Showing posts with label europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label europe. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2024

October 7, 2023 massacre by Hamas could be a prelude to what could happen in the rest of the world

In this interview with a woman who grew up in a Muslim family, she warns that the Hamas bloodbath on October 7, 2023 is a horror that can happen in the rest of the globe:
"I feel that since October 7, humanity has been in a very delicate and dangerous transitional state. Everything I've been shouting and warning about for years has suddenly come out all at once for the whole world to see through the GoPro cameras of the Hamas terrorists," says Yasmine Mohammed, one of the world's leading activists for the rights of Muslim women and support for ex-Muslims.

"If the West sobers up and realizes who it is up against and how the worst versions of Islam entered the most important Western institutions, and if it then proceeds to tackle it at the core, then there could remain a chance to correct course," she says, "but if Western liberals continue to play the role of useful idiots for Muslims who use them to promote their ideology, then things will get much worse. The massacre that took place in Israel may be just a prelude to what awaits the whole world."

She does not disclose her current place of residence, and even her exact age is confidential. These security measures, along with various other precautions she takes, stem from the fear that radical Muslims will try to harm her. Given the fate of not a few Muslims or ex-Muslims who dared to publicly criticize Islam, she certainly has something to fear. Just two years ago, the world was shocked when, during a conference in New York, a Lebanese-American stabbed and wounded author Salman Rushdie. In his 1989 bestseller "The Satanic Verses," Rushdie presented unflattering depictions of the Prophet Mohammed and Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution. Since then, he has become a target for radical Muslims worldwide.

Naturally, Mohammed does not want to enter these bloody statistics, "especially for the sake of my two daughters."
Nevertheless, she gives interviews and acts with a sense of urgency, warning in harsh terms about the dangers posed by Muslim civilization. "The West is facing an obstacle called Islam," she states. "If we are afraid and do not say this truth, the price is that we will lose the free world. The risk is certainly worth it, even my personal risk."
This should by all means be an outrage that followers of the Religion of Peace would threaten her over an Orwellian thoughtcrime. Tragically, there's only so many scumbags in the west who'd rather cowardly ignore it all.
The videos disseminated by Hamas of the massacre in the communities surrounding Gaza affected her on a very personal level. "The first thing I saw was a few seconds of the video of Shani Louk, how she lay on the truck of the Hamas terrorists who abducted her from the nature rave. I closed it immediately, I simply couldn't continue. I got flashbacks within seconds: the abuse I endured as a child from my stepfather because I didn't memorize verses from the Quran verbatim; Iranian women being raped and murdered because they refused to wear the hijab; and Algerian women murdered because in their husbands' opinion they did not behave modestly. I saw generation upon generation of women whom extremist Muslim men treated as subhuman. It made me realize that the voice I am raising is more important than ever."

Alongside the personal outrage, Mohammed demonstrates extensive knowledge of both Islamic scripture and research, as well as an understanding of the prevailing sentiments in Muslim countries around the world. As someone familiar with the Muslim world from the inside, she feels her testimony is of paramount importance. The organization she founded, called "Free Hearts, Free Minds," provides support and psychological assistance to "Muslims who dare to think freely" in Islamic countries and the West. She is interviewed by media outlets and forums around the world, unraveling her story of leaving the Muslim world, and criticizing the lack of understanding in the Western liberal world of the true intentions of Islamic leaders.

In 2019, Mohammed warned about the dangerous connection between the progressive Left and Islam, in a book she published called "Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam." In addition to criticizing Western liberalism and its naivete in the face of Muslim ideologues who cunningly exploit it, she extensively recounts her personal story there.

The journey she had to go in order to publish the book also teaches a lot about the fear of what the message is trying to convey. "All the publishers refused to publish it for fear that its message against Islam would pose a security threat to them," she recounts. "Even Neil Blair, J.K. Rowling's agent, who thought the book was worthwhile and tried to convince publishing houses to publish it, couldn't help me." She decided to self-publish the book. The book sparked discussion in many forums, and to her surprise, it was translated into some 15 languages. "I wasn't prepared for that, because I didn't know how much people in places like Sweden and Germany would identify with my personal story and with my insights on Islam. I thought I was alone in this battle, and it turned out I clearly wasn't."

When I raise the possibility that in her book she predicted what is happening today, she demurs. "I'm no prophet. I just described what was happening from my perspective, as someone who was inside the Muslim world, for my Western liberal friends. Unfortunately, they suffer from severe blindness, which could end up costing Western culture dearly. Unfortunately, people who didn't listen to me at the time, or who dismissed me and saw me as 'crying wolf', are now forced to see hordes of pro-Palestinians marching through the streets of every Western capital. I took the risk of being Cassandra [a figure in Greek mythology that no one heeded; ] and I will continue to be one until my voice is heard."
She must definitely continue, without fear. But it's definitely atrocious how all these decades, the west virtually enabled much of the abominations we're seeing today, and never truly made an effort to reeducate masses not to embrace barbarism. And the double-standards are another serious issue:
Q: Can you really envision something similar happening in America?

