Showing posts with label sexism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexism. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2024

Jewish community girls' basketball team in San Francisco gave Muslim team advantage in case involving transsexual player

A most decidedly galling case occurred where a Jewish girls' basketball team in Frisco let a Muslim girls' team get the advantage by not playing against a team with a male transsexual player included:
Here we go again with one of these utterly despicable stories.

The girls’ basketball team of San Francisco Waldorf High School is currently on a five-game win streak, largely owed to their captain and superstar player, Henry Hanlon.

San Francisco Waldorf squared off Thursday against Jewish Community, with the former forcing a dominating 54-22 victory. Hanlon led the team in scoring — and the entire game at that — with 24 points. Hanlon also scored a third of Waldorf’s points, and this is the fourth-straight game this feat has been accomplished by the transgender athlete.

Hanlon, a male, has competed in girls’ sports for the last three years
, according to ICONS and Reduxx, per OutKick. In addition to basketball, the junior also competes in soccer and volleyball and, with the latter, Hanlon led the school to a CIF North Coast Championship last season.

In basketball, Hanlon is ranked No. 4 in scoring in the North Coast Section of California with an average of 20.8 points-per-game and, as you’re about to see, the transgender athlete completely towers over his female teammates.

Earlier in January, Averroes — an Islamic college preparatory high school — refused to play against Hanlon because of his transgender status, as well as declining to share any locker room facilities, according to Breitbart and Reduxx.
No doubt, the Muslim team will suffer no consequence for refusing to play against the creep, or refusing to share a locker/dressing room with him. It's decidedly atrocious that the Jewish team by contrast refused to refrain from playing against a team with such a despicable person taking part. As a result, they made the Muslim team look like the better. And that's very sad.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

UN thinks transsexual men are more important a focus than the many Israeli women murdered by Hamas

Once again, the UN makes clear they're not on actual women's side, and in this case, they turn their backs on Israeli/Jewish women murdered by the Hamas, as they instead chose to celebrate transsexual men, the citation of lesbians notwithstanding:
The United Nations Women Twitter account posted about International Lesbian Day on the very day Israeli. women in the UN were kidnapped, raped, and slaughtered by Hamas. The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh bashed the mixed morals.

On Oct 8, UN Women posted the following:

Remember, trans lesbians are lesbians too.

Let's uplift and honour EVERY expression of love and identity!

Happy International #LesbianDay! @free_equal

The post received close to 20,000 likes and counting after just 24 hours of being published. At around the same time the post had more than 17,000 comments but a large majority of them were in opposition of the celebration of “human rights” on the same day where hundreds of women were mercilessly attacked.

Most prominently, Walsh rebuked the sentiment.

“Women were just kidnapped, raped, murdered and paraded around on camera as trophies. UN Women has said nothing at all about it. Instead they’re tweeting their support for pervert men with autogynephilic fetishes,” he wrote on Twitter.

He’s not wrong. A member of the UN, Israel, just had a bloody massacre and some people are more worried that transgender women, aka men, get to be in relationships with other fake women.
Even actual lesbian women are frequent targets of these Religion of Peace worshipers, and this is whom the UN's so-called women's division considers worthy of promotion? Utterly offensive. And what they wrote couldn't have come at a worse time. No sane women should support this awful entity.

Update: besides the UN turning its back on actual women in distress, there's also other "women's rights movements" that aren't responding convincingly either. And nobody sane should contribute to those who turn their backs.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Muslim rapists in France target elderly women

Here's a horrifying example (via Jihad Watch) of how even older women aren't immune to sexual violence by younger men, here being Muslim migrants in France:
Multiple reports of rapes and attempted rapes by migrants living in France have made local headlines as the continued dramatic rise in sexual assaults and mass immigration shows an undeniable correlation.

French newspaper Le Figaro reported on Friday the demise of a 67-year-old woman who was accosted outside her home in Versailles by an Algerian national on Wednesday evening and then carried forcefully into her home, where she suffered a night of excruciating torture.

The elderly woman was tied up, beaten, and raped by the migrant before successfully fleeing the home and taking refuge with a neighbor who contacted the authorities.

