Visualizzazione post con etichetta bird house. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta bird house. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 6 dicembre 2012

brrrrrrrrrrrrr....Bird di Dicembre

Con l'ultima Bird di Dicembre si conclude la serie"Bird House"
 spero vi siate divertite a ricamare queste casette a volte un po' bizzarre

copyright ©This chart has been created by Marypoppins. The total or partial reproduction is forbidden as well as the distribution by non-authorised third parties under any form, even the electronic one

lunedì 12 novembre 2012

bird novembre

buone crocette

copyright ©This chart has been created by Marypoppins. The total or partial reproduction is forbidden as well as the distribution by non-authorised third parties under any form, even the electronic one

martedì 2 ottobre 2012

bird di settembre ......e ottobre

Non  mi sono dimenticata ......
ecco settembre e ottobre

buone XXXXXX
copyright ©This chart has been created by Marypoppins. The total or partial reproduction is forbidden as well as the distribution by non-authorised third parties under any form, even the electronic one

venerdì 3 agosto 2012

bird di agosto

Buon Ricamo

copyright ©This chart has been created by Marypoppins. The total or partial reproduction is forbidden as well as the distribution by non-authorised third parties under any form, even the electronic one

mercoledì 11 luglio 2012

bird di luglio

Se partite per le vacanze non dimenticatevi di mettere in valigia la bird
 di Luglio...Buon ricamo

copyright ©This chart has been created by Marypoppins. The total or partial reproduction is forbidden as well as the distribution by non-authorised third parties under any form, even the electronic one

venerdì 6 luglio 2012

est terminé...

 ha terminato e realizzato un bellissimo cuscinetto per la porta di casa
grazie Vava per aver ricamato una mia bird....

martedì 12 giugno 2012

bird di giugno

felici crocette

copyright ©This chart has been created by Marypoppins. The total or partial reproduction is forbidden as well as the distribution by non-authorised third parties under any form, even the electronic one

giovedì 24 maggio 2012

Nichoir brodè

Vava  dalla Francia ha ricamato con grande entusiasmo una mia piccola bird free del mese e io sono molto lusingata e onorata dalle visite che ho ricevuto grazie al suo post....superato i 2000 in un giorno
Nel suo blog potrete ammirare splendidi ricami fateci un salto....
un grazie speciale Vava

sabato 12 maggio 2012

bird house di maggio

felici crocette........

copyright ©This chart has been created by Marypoppins. The total or partial reproduction is forbidden as well as the distribution by non-authorised third parties under any form, even the electronic one

giovedì 12 aprile 2012

bird house....aprile

buone crocette...
copyright ©This chart has been created by Marypoppins. The total or partial reproduction is forbidden as well as the distribution by non-authorised third parties under any form, even the electronic one

lunedì 6 febbraio 2012


un piccolo condominio per i nostri piccoli amici....
buone crocette
copyright ©This chart has been created by Marypoppins. The total or partial reproduction is forbidden as well as the distribution by non-authorised third parties under any form, even the electronic one

mercoledì 18 gennaio 2012

bird house per ogni mese....

piccole piccole e veloci vi aspetto ogni mese per una nuova collezione!

copyright ©This chart has been created by Marypoppins. The total or partial reproduction is forbidden as well as the distribution by non-authorised third parties under any form, even the electronic one