"Certainly, it's already happening. The city of Hamtramck in Michigan welcomed a large Muslim community, as many there felt that the Muslim minority in America was feeling threatened during Trump's presidency. Many Muslims responded to the call and came to settle there. Today there are so many Muslims there that they dominate the city council. One of the first steps they took upon gaining a majority on the council was declaring that LGBT flags would not be allowed to be flown in the city. Liberals reacted with shock and a sense of betrayal. That didn't help them. All I could think was 'What on earth did these liberals think in the first place.' What's toxic about this whole affair is that if Christian parent organizations, for example, spoke critically of LGBTs, it would be dreadful and terrible and condemnation would come from all sides. But while the radical Right struggles to thrive because it is under consistent surveillance and criticism, Muslims are held to a different standard.

"Add to that what is already known to all, how with Qatari money organizations that are mouthpieces for Islamist movements have become dominant in institutions of higher education in North America, or another group, which has a growing lobby within the American government – and you get the full picture. Many have warned that this is how Islam is strengthening its hold in the West. I warned some time ago that the barbarians are at the gates. This time they didn't have to fight over Rome: They came in through the main gate, and in the name of free speech we have all surrendered to them."
While there's certainly a valid argument that the LGBT movement was naive about the Islamic movement, it's still entirely possible quite a few of the wokeists are fully aware of what Islam is like, and would bizarrely enough forfeit their practices once the Religion of Peace takes over. Suggesting it's something like what Winston Churchill called "crocodile feeders".

This is vital info, especially following a very troubling statement made by one of the released hostages, who's taking a bizarrely lenient view of the Religion of Peace that led to the horror of October 7, 2023:
Agam Goldstein, released from Hamas captivity during a November 2023 prisoner swap, spoke Saturday night at an International Women's Day rally demanding that 19 women held hostage in Gaza be released from captivity. [...]

"From what I was taught about Islam, it is a religion that believes in bringing good into the world and opposes injustice. There are verses in the Quran that explicitly say - treat women well. There is also a verse about holding prisoners, about the way it is permitted by religion to hold them. And all we can hope for is that some humanity exists within you, or at the very least that you received a mission to keep them alive.
This is stupefying when you consider it doesn't sound like she quoted any verses from the koran. I realize Goldstein may have been raised under a leftist education system, to the point she runs the gauntlet of alluding to Stockholm Syndrome, but even so, this is a huge disappointment that she's taking such a devastatingly cliched path, concealing koranic verses like 2:223, which are exactly what led to the bloodbath last year. Goldstein's statement will not solve the crisis, and will only prolong it. Much like the terrible incident Lara Logan went through over a dozen years prior, it's regrettable Goldstein is also being naive about the Religion of Peace.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Transsexual activists get Abigail Shrier event canceled at Tel Aviv location

Whether or not influence of transsexual propaganda is as severe here as it is in the USA, there's still serious problems with them, and now, it's led to brave Abigail Shrier, the author of Permanent Damage, having an event canceled at a Tel Aviv center, even if another venue was arranged:
When journalist and author Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, positing that transgenderism in teen girls is a social contagion, was released in 2020, Amazon would not allow her to advertise it, and employees of the book-selling giant petitioned for it not to be sold at all. It was twice removed from Target’s shelves, and even a lawyer from the American Civil Liberties Union called for “stopping the circulation of this book.”

With the book’s recent release in Hebrew by Sella Meir, a publisher that specializes in bringing heterodox and conservative voices to light, the debate over whether Shrier’s ideas should even be available in the public square has reached Tel Aviv’s public square: Kikar Atarim, to be precise.

Sella Meir and the Tel Aviv International Salon (TAIS) planned a book launch for Shrier for her to advise parents on what to do if their teen daughters say they are transgender. The event was planned to take place at the glass-windowed strip club-turned-event space overlooking the beach, run by the organization Social Space, for next Sunday, until the publishing house’s owner. Rotem Sella, and TAIS founder Jay Shultz were told it was canceled.

Cancellation of the book's launch in Israel

“We do not host such events,” a woman named Omer wrote. Sella said she called the event “homophobic” in a phone call.

The Social Space, which repurposes unused buildings for social projects, did not respond to numerous emails or calls from The Jerusalem Post. But it told Haaretz it would not have signed with Sella Meir in the first place had it known about the book’s content, adding that it “will not allow for any incitement.”

Sella and Shultz plan to hold the event, which has more than 150 registered attendees, on the same date at the nearby Carlton Hotel’s beach lounge.
Now let's hope the hotel stands firm on this, and that the authorities will keep it safe if needed. But this Social Space movement is clearly a disgrace if they're following a far-left belief system, and shouldn't be buying up any properties if this is how they're going to go about their business. The building where this was supposed to take place may have once housed the Pussycat Club, which was a strip bar. To think, that it was closed down for this?
Controversy surrounding the cancellation

“Nothing is more important than vibrant civil discourse and debate,” Shultz said. “Bad things happen in darkness, and sunlight is the best medicine. More speech, more insight, more conversation and more dialogue is always the only solution for tensions in society. This is the nonpartisan honest broker mission of the Tel Aviv International Salon.”

Sella said Irreversible Damage is a “book full of compassion meant to defend teens… It does not criticize lifestyles, and the attempts to prevent the conversation about it comes from ignorance and incitement. We will not give in to bullying and narrow-mindedness.”

Meanwhile, Sella Meir has begun marketing it as “the book and event that they are trying to censor.”