The suspect was arrested the following day after being caught on video surveillance footage at the scene. An Algerian national of no fixed abode, he was found in possession of the victim’s identity documents, bank card, and various stolen jewelry. It was later reported that the man had been the subject of an unenforced deportation order since February 2022.

He offered only a “no comment” to the police following his arrest and reportedly fell asleep in his chair during questioning.
It goes without saying that was pure contempt he displayed during interrogation, and worst is that it was throughly expected such a monster could do something like that. This is another example of what a fiasco the country's become because of all the kowtowing to violent ideologies at all costs, and how it's all come at the expense of women, children and Jews in the process.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

With his sordid record, Andrew Cuomo has no business establishing a "pro-Israel" movement

Former New York governor Andrew Cuomo, who led the state into an utter disaster 3 years ago during the Coronavirus pandemic, and was forced to resign following sexual misconduct scandals, is now establishing a supposedly pro-Israeli group meant to appeal to Democrats:
Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has a new project, a year and a half after resigning amid a flurry of sexual harassment allegations: a pro-Israel organization targeting Democrats.

Cuomo delivered the message via video on Monday evening at an event at Carnegie Hall hosted by the World Values Network, the organization led by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach — an author, television personality and onetime Republican congressional candidate. Boteach organized the event in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and in memory of his recently deceased mother.

The launch of the organization, to be called “Progressives For Israel,” was first reported by Matthew Kassel at Jewish Insider.

While Cuomo provided few details about the organization, he said that it would call on Democrats to stand with Israel, “because silence is not an option.”
Putting aside for a moment that many leftists today are more hostile than ever to Israel, how can one truly give backing to a movement formed by a man whose record consists of sexual harrassment/abuse, and even went miles out of his way to impose LGBT ideology, among other woke elements, upon a now collapsing state? Boteach should also consider how embarrassing it is to associate with somebody like Cuomo, who didn't do any true favors for Jews in New York either, unless it's the Satmar we're talking about.

If Cuomo still retains the far-left ideological perspective he had before on issues like LGBT ideology and appeasing high crime rates in NYC, that's reason enough to reject whatever he's doing now, and Boteach would do well to distance himself from Cuomo too. NY's former governor is just not worth wasting time with.

Update: it's important to note that as of now, many more Democrats side with Islamists against Israel. Even if Cuomo weren't as corrupt as he is, the movement he's formed is bound to fail miserably.

Friday, February 03, 2023

"Hijab Day" is a disgrace and harms women

Robert Spencer's discussed how Newark, New Jersey is celebrating Hijab Day, at a time when Iran's women are suffering horrifying oppression by being forced to wear it:
Back on Sept. 16, 2022, in Tehran, the Iranian morality police arrested Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman, for not wearing her hijab properly. Amini later died in a hospital in Tehran, and numerous Iranians charged that she had been tortured to death while in custody. All over the country, protesters took to the streets to protest not against the hijab laws, but against the repressive and brutal Islamic Republic itself. Other women, and male protesters as well, were killed as the Iranian regime ruthlessly applied the Qur’anic injunction to “strike terror in the enemies of Allah” (8:60). The protests went on for months until the regime began summarily executing protesters, and even then some indomitably courageous Iranians continued to take to the streets to demand their freedom.

It is against that backdrop that the Newark World Hijab Day resolution will be introduced. For innumerable women in Iran, the hijab is the most visible sign of their second-class status, and of the brutality of the regime that will imprison them for years or even kill them outright for daring to venture out in public without wearing it. The Iranian authorities call their morality police the “Guidance Patrol,” an Orwellian name that makes them sound like a bunch of benign, avuncular individuals selflessly dedicated to helping young Iranians avoid moral pitfalls and stay on the straight and narrow. A more accurate name, however, would be the Terror Patrol, for the morality that these officials enforce is not the virtuous person’s free choice of the good, but the enforced obedience of those who are frightened into submission.
In a Democrat-run area like NJ, this is sadly no shock they'd give this insult to the fairer sex their approval. But it does serve as a tragic example of where the USA is headed today.

And how mysterious nobody wants to organize a World Hat Day, which could serve as a way to celebrate headware that does honor humanity and dignity.

