away from pancreatic cancer on June 30 at the age of seventy-five. He did both Broadway and film work. In fact, he was once a leading man.

Perhaps, however, you'll recall hearing this singer's rich baritone in the following YouTube version of the song "They Call the Wind Maria," which he performed in the film version of Paint Your Wagon:

More about Harve Presnell, including some surprises, at Always On Watch.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Excerpt from this December 6, 2007 article in the Australian News [Hat-tip to 1389 Blog - Antijihadist Tech]:
...[P]ro-Nazi Croatian singer Marko Perkovic, together with his band Thompson, will play in Melbourne on December 29.

Thompson has publicly expressed its support for the Ustashe, a pro-Nazi regime that was responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of people during World War II, and was known for singing nationalistic songs in support of Croatia.

The American Anti-Defamation League reported that concertgoers wore black shirts with Ustashe insignia and gave Nazi salutes while Thompson played.

The Israel director of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, Dr Ephraim Zuroff, told The European Jewish Press in July that a sell-out Thompson concert in Zagreb would “encourage Croatian extremist nationalists by giving official sanction to an event that constituted a brazen display of the symbols of Croatian racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia.”...
The executive director of the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission is asking that the band's visas be denied.

I used to think that Nazism was dead. But evil never completely dies. It's always waiting in the wings.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Women Of The Israeli Army

A really nice piece in the Grateful Dead style. I wish I knew Hebrew better. I'd like to be able to converse with some of the lovelies. Women who pack heat turn me on.

Music by Vlado Kreslin

More Women of the Israeli Army
Some More Women of the Israeli Army

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Love Songs For Physicists

Here are some very quarky girls you might like to know. When ever I see them my hadrons start to vibrate and my liquid nitrogen begins to boil over. They are The Cernettes.

For those of you not familiar with CERN here is a video tour of a CERN LHC project. Especially check out the description of the superconducting magnets at 4:20 into the video (15 minutes total).

Now that you know something about CERN what is so special about the Cernettes? They sing. Physics songs like:
Strong Interaction

You quark me up
You quark me down
You quark me top
You quark me bottom

You quark me up (yeah yeah, I feel your charme)
You quark me down (tau tau, I feel so strange)
You quark me top (go go on hypercharge)
You quark me bottom (shoot shoot on isospin)

You spin me 'round 'round 'round 'round yeah
You spin me 'round 'round 'round 'round yeah
You spin me 'round 'round 'round 'round yeah
You spin me 'round 'round 'round 'round yeah
I feel your attraction It's a strong interaction
You can hear them in Real Audio or Mpeg 3

The Cernettes are the official band of The Great Convincer. Which relates to the design of a Bussard Fusion Reactor for testing. Which reminds me of a song they haven't written yet. I Want to Fusion With You.

H/T Lubos Motl

Cross Posted at Power and Control and at Classical Values

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Friday, March 02, 2007

Rapid Social Change

I was doing my daily read of LGF and came across an interesting item on the Burka Band. An all girl band from Afghanistan. The music is kind of a bland techno, but the words of social commentary are in english and the visuals are interesting.

So I went looking in the comments of LGF to see if I could find out more. Commenter Peacekeeper gave a link to this site: Girl band in burka.

Here is the most interesting quote from the article.
The Burka Band has never performed in Afghanistan and at the moment the band is not active. During the Taliban regime music was totally forbidden, and women were not allowed to work. To sing in public could carry a death sentence. Today the country is still very conservative, and there is no market in Afghanistan for the Burka Band's music. The band members have to wait for a European or American record label to help them if they are to make a whole album one day.

- I'd like to play again, but right now it is not possible. Last year there was a big bomb at a concert here in Kabul , and lots of people are still against female singers because the religous leaders condemn it. It will probably take 10 years before we will have real girl bands here in Afghanistan , says Nargiz, who now works in an international organisation in Kabul.
From no music allowed to all girl bands in 10 or even 15 years is amazingly fast progress for a culture.

Given that this song was popular in Germany in 2003 it means that Afghanistan is well on the way to becoming at least a semi-modern country. It also points out the irresistability of Western and especially American culture. The old ways are dying.

Cross Posted at Classical Values