Steimatzky, Israel’s largest bookseller, initially declined to carry the book but said on Tuesday night that it would order copies. Tzomet Sfarim, Israel’s second-largest bookstore chain, has a small number of copies of the book around the country, but not in Tel Aviv or its liberal suburbs. The two chains hold 80% of the book market in Israel.

The Jerusalem Post was able to order a copy from a Tzomet Sfarim store in Tel Aviv upon inquiry.

“What [the booksellers] are saying is that the Israel public cannot decide for itself what to read,” Shrier said Tuesday.

“These are the same activist forces we’re seeing in America, which is a very intolerant minority that says we can’t get a message out about girls’ health,” she said. “A bunch of adults, mostly biological men, decide what we’re allowed to talk about when it comes to the health of teenage girls… It’s a very intolerant group of people that push the censorship.”
It's also disgraceful if Steimatzky and Tzomet Sefarim initially balked at selling the book, because that compounds how politicized these 2 are as a result. As for lifestyles, let's be clear. That's a form of ideology, and there's nothing inherent wrong with taking issue with that any more than Islamofascism.
Shrier said she has had many Israeli parents contact her to say they are seeing girls in their daughters’ classes decide they’re transgender.

“We’re talking about a peer contagion that has caused harm to thousands of American girls, and the peer contagion is now in Israel,” she said. “Unless parents are aware of the risks, they have no way to protect their families.”

The transgender experience in Israel

In contrast to Shrier’s experience of opposition to the book in the US, one of the leading figures in the battle to ban and banish Shrier in Israel is a “trans-non-binary” 16-year-old named Reut from Petah Tikva, who asked that her last name not be shared. She, together with other transgender youth, run a WhatsApp group with more than 200 members that is called “Anti-transphobic demonstration,” which the Post was able to view.

The effort is grassroots and not part of an organization, Reut said, though when asked if adults are involved, she said to contact Ma’avarim, an NGO that provides support for transgender Israelis.

After the Social Space canceled Shrier’s event, Reut wrote: “Following inquiries to the place… it canceled the event (which is totally a victory as far as we’re concerned)!”

Reut told the group she would send an update of the protest location when she knows where the book launch will be held.

In between classes on Tuesday, the trans activist said she and her fellow teens from different cities in Israel had commented against the book on the social media accounts for the venue and Sella Meir, and they plan to put similar pressure on any stores that carry it.

“This is a dangerous book,” Reut said. “It’s meant for parents, and one of the most important things for trans youth is to be accepted by their families.”

Without support from families, she said, “the percentage of suicides rises very sharply.”

Reut also said the book mischaracterized what she called “gender-affirming care.”

Regarding whether Shrier should be free to share her research, just as Reut and her fellow activists are free to protest her, she said: “Freedom of expression is very important, but there has to be some kind of limit.”

“To try to convince parents of trans children not to accept their children and directly harm them is something that, in my opinion, cannot be accepted in our society,” she said.
Now, what are the chances this is actually a male, and an adult man in focus here? One who's practically parroting all the same talking points of USA leftards at that. Whoever it is should be ashamed, and Shrier and company should file a lawsuit for any damages sustained. The alleged teenager sounds obnoxious, and that's one of the biggest problems with these ideologues.
Shrier detailed the argument that she makes in her book, which is that over a 100-year diagnostic history, gender dysphoria was practically never diagnosed in teen girls. Rather, it occurred in boys aged two to four who felt profound psychological discomfort with their biological sex, and most outgrew it, she said.

“When you see it, as we see in US and England and across the West, where teenage girls suddenly say they’re transgender with their friends – that is not classic gender dysphoria,” Shrier said. “That’s something else. That’s part of the social contagion.”

When an adolescent girl tells her parents she is trans, she said, the parents should treat her like the age that she is, like a girl “who doesn’t really know very much about herself or what she’s going to want long term, because that’s the truth… There’s nothing more normal than a young girl feeling really uncomfortable in her body at the onset of puberty.”
On this note, it's exactly why the direction many religious people - certainly Haredis - took with women in the past century, insisting they dress modestly and not sing, was very stupid, ill-advised, and amounted to body shaming before the left took up that whole idea. If we take that as an example, is it any wonder girls could have a bad time during puberty? That's why what the Haredis in particular have wrought must cease. Religious people could do a favor by telling their daughters it's fully acceptable to become supermodels and beauty queens, and even to work as singers. And lest we forget, girls should be told to be proud of their bodies, and not embarrassed by them.
The “irreversible damage” to which Shrier refers to in the book is from hormone treatments or surgical interventions that could lead to infertility, as well as other medical side effects, such as lower bone density, that have come to light in recent years.

“In many cases, they are infertile,” she said. “Their bodies are forever changed, and they are not leading the lives that they would have hoped and their families would have hoped for them.

“If there’s a chance of arresting this in Israel and saying to your daughter, ‘Listen, we love you, but I’m not going to pretend you’re a boy’… that’s a really good place to start.”

Shrier said the way Israel handles this book “will determine the fate of a lot of girls between the ages of eight and 20, their quality of life and whether they can be healthy and whether they’ll be permanent medical patients.”

Asked where she thought the line should be drawn for freedom to disseminate controversial ideas, she said: “Whatever the line is, it shouldn’t be drawn [to prevent] giving information to parents on the very real risks of gender medicine.”