Thursday, December 08, 2022

Jewish doctor in USA warns Israel will be next victim of transsexual disaster

Ariel Kahana interviewed a Jewish medical professional in New Jersey, who explained the sad obsession that's broken out with getting gender reassignment surgery to seemingly resemble the opposite sex, and warns that Israel is facing this horror too. Over in the USA:
Q: What is the explanation for this wave?

"The figure who formulated the sixties' theory that a person's biology – his body and his chromosomes – are completely separate from his subjective feeling as to whether he is male or female, was a professor of medical psychology named John Money. His research was eventually shown to be a failure and it was scientifically proven that the opposite was true. Nevertheless, the ideas of Money – who was later deemed to have sexually abused children – were adopted by the worlds of medicine, mental health, and psychiatry in the USA, and later on the education system too. Today, from kindergarten age, children already learn that their body might not necessarily reflect their gender." She is quoting a survey published in the New York Times, according to which more than 60% of those questioned in the 30-plus category said they believe that a person's sex is defined by his biological sex at birth. In contrast, 61% of those questioned in the 18-29 age group said they believe that their gender identity is separate from their biological sex.

"The difference between the younger and the older groups stems from the propagation of gender ideology. Children until the age of five undergo indoctrination at school. The result is a social phenomenon of young boys and girls who want to make the change, and on occasion even come to do it together as a group trend. In many cases, these are children who in any event are on the autistic spectrum or suffer from negative social attitudes, so that joining this trend provides them with the attention that they so dearly crave.

"The phenomenon is subject to broad coverage and immense popularity on social media. You might be taken by surprise, but in 2007 there was one clinic throughout the entire USA providing treatment for minors under the age of 18, who were contending with the issue of gender identity. Today, as far as I know, there are 300 of them. And here is one more statistic – the number of mastectomies carried out for gender reassignment more than tripled between 2016-2019. These are data provided by Vanderbilt University in Nashville."
It's devastating so many have been indoctrinated, but not shocking at all. And it's surely not even shocking that one of the advocates of this atrocity came to Israel as well:
In order to validate her claim that this involves experiments on humans, Grossman refers me to things said recently by Dr. Marci Bowers, a biological man who underwent gender reassignment surgery to become a woman and today serves as a leading physician in the field of medical transitioning in the US. According to Bowers, she and her associates work using a trial-and-error method: "Anybody who underwent surgery as a child and received 'blockers' [tablets to suppress the hormones responsible for sexual development] will never have testosterone (the key hormone in sexual development). So that we do not know if they will ever experience sexual satisfaction... I know that the feeling of proximity and intimacy is extremely important, so that a lack of this raised a red flag for me. We need to keep our eyes open and talk about this... Let's see what will occur... There are questions that do not have an answer... Is it possible to prevent the processes of puberty and then attain good results as adults? How can we guarantee that they will have a sexual response? Maybe we need to remove the blockers at a certain stage? Perhaps, to delay a little bit, here and there? Perhaps." By the way, Bowers visited Israel several years ago to provide instruction for physicians here how to conduct the gender reassignment surgery.
Needless to say, any "medic" who's willing to work in such abominable practice is unfit for the job, and should be ostracized if they do. For now, that Bowers paid a most unwelcome visit here should be warning enough of what Israel faces by extension.
The concern shared by Grossman and others is that financial interests combined with a radically progressive agenda are the driving force behind the wave of transgenderism that is sweeping across America. According to this assumption, the drug companies are promoting this gender confusion or "dysphoria" as it is termed in the professional jargon, as this generates mass dependency on their products, often for life.

"This is not the situation everywhere in the West. In London, the authorities closed down a clinic treating gender problems due to concern that it was providing inappropriate treatment for children. In Sweden, Finland, New Zealand, and other countries too, they are no longer prescribing blockers as there is no research data to prove that their use is safe. It is important to remember that from the outset, the blockers were never actually developed for use in gender reassignment."

Just before we part company, Grossman gives me several books she has written, including "You're Teaching My Child What?" and she also puts me in contact with a number of women in Israel who are trying to stem this tidal wave. Only two of them – Roni Sassover and Alix Aharon – are prepared to come forward and do so while being named. The rest prefer to remain anonymous.

