Showing posts with label Sacrifice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sacrifice. Show all posts

Like Returning Home // REVIEW: King's Cage By Victoria Aveyard

Title: King's Cage (Red Queen #3)
Author: Victoria Aveyard
Publication Date: February 9th 2017
Publisher: Orion Books // Harper Teen
Part of a Series?: Yes, Book 3/4 of the Red Queen Series
I Got A Copy Through: I Bought It!
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Foyles || Waterstones || WHSmith || Kobo || Books A Million || Chapters Indigo || Google Books
Blurb Description: In this breathless third installment to Victoria Aveyard's bestselling Red Queen series, allegiances are tested on every side. And when the Lightning Girl's spark is gone, who will light the way for the rebellion?Mare Barrow is a prisoner, powerless without her lightning, tormented by her lethal mistakes. She lives at the mercy of a boy she once loved, a boy made of lies and betrayal. Now a king, Maven Calore continues weaving his dead mother's web in an attempt to maintain control over his country—and his prisoner.As Mare bears the weight of Silent Stone in the palace, her once-ragtag band of newbloods and Reds continue organizing, training, and expanding. They prepare for war, no longer able to linger in the shadows. And Cal, the exiled prince with his own claim on Mare's heart, will stop at nothing to bring her back.When blood turns on blood, and ability on ability, there may be no one left to put out the fire—leaving Norta as Mare knows it to burn all the way down.

I’ve seen a lot of people complain that King’s Cage was by far the slowest installment of the Red Queen series, and they’re not wrong.

I actually went into the book knowing that it was going to be a slow book, and so it wasn’t a shock to me at all.

While it definitely was different from the fast paced, heart shattering power and politics I’ve come to expect from this series, that doesn’t mean I didn’t understand why it happened.

Truth be told, with everything that happened in the last two books, it is understandable that these characters needed time to refocus, and gather and find themselves in a world completely different from the ones they knew. It felt like a much needed breather, in the grand scheme of things.

Also, I can honestly never fault this series for anything because it feels like HOME to me.

Before I go on, here’s some Red Queen Series and I history for you:

Image result for king's cageI fell in love with in two years ago in Australia as I stayed up in the middle of the night to see the shocking betrayals and power games. I got the opportunity to read an ARC of book two seven months later and I spent one of my last school days before the exams began devouring it.
And now, a year and a half later, I finally flipped open King’s Cage.


1.       The ending of the last book KILLED me. It made my already wounded heart shatter completely and I was VERY excited for King’s Cage. I literally DREAMT about the book, Corros prison and all my favourite characters inside it after I finished it.

Image result for king's cage    2.       If it’s not well known by now, Maven is my heart in this series. It’s like I always say, point me to the worst boy in the entire series and he’s probably the one I’ll fall for. Like Aeduan in the Witchlands series or the fact that I was Team Darkling in the Grisha Trilogy. He was the star in this book for me, as we learnt more about his relationship with his mother, Elara, and his dark, twisted and brilliant mind.

    3.       Sorry Mare and Cal shippers, I totally oppose you. I don’t REALLY ship Mare and Maven either, because I don’t know how he can ever redeem himself in her eyes, but I’ve never shipped her and Cal. It’s like the book said, Cal can’t ever make decisions, making him such an insufferable puppet. He’s also sort of a bore and MEH.

4.       I ADORED THE POLITICS IN THE BOOK. Well, maybe adore is the wrong word, but I’m definitely in awe. This book took things to a continent-wide scale, and the moves and counter moves each side of the multiple sides in this war were subtly told and so well plotted out.

Image result for king's cage5.       I liked that the viewpoints kept switching. A majority was still Mare, but we also got to see things from Cameron’s and Evangeline’s points of view. It gave you more insight into different parts of the Power Game being played and a more holistic view of the book itself.

6.       I’ve never been a fan of Cameron. She feel like a secondary character put there SOLELY for the purpose of her Newblood Ability, and hence I don’t really want to get to know her.

7.       I WANT MORE MAVEN. I WANT A MAVEN VIEWPOINT IN #4 AND I ALSO WANT A MAVEN FILLED PREQUEL NOVELLA. I honestly feel like it’s necessary because we need to get into this boy’s head to truly see all aspects of the story. Plus, he’s my squishable broken prince shaped cupcake and I need everything that has to do with him.

Here’s to hoping that I wake up tomorrow morning to Victoria Aveyard announcing that the final book comes out on that day because I NEED IT. NOW.

One of the best young adult fantasy series’ out there and if that’s not enough, I don’t know what will be.
Victoria AveyardI'm a screenwriter/YA author who likes books and lists. This site is the nexus of my universe.

My book RED QUEEN will be published Winter 2015 from HarperTeen at HarperCollins. I'm repped by the incomparable Suzie Townsend at New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc. 

The genres I'm into include YA, Fantasy, Historical, Adventure, Apocalyptic - if people are dying, I'm buying.

Have you read the Red Queen Series yet? What do you think of it?
Who are your favourite characters in this series? Are you a Mare and Call shipper or do you ship her with Maven?