Shrier cited several European countries, including the UK, Sweden, France and Finland, which are reconsidering their policies and curtailing gender-related treatments for minors.
And if they can reconsider, that's why here too, all must be done to put a stop to these extremists who're serving as a 5th column to take attention away from Islamofascism. On which note, you can be sure these LGBT activists here have no issue with Islam, in contrast to Judaism.

Here's more on this at the Jewish Press.

Saturday, April 09, 2022

China, Fearing Regime Change by the U.S, Bulks Up Its Nuclear Deterrence Capabilities

An eye opening report. 

My first thought, "Well that's just great (*Eye-roll*)."

At the Wall Street Journal, "China Is Accelerating Its Nuclear Buildup Over Rising Fears of U.S. Conflict":

China has accelerated an expansion of its nuclear arsenal because of a change in its assessment of the threat posed by the U.S., people with knowledge of the Chinese leadership’s thinking say, shedding new light on a buildup that is raising tension between the two countries.

The Chinese nuclear effort long predates Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but the U.S.’s wariness about getting directly involved in the war there has likely reinforced Beijing’s decision to put greater emphasis on developing nuclear weapons as a deterrent, some of these people say. Chinese leaders see a stronger nuclear arsenal as a way to deter the U.S. from getting directly involved in a potential conflict over Taiwan.

Among recent developments, work has accelerated this year on more than 100 suspected missile silos in China’s remote western region that could be used to house nuclear-tipped missiles capable of reaching the U.S., according to analysts that study satellite images of the area.

American leaders have said the thinking behind China’s nuclear advance is unclear. Independent security analysts who study nuclear proliferation say they are also in the dark about what is driving Beijing after exchanges between Chinese officials and analysts mostly dried up in the past few years.

The people close to the Chinese leadership said China’s increased focus on nuclear weapons is also driven by fears Washington might seek to topple Beijing’s Communist government following a more hawkish turn in U.S. policy toward China under the Trump and Biden administrations.

American military officials and security analysts are concerned China’s nuclear acceleration could mean it would be willing to make a surprise nuclear strike. The people close to the Chinese leadership said Beijing is committed to not using nuclear weapons first.

China plans to maintain an arsenal no larger than necessary to ensure China’s security interests, they said, adding that the Chinese military believes its nuclear weapons are too outdated to present an effective deterrent against a potential U.S. nuclear strike.

“China’s inferior nuclear capability could only lead to growing U.S. pressure on China,” one person close to the leadership said.

Nervous international reaction to Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s call for his nuclear forces to be put on alert following his invasion of Ukraine has offered Chinese officials a real-world lesson about the strategic value of nuclear weapons. So did Ukraine’s decision in 1994 to turn over the nuclear weapons left in the country after the breakup of the Soviet Union in return for security assurances from the U.S. and Russia.

“Ukraine lost its nuclear deterrence in the past and that’s why it got into a situation like this,” said a retired Chinese military officer with ties to the country’s nuclear program.

The people familiar with the Chinese leadership’s thinking said Beijing hasn’t conveyed any adjustments to the country’s nuclear policy as a result of developments in Ukraine. China’s Ministry of Defense didn’t respond to a request for comment.

The people have knowledge of Beijing’s thinking about nuclear policy through their work with various agencies involved in security issues. None are directly involved in the setting of nuclear policy. They didn’t preclude that future developments might change Beijing’s approach and said other factors may also be influencing the leadership’s approach to nuclear weapons.

Their observations nevertheless bring greater clarity to a shift in Beijing’s thinking that has far-reaching consequences globally. Rising tension between the U.S. and China over nuclear weapons could throw the world back into a Cold War-style nuclear standoff similar to that seen in the decades following World War II between the U.S. and Soviet Union.

The risk of miscalculations this time could be higher, however, because while the U.S. and Soviet Union communicated about their nuclear weapons during arms control talks from the late 1980s, the Chinese program and Beijing’s thinking on the role of nuclear weapons has been shrouded in secrecy. China has declined to engage in nuclear arms control talks with the U.S., saying Washington should first reduce its nuclear inventory.

U.S. government and private sector estimates put China’s nuclear arsenal in the low hundreds of warheads, far below the roughly 4,000 warheads held by both Russia and the U.S. The Pentagon says it now expects China to have 1,000 warheads by the end of this decade.

Satellite images taken during January show the last 45 of the temporary covers over each of 120 suspected missile silos near the city of Yumen have been removed, suggesting the most sensitive work at all of the silos has been completed, said Matt Korda, a senior research associate for the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists in Washington. At two other smaller silo fields in western China, work is at earlier stages.

The silos at each of the sites are large enough for a new long-range Chinese missile known as the DF-41 that was put into service in 2020 and is capable of hitting the U.S. mainland, analysts say. Tests of missiles that are launched from aircraft and can carry nuclear warheads also give Beijing a stronger chance of being able to retaliate if it is hit first in a nuclear attack.

In public, China has played down its nuclear pursuits.

“On the assertions made by U.S. officials that China is expanding dramatically its nuclear capabilities, first, let me say that this is untrue,” Fu Cong, director general of the Foreign Ministry’s arms control department, said earlier this year. He said that China is working to ensure its nuclear deterrent meets the minimum level necessary for national defense.

