Showing posts with label Printables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Printables. Show all posts

Friday, February 8, 2013

Banana's For You Valentines

We're going bananas over our valentines this year and hope you will too.

While searching Amazon we came across these cute monkey figures and knew we had to use them. 

Then we got a little crazy and added some Banana Heads to the mix,

And came up with this

And this.
We did our own twist but were inspired by another version HERE.

I had a hard time finding the right bag to put them in, but eventually found these at Michael's.
They're called archival bags and I found them in the wrapping section not with the other cellophane bags.

Overall I spent about $40 on supplies for 4 classrooms. That's $10 a classroom. Not cheap but just a little more than what you would pay for cards and a bag of candy. 

If you are interested, I downloaded the tags so you can print them yourself HERE.

You can find our valentines from previous years HERE and HERE.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

blow me a kiss {valentine} with free printable

 I am so excited to share our valentines for this year. I hope you love them as much as I do. They are perfect for any gender and any age. 

 I bought several of these fabulous lip whistles online for about 18¢ a piece. 

I can't tell you how much my kids love these whistles. They are blowing them 24/7 and surprisingly they don't drive me crazy. 

 I printed a simple document in word, cut it into six cards and attached the whistles with a small dot of hot glue, which is easily removed. 

You can download the document for free HERE.

Let me know if you have any questions or problems with the downloads. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

{family love} subway art

I've always tried to stress love for family and friends during Valentines and not so much on romance. Adding everyones names to subway art was an easy and fun way to show the kids what a big part they play in our love story. 

I put mine together in a special program, but I don't think it would be to difficult to make one in Word. All my fonts were free downloads online. 

It was instant gratification. All it took was a few minutes typing, printing and a $1 frame. 

Since it is customized I can't share a free printable, but here are two free-printables that inspired mine (the links are under the pictures):

get this free printable from Girl Creative HERE

get this free printable from eighteen25 HERE

Friday, January 20, 2012

love is in the air

In honor of finally getting all our valentines decor out, I thought I would post a list of my favorite valentines projects I've done in the past. I absolutely love Valentine's Day. It's not about romance for me, but celebrating the love I have for everyone around me.

Hope you'll be inspired and feel the love in these past projects:
(click on the title under the photo for the original post)

I don't get to spend as much time blog surfing. I'd love for you all to share any fun valentines ideas you've seen out there or better yet your made yourself. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

White Chocolate Fudge- with cashews

Today we start our Chocolate making process. We usually start on Monday and do it for an entire week. My sister is flying in and couldn't come until today, so we are attempting the impossible. Wish us luck.
In honor of chocolate week, I thought I would post my White Chocolate Fudge recipe from my guest post a few weeks ago. I've added a few little details I forgot the first time around.

I am so excited to share one of my favorite holiday traditions, CHOCOLATE. My mother, sisters and I spend a week after Thanksgiving making around 350 pounds of hand-dipped chocolates. You can read more about it HERE

Not everyone has an amazing mom like me to sit next to them and help them dip chocolates for their neighbors, co-workers and friends. So, I thought I'd give you something almost as good, our recipe for White Chocolate Fudge with cashews. It's to die for. 
It's easy to make yet your neighbors will think you're a professional candy maker. This just may become your newest secret family recipe. 

** A cube of Butter is a stick or 1/2 cup butter**
***The evaporated milk is a 16 oz can***
Another important thing I forgot is, you don't want to scrap the sides of your pan when pouring the hot liquid into the mixer. It will sometimes make your fudge grainy.

Once you've let it set for a couple hours somewhere cold, turn your pan over and let some hot water run over the bottom of the pan. Make sure to hold you fingers over the opening so that your fudge doesn't drop into the sink. After a couple of seconds of hot water the fudge should release.

Drop the pan over onto parchment paper so you can cut it into pieces. I got out my ruler to cut 20 even pieces. Once cut, I wrapped each piece in plastic wrap.

You can deliver your fudge as is or you can dress it up in one of these SWEET bags:
They are the perfect size for one or two pieces of fudge.

I printed this fun images onto Paper sacks from Michaels.
(CELEBRATE IT, paper sacks, 3-1/2" x 2" x 6-3/4", 16 pieces)

To make your own, down load the file HERE.

***To print, click on PRINT in FILE menu. Then click OPEN WITH PREVIEW. Then click on PRINT in preview FILE menu. When the print options box opens change paper size from standard to untitled.  Tape down the bottom flap on the back and print. ***

If making fudge is not for you, you can still fill the sacks with you favorite holiday goodie. 

Hope your holidays are SWEET!


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