Showing posts with label anticipation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anticipation. Show all posts

Monday, November 17, 2014


Is it just me or do you also think of Carly Simon when you see that word???  Yeah, if you guessed I'm feeling a bit snarky today, you'd be right...

So I'm taking a cue from the guys over at  A Beer For The Shower  and I'm going to post about how my next post will be one that you don't want to miss.  Seriously, if you have been around and reading this blog for awhile you deserve to know that something big is up-  complete with twists and turns and Oprah style 'ah ha' moments.

I hope you have a great day and I'll see you back here soon!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

We're Still Not Moving & Now I Know Why

First of all, I want to thank everyone for all the positive comments about my husband's upcoming journey to health.  It's gonna' go well.  I just know it.  And one of these days I'm gonna' want abs just like the ones he's getting, only I'll have to pay for them...

We're expecting a pretty big snow storm over the next few days and I know I've mentioned before about how much I just love snow.  Not.  It already looks like this:
Beautiful, yes.  I'll leave it at that.  Let's keep it positive, right?

I'm thankful that we were able to get him in to have his CT today despite the snow covered giant Seattle hills.  This CT will help give more detailed info. so the doctor can decide on an actual surgical plan when we see her again on the 25th.  I have decided that I'm just going to take in what she tells us, allow it all to sink in, and then set it free to the universe.  That should put me in a good place to be ready to support my husband in the way that he will need in May when he actually gets the work done. 

In the mean time I have realized a few things (yeah, you can feel free to figuratively whack me over the head!)- As annoyed as I have been with waiting for our plans to move to Texas to come through, I can see some good reasons as to why they have not:   
1) It's a really good thing that we are in the position of my husband having been at his current job for a long time with good medical and paid time off for him to be able to recover fully.
2) It is so fortunate that I have awesome contacts and medical referrals through work I have done over the years.  It makes me feel much more confident about this whole thing. 
3) If we had moved to Texas last August when we truly believed we were going to, we might never have discovered our love of Palm Springs.  And that really has been such a wonderful surprise.

So yup, it is time for me to buck up and be thankful for how this is all working out.  As with anything, there is much to be gained by the attitude that we choose to have.

I believe this will be transformative for both my husband and I.  He is going to be healed physically, stronger than ever.  And he has already shown that he is well on his way to conquering any residual fears from his prior experience.  He's meeting this challenge like anything else that comes his way- with a smile on his face and a peaceful demeanor.  I continue to admire his fortitude of character. 

Meanwhile I am going to take this opportunity to face up to the fact that medical situations were more than just a little bit weird as I grew up and not allow myself to be further traumatized.  This time will be a positive.  My husband is the best reason ever to change my thoughts and feelings about this.  He deserves everything I have to give. 

So, with a little shout out to Robin over at YOUR DAILY DOSE, I'll end this by saying that I have seen yet again that the lessons really will keep coming until we get it.  That must be why they say it doesn't do any good to shoot the messenger!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Don't Think I Have Anything Left To Cross

My husband is back!
But he doesn't have any news to share yet.  He feels as if the series of interviews went well, but he can't say whether he thinks they would be leaning one way or the other.

He was given all kinds of info. about benefits, etc.  Talk about dangling that carrot!  Let's just say that there are things about this prospective company that are available as benefits that we would have never even imagined.  It makes his current place of work look like 'just a job'. 

So naturally I am wishin' and hopin'- hard.  Fingers and everything else crossed!
 It's funny how this whole thing got started because we would like to move to Texas.  And getting sunnier weather and a lower cost of living wouldn't be half bad either.  Now we are learning that looking around to see what's out there is never a bad idea.

In the midst of all the excitement of what could be possible, my husband has decided that if this is not the job at this moment in time then he is going to use this experience to motivate himself to end this year by passing a second test, along with several other prerequisites that he has acquired this year already.  That way he will be absolutely irresistible to any possible employers out there.

I love his positive attitude and I feel that this experience has already been a good one.  I am grateful for whatever we have in this life and I know that we are so fortunate for every opportunity that we ever get.  Still, I would like to think that this one is maybe, just maybe the particular one that we have been waiting for. 
                                                     Fingers Crossed How about you???

Sunday, August 7, 2011

T Minus...

These are my t minus numbers for the next day or so regarding a job interview for my husband in Texas!

(4) In just 4 hours I will be taking my husband to the airport.

(14) At 6pm central time my husband will have dinner with a few of his prospective co-workers and others.

(30) 8am central time will be the beginning of a long day of interviews for my husband.  It seems as if he will be meeting just about anybody and everybody.

(62) The number of hours before my husband will be back home and hopefully have some encouraging and maybe even exciting news to share!

Monday, August 1, 2011

One Day When I Don't Have To Clean Up Crap For Money

This post is brought to you with much inspiration from my husband.

There is more to report on the job hunting front and it is all good news so far.  Yay!