Chinese leaders had seen nuclear weapons as being of limited value because they don’t offer realistic options for fighting most wars. A major shift occurred in early 2020, according to the people familiar with the leadership’s thinking, as the U.S. government hardened its stance toward Beijing in the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Strong criticism of the Communist Party from senior Trump administration officials spurred a consensus among Chinese leaders that Washington was willing to take greater risks to stop China’s rise, some of the people said.

A May 2020 speech in Mandarin by former Deputy National Security Adviser Matt Pottinger was particularly alarming, they said. Speaking on the anniversary of a pivotal 1919 student protest in China, Mr. Pottinger said: “Wasn’t the goal to achieve citizen-centric government in China, and not replace one regime-centric model with another one? The world will wait for the Chinese people to furnish the answers.”

“The speech was obviously calling the Chinese to topple the Communist Party,” one person familiar with the Chinese leadership’s thinking said.

In response to a request for comment, Mr. Pottinger said that such an interpretation was “a profound admission that the Communist Party knows it has failed to deliver citizen-centric governance, and it confirms what everyone already suspected: What Beijing fears above all is its own people.”

At the same time, increased support from the U.S. for Taiwan, a democratically self-ruled island that Beijing views as a part of China and has vowed to put under its control, prompted Chinese leaders to debate the prospect that the U.S. might be willing to use nuclear weapons in a conflict over the island, according to the people close to the leadership...


Friday, March 02, 2012


It has been said before, but I will repeat it again:


and let me restate it again, just in case any ekonutsies don't get it:

GASOLINE CARS ARE  (and will continue to  be...) GREENER THAN ELECTRIC!!!

After a 2 year study the German Öko Institute has concluded that gasoline powered vehicles are cleaner than Electric powered vehicles. The implementation of electric cars will have NO IMPACT on the reduction of CO2 until 2020!  (let's ignore the fact that the whole CO2 meme is dubious...)

Instead, the study recommends further improvements in fuel efficiency of gasoline powered vehicles.

While the EU continues to stumble head over heels, foisting all sorts of ineffective Green initiatives upon its citizens, is it any wonder the economy of Europe is going down...and staying there?

Sunday, February 26, 2012


From this source, we learn about what it takes to start up an online business in Greece (hat tip to MK):
...At the health department, they were told that all the shareholders of the company would have to provide chest X-rays, and, in the most surreal demand of all, stool samples....
Bureaucracy run amok. Literally into the muck.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Of all the filthiest acts the MSM could commit in their demonization of Rifqa Bary, not to mention the "parents" themselves, do you know what they've done now? They've given her diaries to the Orlando Sentinel to publish. Of course, there's the question if anything extra was fabricated in their drive to demonize her.

Is this what real parents do? Is this what any decent person does, to expose someone else's private properties, which is a violation of privacy? This is most truly disgusting, and Rifqa's counsel should sue the paper over this. Come to think of it, they should sue the "parents" as well. This exposes the "parents" as the attention-hungering hatemongers they really are. Such vile characters should be shunned and ostracized by any and all sensible society.

Update: Rusty at the Jawa Report has some extra things to observe on the case, including a certain blogmaster's surprising irresponsibility in how he addressed Rifqa's defenders.

Update 2: Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch have a new video of Rifqa from last May that's also interesting for viewing, as well as the following statement by Bruce Bawer for the Intl. Free Press Society and Free Thinking Films about Europe's multiculturalists:
And in many cases they shamefully close their eyes to honor killings. The murders by parents and siblings, of girls and women who in some cases doing no more than looking at a boy the wrong way, have according to Islamic beliefs, soiled family honor. European authorities are so much a prisoner of multiculturalism that they could actually believe that their obligation in such matters is not to protect innocent children from brutality, but to display sensitivity to cultural difference.

Within Muslim communities, there are only a very few unimaginably bold men and women, who dare to speak out against the traditional sharia based autocracy of the Mullahs and Imams. And when they did so, they were not defended, let alone praised for it by the government, media or by professors,but were rather accused of betraying their people and rocking the boat. Take the writer Whalid Al-Kalbaisi, who came to Norway from Iraq many years ago, and has recounted a conversation he had with the Ethnic Norwegian Director at what Al-Kalbaisi described as an "international cultural center".

This cultural bureaucrat plainly thought of himself as being devoted heart and soul to the welfare of immigrants, but when Al-Kalbaisi raised the question of the freedom of Muslims to criticize or even leave their own religion, the cultural bureaucrat was displeased. "You are a Muslim Whalid", he said, "and you must not lose your identity. " "But do you believe", Whalid asked, "that I will lose my identity if I believe in the freedom of expression?" "Listen" the man replied, "this is something that you decide yourself, but your attitude causes a lot of problems. We want to create a multicultural society and we don't want to dissolve these foreign cultures, your attitude alters all our plans, it creates conflicts between immigrants.
I think that's telling of what Norway for one has in mind for its own country.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


The Jerusalem Post writes about Netanyahu's scheduled meeting with US/European officials:
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will make it clear in his discussions with US and European officials abroad that Israel will not accept any limitations on its sovereignty in Jerusalem, sources at the Prime Minister's Office said, immediately before his plane took off from Tel Aviv on Monday afternoon.

The PMO sources said Netanyahu also stressed that normal life in the settlements will need to be assured.