As Grossman anticipated, this wave is indeed on its way to Israel. The Minister of Education, Yifat Shasha-Biton, has recently published guidelines relating to transgender students at school. In essence, the guidelines stipulate that a student should be treated according to his or her declared gender, and this of course also relates to sleeping arrangements in boarding schools, access to toilets, sports lessons, etc. According to the new guidelines, the parents might not necessarily be a part of this overall process. Outgoing Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, has welcomed this move.

Grossman: "The most important thing that Israelis need to know, is that those people promoting this agenda will intentionally approach children with a view to the long-term outcomes entailed in this process. When parents discover that their children have been brainwashed, it is already too late to do anything. Consequently, I say to anybody reading this article: please keep an eye on your children.
She's absolutely correct. It's unlikely you'll see most other news sources on the left reporting about this, unlike alleged complaints of religious coercion for Judaism. Of course, LGBT ideology has long come to represent a religion in its own way, and a lot of homosexual advocates practically copied from more common religions in their own approach.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Predictably, Marvel studios indicates they'll go the PC route with Sabra

The Times of Israel reported that, as could surely have been expected, Marvel studios went out of their way to answer anti-Israeli activists offended at the inclusion of Bill Mantlo's minor character, Sabra, in the upcoming 4th Captain America movie:
Marvel Studios said it will take “a new approach” to its controversial character Sabra, to be played by Israeli actress Shira Haas, after Palestinian groups criticized the decision to bring the Israeli comic book character to the big screen.

“While our characters and stories are inspired by the comics, they are always freshly imagined for the screen and today’s audience, and the filmmakers are taking a new approach with the character Sabra who was first introduced in the comics over 40 years ago,” Marvel told US media outlet Variety in a statement Friday.
Translation: they'll go so far as to avoid any positive portrayal of Israel, all because they don't have the courage to stand up to Islamic antisemitism. In any case, it was pretty obvious from the start that today's comics publishers and filmmakers wouldn't defend the dignity of the Jewish creators who founded the very industry that today's films are based on. Cartoonist Uri Fink, as noted before, figured this was unlikely to be something admirable, but what's been told now only compounds the impression this'll be something awful when it's ready.

I also discovered the Nerdist website employs a possible Muslim writer who's also a LGBT ideologue(!), and he wrote a smear piece where he said Sabra shouldn't be in the Marvel movieverse. He concludes it like this:
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to put a Jewish hero in the forefront of the MCU; however, putting Sabra, an Israeli government agent, into the world’s biggest blockbuster franchise is a problem. It certainly feels like the powers that be are ignoring the real-life atrocities happening to people. There are already other Jewish heroes that Marvel Studios can include in the MCU. [...]
Ah, so in other words, he's ostensibly saying, "Jewish character = good, Israeli character = bad". But, this kind of shoddy distinction and excuse could easily be used to say, exclude indigenous residents of countries like Holland, who're called Dutch. It could even be used against the Basque of the northern Iberian peninsula where Spain is located. Come to think of it, the approach used in his screed could also be used to say only people of specific ethnicities living in the USA proper are qualified for representation, not foreign-born characters living outside. And he doesn't even care that under the PLO, gays and lesbians are suppressed by their police forces and face terrible persecution. That Nerdist would give a platform to somebody who goes by the kind of ideologies he does is truly despicable, and I will not be linking directly to their site anymore as a result of this disturbing propaganda that entirely omits how "palestinians" are a whole fabrication for the sake of invalidating Israel, and even Newt Gingrich eventually acknowledged this. To think, that nowadays, we have whole sites centered around entertainment topics who actually separate the Jewish creators of comicdom from their homeland origins. This is exactly why old movies like Otto Preminger's Exodus from 1960, based on Leon Uris' book, can no longer be made, because anti-Israelists in Hollywood have almost literally shut the gates to any such projects.