Addicting and Brilliant // REVIEW: The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

Title: The Bone Season (The Bone Season #1)
Author: Samantha Shannon
Publication Date: August 20th 2013
Publisher: Bloomsbury India
Part of a Series?: Yes, Book 1/7 of The Bone Season Series
I Got A Copy Through: I bought it!
Buy Links: Amazon IN || Amazon US || Amazon UK || The Book Despository || Wordery ||  Flipkart || Snapdeal || Infibeam || Foyles || Waterstones || WHSmith || Kobo || Books A Million || Chapters Indigo || Google Books
Blurb Description: The year is 2059. Nineteen-year-old Paige Mahoney is working in the criminal underworld of Scion London, based at Seven Dials, employed by a man named Jaxon Hall. Her job: to scout for information by breaking into people’s minds. For Paige is a dreamwalker, a clairvoyant and, in the world of Scion, she commits treason simply by breathing.
It is raining the day her life changes for ever. Attacked, drugged and kidnapped, Paige is transported to Oxford – a city kept secret for two hundred years, controlled by a powerful, otherworldly race. Paige is assigned to Warden, a Rephaite with mysterious motives. He is her master. Her trainer. Her natural enemy. But if Paige wants to regain her freedom she must allow herself to be nurtured in this prison where she is meant to die.
The Bone Season introduces a compelling heroine and also introduces an extraordinary young writer, with huge ambition and a teeming imagination. Samantha Shannon has created a bold new reality in this riveting debut.
I first read The Bone Season over three years ago. It was sophomore year of high school, I had my Chemistry and Physics finals the next day, and I made the choice to read just a FEW chapters of this book during my break.


And so, instead of finishing my revision, I sped read this book, dying for more Paige and Warden Scenes and barely concentrating on the plot. I bought myself a copy of The Mime Order later, but for some reason, I never really got to reading it. #TBRProblems.

And so, when the LOVELY Folks over at Bloomsbury India sent me a SIGNED copy of book three, The Song Rising, I KNEW it was time to dive back in. (I’m also TOTALLY congratulating myself for finding the TIME to re-read and not cop out and read a recap)


Things I Loved:

1.       THE WORLD BUILDING: Hands down, The Bone Season has THE BEST WORLD BUILDING OUT THERE. I adored jumping into a futuristic London where breathing for Clairvoyants is considered High Treason. I LOVED THE SYNDICATE, Paige and even the very building of Sheol I. IT WAS ALL SO BRUTALLY REAL with the best host of characters.

2.       PAIGE MAHONEY: I liked Paige when I initially read the book, but reading it again made her seem SO MUCH MORE BADASS. It’s so hard to describe who she is, but this girl was STRONG, TOUGH, POWERFUL AND SO SO REAL – I LOVED HER.
"This was what my spirit loved to do, to wander in strange lands. It couldn't stand being trapped in one body all the time. it had wanderlust."
3.       WARDEN: I have this policy – give me the worst guy in the book and I’ll probably feel something for him instead of for the Golden Boy/ Prom King. I ALREADY KNEW WARDEN but HOLY CRAP AM I IN LOVE WITH HIM THIS TIME AROUND. He was insufferable, powerful, understanding, kind, broken and scarred and his last few dialogues broke me and I can’t wait to meet him outside Sheol I in The Mime Order
"She comes with me," It was Warden, and he looked demonic. "Run, oracle."
4.       THE SEVEN SEALS: I feel like we didn’t see NEARLY enough of Paige’s main seven co-workers, who form the Inner Circle of Jaxon Hall’s (their Mime Lord’s) crew in The Bone Season, but I’m pretty sure they’re going to there SO MUCH MORE in book two and I CAN’T WAIT TO GET TO KNOW THEM.
"I am giving you the option to call for help." When I looked at him, he said, "Call the Seven Seals."
5.       I also really loved the general anticipation that I HAD TWO MORE BOOKS TO READ after this one (and four more after book three, but let’s not dwell on that now) (Yes, it’s a SEVEN BOOK SERIES!) because that means BINGE TIME!

A highly addicting, brilliantly constructed swoon worthy book that I CANNOT RECOMMEND ENOUGH! Samantha Shannon’s writing intricately spins a world of the best kind around you and you’ll love every second you’re living in it.
Samantha Shannon was born and raised in West London. She started writing in abundance when she was twelve, started her first novel when she was fifteen, and studied English Language and Literature at St Anne's College, Oxford, from 2010 – 2013, graduating with a 2:1. 
Samantha Shannon
In 2013, she published The Bone Season, the internationally bestselling first installment in a seven-book series of fantasy novels. Its first sequel, The Mime Order, was published in 2015, and she's currently editing the third book in the series, The Song Rising. She is also working on a high fantasy novel. Film rights to the Bone Season are held by the Imaginarium Studios, Chernin Entertainment and 20th Century Fox. 
Have you gotten a chance to dive into The Bone Season yet? What did you think of it? 
I'm SO SORRY I haven't been around/ replying to comments but I'll be doing it ALL tomorrow!