Netanyahu was leaving Israel for a visit in London and Berlin, where he is scheduled to meet with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US special Mideast envoy George Mitchell.

In his meetings with Brown and Merkel, Netanyahu will raise the need to apply maximum pressure on Iran "in order to stop their nuclear march," the sources said, adding that the prime minister discussed the matter with French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday night.

In addition to the Iranian nuclear threat, Netanyahu will discuss bilateral security issues with his European counterparts.

Regarding Netanyahu's meeting with Mitchell, which will be held in London early on Wednesday morning, the sources said that while there has been a certain degree of progress in the discussions leading up to the meeting, a "breakthrough" is not expected.

The sources reiterated remarks made by Netanyahu on Sunday, noting that the Israeli-Palestinian peace process was expected to resume in the end of September.
I'm not going to turn a blind eye to the hard questions here now, but what about allowing construction in Jerusalem and the "settlements"? As Caroline Glick said in the article in the prior topic, if he's going to bar building, then he's not conducting a strong policy or doing well on his assurances. Don't take his statements here at face value. I realize that wouldn't be a good idea.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The Irish government has agreed to take in 2 Guantanamo inmates:
DUBLIN – Ireland has agreed to accept two inmates from the Guantanamo prison camp in Cuba within the next two months, Irish Justice Minister Dermot Ahern announced Wednesday.

Ahern said the two men belong to a group of about 50 prisoners who are "no longer regarded as posing a threat to security but who cannot return to their own countries." The United States has appealed to European Union countries to give most or all of those men sanctuary, but until now only France has stepped forward to accept a specific detainee.
Whoops, looks like even France may have put themselves in more danger than need be too. For how do we know these men really aren't deadly anymore?
In January after taking office, U.S. President Barack Obama announced his intention to close the 7-year-old military prison. He specifically appealed to European countries such as Ireland — long critical of the Guantanamo prison and demanding its closure — to shelter inmates who have been cleared as terrorist suspects but would face prison, torture or execution if deported to their homelands.

Ireland is the second EU member to reach agreement with the Obama administration on the issue. France received one Algerian ex-inmate in May in a gesture timed to an Obama visit.

Several other European governments say they are willing in principle to take ex-Guantanamo inmates eventually. But they stress that any delays are down to the Obama administration, which has struggled to forge a plan to close Guantanamo that resolves legal and political obstacles — particularly grassroots opposition to permitting any resettlements on American soil.

Portugal, which was the first nation to call for a coordinated EU role in helping to close Guantanamo, said last month it still plans to take two or three prisoners, but has no agreement yet with the U.S.

The only group of Guantanamo inmates to receive enthusiastic third-country offers for resettlement are Chinese Muslim separatists called Uighurs.

Albania took five Uighurs in 2006, Bermuda took four more in June, and the tiny Pacific island of Palau has offered to take the 13 remaining in Guantanamo. The U.S. has yet to accept that offer.

Most of the approximately 230 men still locked up in Guantanamo are from Yemen, which the United States says lacks reliable prisons and terror "rehabilitation" programs. Negotiations are continuing to transfer most or all of the Yemenis to neighboring Saudi Arabia instead.

Ahern said the two Uzbeks coming to Ireland would receive permanent residency rights and would not be treated as refugees, a legal status that would allow them to work and move freely.
But how do we know they wouldn't plot behind the scenes to commit more acts of terrorism within these European countries? The reason why many of them are being sent to European ones and not released in the US/Canada is because the controversy that would result there is already clear. But what about in Europe? Do the citizens there not care enough to protest this? And think of the costs it could take to keep these terrorists under surveillance.

Sunday, June 07, 2009


It's starting to happen. People are waking up. Europeans are getting fed up with leftist socialism, dhimmitude. They are a road map for the US--Conservatives need to stand up and fight back--and vote. This is what happens when you do. Breaking via Yahoo. Read it all here.

BRUSSELS – Europe was leaning to the right Sunday as tens of millions of people voted in European Parliament elections, with conservative parties favored in many countries against a backdrop of economic crisis.

Opinion polling showed right-leaning governments with edges over their opposition in Germany, Italy, France, Belgium and elsewhere. Conservative opposition parties were tied or ahead in Britain, Spain and some smaller countries.

For many, the Europe-wide elections were most important as a snapshot of national political sentiment.

High unemployment across Europe has increased voter dissatisfaction with mainstream national parties, and skepticism over the EU's power to help spur economic recovery.

Polls ahead of Sunday's vote showed German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democrats leading the center-left Social Democrats in Germany, which holds national elections in September. Merkel hopes to form a center-right government after the national vote with the pro-business Free Democrats.

Voters in Germany are more concerned about the costs of financial intervention than the commitment to job preservation favored by the Social Democrats, said Tanja A. Boerzel, a political scientist at Berlin's Free University.

In France, President Nicolas Sarkozy's conservative UMP party has steadily held the lead in polls, with the Socialist Party second.

Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi's Freedom People's Party held a two-digit lead over his main center-left rival in the most recent polling despite a deep recession and a scandal over allegations he had an inappropriate relationship with an 18-year-old model. Analysts saw Berlusconi's tough stance against illegal immigration as a vote getter.

In Britain, dissident Labour legislators said a plot to oust Prime Minister Gordon Brown could accelerate after the party's expected dismal results in the European elections are announced.