And that's why it's no shock at all when Hollywood kowtows to anti-Israeli movements, with the worst part being whenever those in charge of properties originally created by Jews refuse to defend them, regardless of how specific characters were created in the first place.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


This kind of stuff gives us hope that the global war against political Islam can - to borrow a line from the not-exactly-conservative West Wing - be resolved by something short of an American flag flying over Mecca. Not much hope, but hope. This is just sublime:
Members of Khobar's Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice were the victims of an attack by two Saudi females, Asharq Al-Awsat can reveal. According to the head of the commission in Khobar, two girls pepper sprayed members of the commission after they had tried to offer them advice.... two of the Commission's employees were verbally insulted and attacked by two inappropriately-dressed females, in the old market in Prince Bandar street... Consequently, the two girls started verbally abusing the commission members, which then lead to one of the girls pepper-spraying them in the face as the other girl filmed the incident on her mobile phone, while continuing to hurl insults at them.
A couple of thugs approached a couple of relatively modern women. These women were in absolutely no mood to be groped by the kind of pathological pervs who run the V&V street teams, enforcing political Islam's obsession with controlling every minute aspect of female clothing, food, and hygiene. Hilarity ensued.

On the other hand, there's this. And this too. Still, baby steps (via Instapundit)

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


One of the most emailed stories on the IHT website today is this little bit of propaganda about Iran:
The instructor held up an unfurled green condom as she lectured a dozen Iranian brides-to-be on details of family planning. But birth control was only one aspect of the class, provided by the government and mandatory for all couples before marriage. The other was about sex, and the message from the state was that women should enjoy themselves as much as men and that men needed to be patient, because women need more time to become aroused. This is not the picture of Iran that filters out across the world
Sophistication-mania! If you're intelligent and liberal enough, you too can tell all your cocktail party friends about how wrong, misguided, and just plain unfair the Likudnik AIPAC neo-con characterization of Iran is. Sure, they have a legal system where prepubescent girls are sold and raped under Iran's temporary marriage laws, but they also tell men to take their time. So at least we know that the enslaved prepubescent girls are are enjoying themselves. Except they're not because, you know, they're prepubescent girls who are getting sold and raped. But if it wasn't for that!

And then there's that whole inconvenient "they kill gay people for being gay" thing. You have to wonder why - of all the things that a journalist could choose to write about - someone would make it their business to make the Iranian regime look good to the outside world. "They're just telling the truth" is not a defense - there are literally an infinite number of true things that anyone can write about anything world, and at least a couple dozen of those are interesting. Michael Slackman and the IHT choose to propagandize for the Iranian regime - to present a different "picture of Iran" than the more accurate one of enslaved women and murdered gay teenagers.

[Read an extended version of this post at Mere Rhetoric]

Monday, September 03, 2007


The Saudis are now segregating sidewalks so their men don't get icky girl cooties:
Saudi Arabia's religious police are insisting that authorities of Medina, one of Islam's holiest cities, should build separate sidewalks for women, the Kuwaiti Al-Qabas newspaper said Friday. The country's Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV), tasked with enforcing Sharia law, believes men and women should not be allowed to mix on the streets of the Islam's second holiest place, where the Prophet Muhammad is buried.
We're tempted to ask something like "what's next - having to sit in the back of a bus?" But we all know Saudi women aren't allowed on buses without male relatives, so no go. And that's before we even get to the Saudis' nuanced views on women in cars. They really do just hate women, don't they?

[Read an extended version of this post at Mere Rhetoric]

Friday, August 17, 2007


The slow transition from "Jeri Thompson is a bimbo" through "isn't it totally weird how lots of people may or may not think Jeri Thompson is a bimbo" to "Jeri Thompson is an evil genius" is almost complete:
The most obvious heir to a position of Karl Rove-like influence is Mark Penn, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's top political adviser... On the Republican side, Jeri Thompson, wife of former senator Fred D. Thompson of Tennessee, has become controversial because of her heavy involvement in the day-to-day operations of her husband's potential campaign despite having relatively little political experience.
You can see the tension - is she an interfering wench or the next leftist Darth Vader photoshop? It depends on how well the Thompson campaign does. If the left can't explain Thompson's popularity (because why would anyone support Republicans?), the meme will slide to "evil genius". If the Thompson campaign flounders, the ostensible progressives on the left will be more than happy to settle for "see, we told you she was a sorority girl gender traitor bimbo". Seething and resentful hypocrisy - always in fashion.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]