The angry part of me is that we feel surprised by being treated as human beings. So often in this world of infertility, miscarriage, and treatment, we are made to feel responsible, to feel like a patient, and to feel as though we are wasting others' time. Your experience should be the norm, not the exception.I have to admit that I feel a little stupid that this didn't occur to me before. I have had some terrible experiences with doctors and medical professionals in connection with my three miscarriages. When that RE walked into the room and was so honest and compassionate and recognized what we've been through instead of skirting around it, I was just amazed and so glad that we found a doctor who really seemed to care and understand. I didn't even think about the fact that the care I received should be normal, not a rare event and cause for celebration. Sadly there are other women going through losses and infertility who do not have the support of a caring medical professional, at least not one that treats them as a human being instead of another medical puzzle or an insignificant patient.
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Aurelia is the contributing editor for Early Pregnancy Loss. She writes daily at Aurelia Ann. She provides "thoughts-written-out-loud" in words and pictures.