Opponents say the Labour leader has been so tainted by the economic crisis and a scandal over lawmakers' expenses that the opposition Conservatives are virtually guaranteed to win the next national election, which must be called by June 2010.

More here.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


David Horowitz and Opening Remarks

Geert Wilders masterful speech

Speech Part 2 and Q & A

"FITNA" movie

Source: Weblog GeertWilders

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Hat Tip: Pat Dollard

Europe has been "sucking on our tit" since WWI...

Monday, March 16, 2009


EU reps like Javier Solana are attempting more interference in Israel's internal politics:
The European Union urged Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday to craft a government that embraces the long-standing goal of an independent Palestinian state living side by side with Israel.

The prospect of a new hawkish government, with Israel Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman as a possible foreign minister, will be seen in Europe as a setback to the Middle East peace process.

"Let me say very clearly that the way the European Union will relate to an [Israeli] government that is not committed to a two-state solution will be very, very different," said Javier Solana, the EU's foreign and security affairs chief.

US, European and moderate Arab officials have largely remained silent about the possibility of Lieberman becoming Israel's top diplomat. But as Netanyahu is in the final stages of crafting a coalition government based on the Feb. 10 election outcome that prospect could become a reality this week.

Solana and other EU officials met with the foreign ministers of Egypt and the Palestinian authority to discuss the formation of a Palestinian unity government - bringing the rival Hamas and Fatah factions under one roof - and rebuilding the Gaza Strip after Israel's recent offensive.
Solana is one of the most disgusting people in the EU, who led to a lot of the current problems. And any "urging" they do here is merely an attempt to dictate to another country how to run its business.

Here's some more on this over here.

Monday, December 08, 2008


An interesting new discovery in the genetics field:
From the 15th century on, Spain's Jews were mostly expelled or forced to convert, but today some 20 percent of Spaniards have genes similar to Sephardic Jews, a study has found.

A report in the American Journal of Human Genetics says almost a fifth of Spaniards have genes similar to Sephardic Jews. With a population of more than 40 million, Spain may thus have 8 million citizens with "Jewish" genes.

"The genetic composition of the current population is the legacy of our diverse cultural and religious past," study author Francesco Calafell, on the evolutionary biology faculty at Barcelona's Pompeu Fabra University, said Friday. Along with researchers from Leicester University in England and the Wellcome Trust, the study compared DNA samples from 1,140 men in Spain, Portugal and the Balearic Islands with established data on Moroccans, Algerians, and Sephardic Jews in Istanbul and Israel.

"The work shows that religious conversions and subsequent marriages between people of different lines had a significant impact on modern populations both in the Balearic Islands and in Portugal," another author Elena Bosch said in a statement.
There's some more here. By the way, I think I remember reading years ago that a lot of Armenians are distantly related to the Israelis. This page may offer more insight on that.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


French president Nicholas Sarkozy has summed up the problems with Barack Obama's foreign policy positions (Hat tip: Hot Air):
French President Nicolas Sarkozy is very critical of U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama’s positions on Iran, according to reports that have reached Israel’s government.

Sarkozy has made his criticisms only in closed forums in France. But according to a senior Israeli government source, the reports reaching Israel indicate that Sarkozy views the Democratic candidate’s stance on Iran as “utterly immature” and comprised of “formulations empty of all content.”

Obama visited Paris in July, and the Iranian issue was at the heart of his meeting with Sarkozy. At a joint press conference afterward, Obama urged Iran to accept the West’s proposal on its nuclear program, saying that Iran was creating a serious situation that endangered both Israel and the West. According to the reports reaching Israel, Sarkozy told Obama at that meeting that if the new American president elected in November changed his country’s policy toward Iran, that would be “very problematic.”
Wow. Now that's saying something. Indeed it would be a problem, since no way is Iran going to cease their nuclear warfare building by just asking them.

On France24 Television news, they tried to make it sound as though Europe prefers Obama. This should prove otherwise, and it's also a very good warning of some of the things that could go wrong under an Obama-led government.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Yes, there are some people from Israel caught in the crossfire, and even locally born Jews too:
(IsraelNN.com) As the Russian offensive against Georgia rages on, 40 Israeli teachers are trying to make their way out of Georgia, via Turkey or Armenia, and some 50 Jews have requested to make Aliyah (immigration to Israel).

The 40 teachers arrived in Georgia's capital city of Tbilisi on Friday in the framework of a vacation trip organized by the Histadrut Teachers Union. Upon landing, however, they abruptly found themselves in the middle of a war zone, with no way to leave. Arkia, the Israeli airline that flew them in, has already announced the cancellation of its next flight from Tbilisi to Israel, this coming Friday, because of the war situation.
A factory run by Israeli investors was also bombed by Russia's army of darkness. With this declaration of war, I'd say Vladimir Putin has fully shed the mask and shown that he is as bad as the Leninists who came before him.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Good news!: Islamic Preachers To Teach Koran In Schools

In British state schools (hattip: thereligionofpeace):
STATE schools should be forced to open their doors to Islamic preachers teaching the Koran, the largest classroom union demanded yesterday.


