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Showing posts with label family time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family time. Show all posts

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Mark the day where people will WALK for a very good cause.  

People from all over the world have been extending help since the big disaster hit the Philippines in 2013.  It affected millions of lives and it is not over.  The severe loss and damage the calamity brought continues to pain the victims of this tragic event and the brethren of the Iglesia Ni Cristo feels the intense need to share further with the World Wide Walk to happen on Saturday, 2nd of February 2014.

Be part of this simple but effective way of giving not just monetary assistance but a heartfelt empathy to the young and the old that lost love ones, homes and almost – their ALL.

What difference does it make if you will walk to have a good functioning heart and walk with us in the WWW and have also a big blessed heart?
How hard will it be to use up this one day to be within groups of people sharing smiles knowing you have a common cause?
Why not do what you usually do of exercising those bones and muscles, getting the vitamin D that you need, strengthen your heart and lungs WITH ME?  WITH US?

Know that this is yet another Memory to Keep.  Join the Worldwide Walk for the Yolanda Victims and be part of history.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Calling all moms and dads..."YOU NEED TO BOND WITH THE FAMILY!"

Let NOT the time pass you by, because if you notice it flies like an kid in the bike hurrying off to the playground. One afternoon you are siting on your desk watching your kid play with her dolls, and the next thing you know you are sitting on your rocker being kissed in the head as she goes off own day-out with someone. It's way too precious to waste your time with just work, chores, work, chores. SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY.

And it would be a blast to not just do it at home, but to go someplace real nice. Go camping! A change of environment always works in beating dull moments. There's almost too little time to do everything, but that little time is worth it! To perk up their excitement, plan ahead. Gear up with what you all need. Start with the kid's nap mat. Somehow seeing a sleeping bag gives them this bubbling excitement that you will be someplace new, far away from home. BUT with you. Don't just get any, get something that would match their preference, the color, the style,...not those adult looking ones but specifically for kids. They are more pretty and inviting.

Add their most needed kids backpacks they can use even for school, or for any day activity. You have the option for a smaller one for your pre-schools and carry the others on your other packs, and bigger ones for bigger kids for them to feel responsible and capable. Small, medium and large for big, bigger and biggest (wink!)
And if you notice, they feel ultra sensitive to privacy and respecting my own property. They have their names on almost everything, so why stop with their mats or bags? Have their names be on each with Embroidery Dallas. With their efficient, quick and professional service, you will sure to be glad of their assistance. They do small scale to large scales job. In small quantities or large quantities. In fact they do on-site jobs in case you have the need to give away personalized stuffs. Amazing right? The moment Posy Lane created and launched a new website, North Dallas Embroidery, I came knowing Posy Lane will always come up with a great idea.

So what's the wait? Gear up with the right gears (pretty and personalized)...and start bonding!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I see broken families left and right. It is such a sad reality these days that a husband and wife joined in the sanctity of marriage ends up separated. And what is more pitiful is the effect it does to their children.

More often than not, it is the togetherness that is to blame. Either they get bored with each other, they feel that they are not growing or that they are not happy anymore. TIME for your love one is something you have to treasure. Because it is essential that you have time for them, for time when it passes you can never be retrieved back or you can never wish to go back to a certain time that have already passed you by.

Have fun with them. Experience life with them. Love nature at its best. Have narrow boat holidays...or whatever holiday you can think of. Bonding time is what is essential. Because this is when you get to know each other more and this is when you share a bit of yourself with them. A thing everyone craves for.

What of you and your family? Do you think it is time that you have a holiday of your own?



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