13 July 2010

Ambassadors in the marketplace...

The members of the San Antonio chapter of Legatus will be at the parish this evening for Mass, and afterwards I'll be speaking to them about the Anglican Use, the Pastoral Provision, and Anglicanorum coetibus.

This is from the Legatus website:

Since the inception of Legatus on May 7, 1987, its mission has been to bring Catholic business leaders and their spouses together in a monthly forum that fosters personal spiritual growth.

The organization offers a unique support network of like-minded Catholics who influence the world marketplace and have the ability to practice and infuse their faith in the daily lives and workplaces of their family, friends, colleagues and employees.

Groups such as Legatus have an important role in the Church, by assisting the laity to take seriously the responsibility of every Catholic to know and practice the Faith, and to influence the world by living in accordance with the Truth revealed by our Lord Jesus Christ.