Mr. Bush will go forward with the traditional turkey pardon this morning, a custom thought to have originated with President Truman.Can't please those PETA people, I guess.
The turkey, as has been the custom since 2005, will then be flown first class, the White House said, to Disney World, where it will star as the marshal of the Thanksgiving Day parade.
This was still bad news for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, who said yesterday that Disney World does not provide proper care for the turkeys.
"Almost all of the turkeys who have received Thanksgiving pardons from the president in recent years have died within a year," a PETA spokeswoman said.
PETA pronounced the turkey's trip to Disney World "a death sentence."
What is the normal life-span for a turkey, anyway?
Have a blessed Thanksgiving, and eat turkey without guilt. I know that I will!