Showing posts with label scotland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scotland. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2024

Humza Yousaf resigns as Scotland's first minister

Some thankful news coming from Scotland, as the first Muslim to serve as premier at the north end of the UK is resigning, following controversial leftist policies that only caused a lot of justified outrage:
Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s first minister, resigned on Monday after just 13 months in office following a series of muddled progressive policies that culminated in him torpedoing his own governing coalition.

Yousaf, who became the first Muslim leader of a Western democracy, stepped down on Monday after his decision to rip up an agreement between his Scottish National Party and the Green Party, known as the Bute House Agreement, cost him a working majority.

[...] In the aftermath of Yousaf’s decision, a vote of no confidence was called for this week. And although he gave no indications he would resign last Friday, he changed his mind over the weekend.

[...] He became leader of the SNP and first minister in March 2023 after longtime party leader Nicola Sturgeon stepped down. Her resignation came during a police investigation into alleged misuse of campaign funds. Her husband, former SNP treasurer Peter Murrell, was charged with embezzlement earlier this month, while Sturgeon herself was questioned and released without charge last year. Both deny any wrongdoing.

Yousaf’s short-lived tenure will be remembered, however, for controversial legislation that would make it easier for people to change their gender, which was at odds with the Conservative-led Westminster government.

His party also introduced a hate crime law that made transgender identity a protected characteristic. The law generated criticism from the likes of Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who lives in Edinburgh, and even X owner Elon Musk.

In the end, Yousaf’s tenure was made untenable after he scrapped the Bute deal with the Greens over climate change policy disagreements.

Douglas Ross, the leader of the Scottish Conservatives who tabled the motion of no confidence, told STV that Yousaf was “forced … out of office for repeatedly failing Scotland.”
Not mentioned, and likely because these papers have regrettably succumbed to PC, is that Yousaf's policies would doubtless be employed in the future to enforce Islamic sharia, and not just LGBT ideology. Admittedly, it's interesting that an Islamist would approve of something like that, but surely because most Muslims couldn't give a damn if transsexuality ends up hurting "kuffar", so long as Muslims aren't affected.

Yousaf's departure from the role of First Minister in Scotland is most fortunate, and now, we must hope better yet, that the conservative party in Scotland will be able to win an election, if one is to be held soon.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

USA government hires pro-Hamas PLO spokesperson to help bring Gazans into the country

While Republicans oppose bringing Muslims from Gaza into the USA, the Biden administration is making sure that's what'll be done, as they hired a PLO employee to handle such affairs:
The U.S. immigration enforcement agency hired a former spokeswoman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and put her in a position to determine who gets to come into the country as an immigrant or “asylum seeker.” Now the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officer is repeatedly posting pictures of Hamas terrorists parachuting in with guns and writing, “F*** Israel and any Jew who supports Israel,” a Daily Wire investigation found.

Nejwa Ali worked in 2016 and 2017 as a public affairs officer for the Palestinian Delegation to the U.S., which according to its own website, served as the “PLO office in D.C.” That office was expelled from the country by the Trump administration, but Ali landed on her feet, according to a screenshot of her LinkedIn profile, securing a job at DHS as an “Asylum Officer,” where she was tasked with “applying immigration laws and regulations to asylum applications.”

This January, she moved over to being an Adjudication Officer for the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service (CIS). People with that job, according to the agency, “analyze new or amended legislation and policy, prepare written reports of findings, and review and make determinations on cases for immigration benefits.”

Though Ali’s job at DHS included vetting people to make sure they were not a threat to the country before letting them in, it’s not clear that anyone from the agency vetted her. That her primary allegiance was to the Palestinians, not the United States, was evident from her social media profiles, where she posts as “Falastine Mi Amor.”

She has posted extremist rhetoric continuously to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for years — rhetoric that intensified this month as Palestinian terrorists murdered over 1,000 Jews on October 7 and Ali cheered. “F*** Israel, the government, and its military. Are you ready for your downfall?” she wrote on Instagram after the attacks

According to her social media profiles — which say she is “American born, Palestinian @ heart” — Ali is from Dearborn, Michigan, a hotbed of unassimilated immigrants where thousands reportedly took to the streets in support of the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel.

Ali has made several posts glorifying the terrorist attacks on Israel, including one depicting armed terrorists paragliding into the Jewish state with the caption, “Free PALESTINE.” [...]

USCIS declined to say why it would hire someone who previously worked for a foreign quasi-government that was expelled from the United States and put them in position to determine who was allowed to come into the country
. [...]

The United States is facing pressure from the political Left to welcome Palestinian refugees into the country amid Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. It is officers like Ali who would be tasked with advising the government whether or not it would be safe to grant entry to an applicant.
This of course contradicts Biden's alleged positions, no matter how you view the issue. Making matters worse is that Scotland's Muslim First Minister, Humza Yousaf, is welcoming these Gazans into the northern UK, as he announced on social media: This has got to be one of the worst things about this Trojan horse who got in mostly as a result of previous First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's pandering to LGBT ideology. He's enabling horrible personalities to enter the UK, where they could infest the rest of the country by extension.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Recent statement by Ben Shapiro worth considering

Some time ago, political commentator Ben Shapiro was interviewed by Piers Morgan, and had the following to say:
Ben Shapiro has said that if a child of his comes out as gay he would oppose it on religious grounds.