The union’s general secretary Steve Sinnott said that allowing Muslim imams to preach in schools would be a way to reunite divided communities.
Choose the Islamic preachers wisely:
Almost half of Britain’s mosques are under the control of a hardline Islamic sect whose leading preacher loathes Western values and has called on Muslims to “shed blood” for Allah, an investigation by The Times has found.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Kurt Westergaard Still The Only European With Backbone

Danish caricaturist Kurt Westergaard, who recently published another Islam critic Mohammad cartoon (with two bomb-in-turban Mohammads), is the only well-known European who openly supports Geert Wilders and the broadcasting of the movie "Fitna".

Not a single politician has had the courage to do the same.

But then again, Mr. Westergaard is the one who needs police protection 24 hours a day because the islamotards want to chop his head off.

The European politicians couldn't care less.

Kurt Westergaard: "Never limit the freedom of speech":
ÅRHUS - Dutch politician Geert Wilders should definitely air his anti-Quranfilm, Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard says Monday in an exclusive interview in the Dutch newspaper ‘de Volkskrant’.

Westergaard says he does not understand Dutch politicians who say that Wilders should not air his film. ‘There is not a single politician in Denmark that would state a similar thing. That would mean political suicide for him. Every Danish politician knows you should never limit the freedom of speech.’

Westergaard does not regret his caricatures of the prophet Muhammad ‘at all’. ‘It started out as and still is a matter of freedom of speech.’ Westergaard considers starting this debate as a ‘duty’ of newspapers and cartoonists. ‘Muslims are to accept that.’
Which many of the misunderstanders haven't. To them, Mr. Westergaard is the extremist:
The Danish cartoonist loathes the role of members of the Muslim elite, because they compare him to ‘an extremist like Osama bin Laden’. Westergaard: ‘After the nazis, fascists and communists there is a new totalitarian force threathening Europe, of course not Muslims as a group, but a number of extremists’.

Westergaard considers his cartoons perfectly acceptable and thinks ‘everything’ should be able to be said in democracies as Denmark and the Netherlands. If Muslims feel offended by that, they should ‘learn’ to cope with that. ‘We live in a tolerant society. This is the way we do this here.’
The other alternative is to start consulting the Muslim elite before publishing anything that might be "offensive".

Is that the goal of the European politicians?

As of today, so it seems.

That's the real disgrace.


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Movie About Religion of Peace Raises Terrorist Attack Level

Increased to "substantial":
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Netherlands is to raise its national risk level of a terrorist attack to "substantial", partly due to a new film made by a politician that is expected to be critical of the Koran, media reported on Thursday.

The justice minister is expected to send parliament an updated threat assessment later in the day, also citing a heightened terrorism threat level around the world, unnamed cabinet sources told ANP news agency.

The level had been at "substantial" before as religious and racial tensions simmered after an Islamic militant killed director Theo Van Gogh in 2004 over a separate film he made accusing Islam of condoning violence against women.
Do you see the irony?

Anyway, this is a golden opportunity for muslims and muslim leaders to make a fool of Geert Wilders.

In fact, they, as worshipers of islam, have a responsability and an obligation to prove Mr. Wilders wrong.

I urge every muslim to follow the National Moroccan Council's advise:
"We will have succeeded if, after the film, Mr. Wilders is frustrated," chairman, Mohamed Rabbae said at a news conference in January. "If he sees there are no riots and Muslims are cleverer and more democratic than he thinks."
Shouldn't be too hard to accomplish in a civilized world.

Update: The less favorable reaction would be something like this:

Salah Al-Din Brigades Spokesman on Al-Jazeera Calls on Muslims to Bomb, Burn Down Danish Embassies and Kidnap Danish Ambassadors to Slaughter Them at Muhammad's Tomb

You see, it doesn't fit in with the "Religion of Peace"-thingie...

SUGIERO-search: Geert Wilders, Fitna.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Movie About Religion of Peace Needs Anti-Terror Screening

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende is doing his best to block the anti-islam movie "Fitna".

Now Geert Wilders has been obliged agreed to screen the film for the dutch anti-terror coordinator.

First time in history? Don't know, but hey, what can go wrong? After all, the movie is about the Religion of Peace!

Mr. Wilders also has a few words for the Prime Minister:
Anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders says he will allow the Dutch anti-terrorism coordinator to see his controversial anti-Koran film before it is released, but only on condition that the viewing is not used as and excuse to ban it, NOS tv reports on Tuesday.

Earlier the Telegraaf said Wilders had refused to show the 10-minute film to Tjibbe Joustra, who is responsible for Wilders' security.

Wilders also blamed prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende for ‘all the trouble to come’, according to NOS. Balkenende is a ‘weak, frightened man who gives way to threats’, Wilders, leader of the PVV anti-immigration party said.
Update: Wilders says his film is legal:
The leader of the right-wing Freedom Party, Geert Wilders says there is nothing illegal about his anti-Qur'an film Fitna. He is negotiating with a number of television stations about their broadcasting the film, under the condition that it be sent out in its entirety.

Mr Wilders hopes to find a television station willing to broadcast the 15-minute film within the next few days; otherwise he will show it at a press conference later this month and then broadcast it via the internet. He is willing to show the film to National Anti-Terrorism Coordinator Tjebbe Joustra one day before its broadcast. However, he wants a guarantee that the film will not be banned. Sources in the Justice Department say such a guarantee cannot be given.