The company we have been working with in Texas is flying my husband in for an in person interview on the 9th of August.  They have let us know that they had planned to interview for this position in September, but they have decided that they would really like to talk with my husband sooner, hence the interview coming up.  Of course we are excited, yet trying to remain tempered.  My husband & I are practicing patience, while allowing ourselves to hope a bit. 

In and amongst our daydreams of hope, we have both come up with some pretty idealistic scenarios.  While we actually know that life will be no more perfect than it is in any particular geographical location, sometimes I do find myself imagining things like a house that is truly low maintenance.  I have heard my husband dare to speak aloud about how strange and wonderful it might be to afford a little indulgence here and there without so much buyers remorse later.  While we have worked hard to get to a point in which we are fortunate to be able to pay for life's expenses without a horrendous amount of effort, sometimes it feels as if the rewards for hard work are always just a little out of reach.  So as much as neither my husband or I want to think that changing our location is all about money, we would be fooling ourselves if we did not admit that a much lower cost of living is definitely an important aspect of any future move.

And so, having admitted to being excited about the idea that saving some cash is one heck of a motivator to do anything, I offer you my story of how my husband made me laugh about being paid to clean up dog crap:

My regular work will be slow for the next 6 weeks, so I agreed to take care of a dog for a person who has employed me for many different projects over the years.  I figured that I could use the money since my income would be down and I had taken care of this dog before so what was the big deal???  The big deal is that this dog has picked up some really annoying habits sometime between the last time I watched her and now.  I'm not sure what happened, but she really seems to have lost more than a few IQ points and her behavior is quite poor.  One of the worst things this dog is doing that is wreaking havoc on my household at this moment in time is that she is now stepping in her own crap when she goes outside.  Tonight she managed to drag it in on her foot and prance right across the carpet, before anyone noticed that she had done it.  That's right, I got to steam clean my carpet at midnight!  And you can sure bet that I loved that.  After the excitement had died down and I was putting away the cleaning stuff, my husband came to me and promised me that one day soon I would not have to clean up any more crap for money.  I could hear the unusual amount of frustration in his voice.  He went on to say that he felt bad that he had not reached the level of success that would insure that I would never have had to do this kind of thing for money at all. 

All of the pent up disappointment that my husband has been feeling over not finding work in the place where we really want to be has come down to this.  The man was actually apologizing to me for having to clean up dog crap.  And worse, he felt that this dogs lack of at least a half brain's worth of sense had anything at all to do with him or his ability to provide properly for me. 

While my decision to take on a rather crappy dog sitting job is really all my own, I couldn't love my husband more for seeing that I do deserve better. 

So naturally, I answered back without skipping a beat- 'hey, at least I don't have to do it for free.'

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In The Dark, But Not Afraid

Not knowing is often the worst part of anything in life.  You feel like if you just knew something, anything, you could handle that and move on.  But then you get real with yourself and accept that what you really want is a certain answer, not just any answer.

So right now I am willing to wait, with the hope that a little more waiting will result in the answer that I am truly waiting and hoping for!  No need to rush this process as that means that there is still a process goin' on and that's good for the moment...

Meanwhile, I've been enjoying a bit of exploring my relatively new self.  Yes, the me that is about 50 lbs. (-O.K. 48 to be exact)  lighter than the old me of the past 15 years or so.  This has been as of January of this year.

I kept meaning to say something here on this blog, but the timing was never just right.  I would get these 'epic' posts all ready in my head and then just "meh"- it didn't work for me.  Certainly weight loss has been a part of my journey in getting ready for my next step in this life- be it moving to Texas or otherwise, but really it has only been one part of what is a very real transformative mode that I have been in for the last year and half or so.

So yes, there has been serious weight loss involved and yes, it has been eye-opening and a truly enlightening experience.  But for me, it has been almost an afterthought in the realm of what has been going on in my life.  So I guess I have felt like my input into the weight loss blog world has been unneeded.  I have benefited immensely from those who I consider the true weight loss bloggers of note- people like Christine over at 'A Deliberate Life' and Loretta whose blog is 'Loretta's Journey from 460 to 199... One Good Choice At A Time'.  My experience has been one of seeing how what I allow into my life in the form of stress is very indicative of how much I weigh.  And how sometimes the choices of what and who to let go of never being able to "fix" can be quite overwhelming.  But really the moment I noticed that I was no longer carrying around a large bag of Costco dog food finally seemed to get the message into my head.  I am now officially 5 lbs. overweight and I am pretty darned good with that!

So on that note, I have been exploring what it is to be in this different body.  And as good as it is, there are some things that are different in a bit of a negative way.  One of those things seems to be strength for me.  I have realized that I did rely on 'muscling' my way through many of my daily activities.  I guess I sort of 'threw my weight' around so to speak. 

I have noticed how much more effort goes into simple things.  Things like digging a hole with a shovel, or lifting heavy furniture is just not as natural as it once was for me.  I liked being super strong and it had become part of who I am.  Now I notice I can still do things.  I just have to do them differently, more carefully. 