Speaking to TalkTV's Piers Morgan, the political commentator was asked: "What would you do if one of your kids turned out to be gay?"

"I would oppose that," Mr Shapiro replied. "When it comes to religious marriage, no I'm not in favour of my religion sanctifying same-sex couples. Specifically because my religion propagates the idea of man-woman-child as the model for families.

"What I'm objecting to is the idea that marriage as a term is equally applicable to relationships that are designed to produce the future generation."

Mr Shapiro said that if marriage is defined as "two people that love each other" rather than "man-woman-child" then "obviously it encompasses two men or two women."

"But I don't think the government has a fundamental role in propagating relationships other than ones that have externalities that benefit society... having children raised largely with their biological parents."
He could go further by making clear he'd want his child to learn how to best relate to the opposite sex, and make clear that nobody should be attacked in any way for arguing in favor of psychological counseling to help in this goal. For now, he's right to stand up for the sake of Judaism itself and what it supports. And if governments could try to separate children from Christian parents, Judaists are obviously also in jeopardy. Here's more:
Mr Shapiro also insisted the suggestion transwomen are women was "completely unsustainable."

It comes after Nicola Sturgeon resigned as Scotland's First Minister after an outcry over the decision to place double rapist Isla Bryson in a women's prison and refused to say whether Isla is a man or a woman.

"It exposes the ideology for what it is,"
he said, "I can't think of anything worse in terms of misinformation than the idea that a biological man is in fact a female."
While Sturgeon deserved the condemnation she got, the sad part is how the SNP exploited the incident for replacing her with a Muslim, Humza Yousaf, as Scotland's First Minister. With the worst part being whether the whole transsexual flap was planned in order to enable this. Well, they certainly made up their mind who else they'd support, and it certainly wasn't a Christian, or even a Judaist. Apparently, the choice for such woke ideologues is either a LGBT advocate, or a Muslim, no matter how opposed they are to LGBT ideology, even though the Religion of Peace doesn't oppose it for altruistic reasons. And as many surely realize, Islamists are unlikely to face the same problems with LGBT indoctrination that Judeo-Christians are.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Scottish National Party elects Muslim member to serve as First Minister

If you thought it was bad enough London has a Muslim mayor over in England, now Scotland has much higher ranking adherent to the Religion of Peace appointed to lead the local government (via Pamela Geller and Gateway Pundit):
Humza Yousaf on Monday was elected the new head of the Scottish National Party, promising in a speech to bring the party together, support citizens with the cost-of-living crisis and deliver independence from the United Kingdom.

He is slated to assume political leadership in Scotland following his nomination in the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday.

[...] Yousaf, currently Scotland’s health secretary, has served in government since 2012 and was considered the favorite in the race against Kate Forbes and Ash Regan.
What makes this a most chilling affair is that Yousaf deliverated a tirade 3 years ago in the Scottish parliament about too many whites in the government. And to think, that previous premier Nicola Sturgeon would sell out to transsexual ideology, only to have somebody like this elected by the SNP to lead the northern side of the UK. Her incompetency, some could surely argue, is exactly what brought this current fiasco around, because all that's occurring now is replacing one problematic politician with another, who's bound to be just as bad for women as his predecessor. Will the Scottish public protest? Something tells me this is sadly going to pass without many objections, in contrast to the previous topic that practically led to this misfortune. Forbes, who's a Christian adherent, was sidelined by the favorism that clearly resulted in Yousaf's election by the SNP's board.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Chris Marsden was already blaming Israel before it was known that a
Palestinian Islamist, presumably committed to the extermination of Israel, was responsible for the bombings. Now we can expect the blame-Israel meme to be taken as writ. Anti-Semitism has reached such perverse levels that leftists are ready to turn on the enemies of their sworn enemies - to literally turn on natural allies. Example: Chris Marsden is a the National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party, a perennial Trotskyist also-ran in Scottish and Welsh elections. He's been pondering why radical Muslims would come to London to try to kill people. And wouldn't you know it, while there's a lot that Britain has done wrong - the coup de grace is that they're just too damn nice to Jews:
The assertion that Muslim peoples have no legitimate cause for grievance against Britain... is a grotesque lie. Historically, the role of British imperialism in subjugating vast areas of the world - in India, Africa, Asia and the Middle East - has earned it the enmity of millions. Moreover, this is no past episode for which the British ruling elite are no longer responsible. Britain is a major power, whose corporations and banks play a significant role in maintaining the impoverished economic state of vast layers of the world's population. And during Blair's decade in office, it has played second-fiddle to the Bush administration in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as in backing Israel in its brutal suppression of the Palestinians and last year's offensive against Lebanon. The ability of Islamic fundamentalists to channel legitimate outrage at a nominally "Labour" government's neo-colonial foreign policy and its promotion of social divisions and anti-immigrant sentiment at home is fuelled by the role played by the trade union bureaucracy in supporting this imperialist and anti-social agenda.
Bonus conspiracy theory not-saying-just-asking-questions lunacy: "Given the nature of terrorism and the numerous examples of infiltration by the security services, it is impossible to rule out state involvement in or foreknowledge of the bomb plots." This is what's happened to an international Left - the Socialist Equality Party is a member of the Fourth International - that once boasted about being the most scientific and rational of all political movements.

[Read an extended version of this post at Mere Rhetoric]