Some of those things are really important to me.  Things like being able to shoot a pistol with laser-like accuracy.  So, last night I spent a little time with my favorite instructor down at the gun range.  I had been showing up to practice and just getting annoyed with the fact that things were not as accurate as they had always been.  Last night I was ready to do something about it.  I finally summoned up the courage to admit that things had changed and that I was ready to do something to fix it.

After only about 15 minutes with the instructor, I was able to pinpoint the problems and see that I had been a bit lazy before and relying on my muscles and not on the kick-ass stance that I am capable of.  Let's just say that I am thrilled with my ability to still work a target down to a 4 inch perimeter.  And I never did actually lose the ability to rapid fire hit six different targets in a row. 

I do love being a strong and healthy woman.  And this past year or so has been all about improving that for me.  Even down to improving my ability to deal with the unknown, something I have never ever been all that comfortable with.  So I thank everyone for their thoughts for my husband & I and I'll let you know what is up just as soon as I know!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Something Is Afoot...


Regular readers: YOU know what I'm getting at.

There's a really good opportunity out there.  And they are interested.  Very.  And so are we.

AND... it's in Texas.

Now I'm not really superstitious or anything.  I don't knock on wood like my neighbor.  But I don't like to jump the gun either.  My husband and I have learned that it is tough to stay excited and ready to do something at any moment, but also that it is tougher still to realize that you might be missing out on what's right here in front of you in your life right now...

Let's just say this is the CLOSEST that we have gotten to having what we have put out there in the universe as what we want to happen, actually happening.

I still believe what is meant to happen will absolutely happen for my husband and I.  And if this particular opportunity is the one, boy will I have to laugh. 

We finally made plans more than 6 weeks out for things we would do here.  We even made reservations for another 'warm weather' vacation.  I just got through as much organizing as I could possibly do ahead of time and finally got back into all my regular activities...

Things do have a way of coming full circle, don't they?

Keep us in your thoughts and I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Now That You Got Through That Test, What's Next?

You know that question that always comes at the end of the Super Bowl...  Well, around here we have our own version of that little scenario. 
Now that my husband has passed his latest nasty actuarial exam, what are we going to do?
We're going to Disneyland, of course!

 Goofy is there waiting for us!

Actually passing the test had nothing to do with these plans, but the timing is nice.
The real reason we're headed back to see Mickey and friends is because my wonderful nephew has never been to Disneyland and we have been promising him a trip there for over a year and a half now.  Last year it didn't happen due to some pretty sad circumstances.  Basically his mother was using him as a pawn.  I was so mad I could have spit.  And that's pretty mad for me, 'cuz I think spitting is just nasty.
But finally, after plenty of time and heartbreak, the plans are really rolling and we are all getting super excited to make this truly happen.  My nephew is counting down the days and now I am too, with my new little ticker at the top right of my page here, thanks to seeing the one over on Loretta's blog.  I am so happy to be sharing the excitement of heading to the happiest place on earth with my nephew, with all of you!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Keepin' Busy

Up until this morning, I was super preoccupied with my husbands study efforts leading up to his test today.  I stay as involved as I can, helping him go over practice problems and being a sounding board for him to work out the details of some devilishly detailed math.  Now it's finally the day of the test and I have become super busy doing anything I can to keep my mind off the fact that he is plugging away at his exam even as I type this.  I have every right to believe that he will pass this time.  I really do.  But I thought he would pass last time and he didn't. So I also have this gnawing feeling in my gut that is making me stir crazy.

So far I have done some official work for about 3 and half hours this morning.  Then I stopped at two different stores on the way home.  When I was out the weather was doing this annoying snow/raining thing again.

So I did what any half crazed woman not quite in her right mind would do.  I bought some pretty primroses-

and went straight to work planting them as snowflakes fell into my hair.  I think it was sort of my way of protesting this way too long winter and giving this stressful day a little lift while I was at it.

Now I've gone to work on the laundry even though the bins are practically empty.  I think I'll go and see if I can find anything else that needs bleaching...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Think 7

Today at noon is liftoff for my husbands current nasty actuarial exam.  As mentioned in a previous blog post here, this is not as easy endeavour.  What he wants to receive as a grade or passing score is at least a 6 out of a possible 10.  For the last exam, I felt strongly that he would get a 7 and he actually earned an 8!  That was excellent.  There is always much riding on passing these tests, but as of late we are especially interested in what passing yet another of these will mean for his job prospects in Texas.
Up until just recently, the Casualty Actuarial Society has had a policy of making you wait until 6 weeks after the test to get a result.  Even at 6 weeks, you were only shown whether you had passed or not.  You had to wait another 2 weeks for an actual score.  That was a form of torture all its own.
Today will be the first time my husband will be given at least a pass/fail result immediately following the test as the test has been computerized this time around.  Funny enough, we are both kind of freaked out by getting a result right away.  To think we have become accustomed to the torture of waiting so much that it seems we may actually miss that time in no mans land...
At this point, we have put in the time, sacrificed missing things we would have rather been doing and are not sure whether any more practice would make a damn bit of difference.  In other words, I feel my husband is right where he should be.  He works so hard at this; he deserves to pass every time.  Today, I will be thinking 7.
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