Showing posts with label talent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label talent. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

It's Already Wednesday Again!

This week literally flew by!  That hasn't happened in quite a while- at least not here in the Seattle area in winter time!

Guess that's what happens when you come to the end of an 11 year job with a client that really has become a family relationship for me, that saw us both through some of the roughest times in our lives...  We've actually had a blast this past week packing her up and getting her ready for the big send-off.  She is moving to Hawaii.  Aloha!
And then our city's NFL team goes and kicks butt all over the Super Bowl and honestly, seriously, if any of us are truly being real- WE NEVER SAW THAT COMING!  No titles for this city since 1979.  We're gonna' have to get used to this sort of thing.
Oh and I am still working hard on that 70's theme birthday party.  It's coming together great!

So anyway, here I am.  And I've got another 'What If' for you this week.

This time I am inspired by the sad event this week of yet another talented soul being lost to drug addiction.  When I read the accounts of Philip Seymour Hoffman being found dead with a needle still in his arm, I couldn't help but be affected by the thought of it all.  I'll be honest and say that I'm not really all that familiar with his work and yet, I can't ever justify loss of talent and potential to drugs or any other destructive force.
Drug use and what should be done about it is quite a touchy subject and I must admit this surprises me.  So, I'm interested in finding out what others perceptions on this subject might be.  My question this time around is:  What if all drugs were legalized for adults, say 21 and over, in the same way we treat alcohol?

Your talent is God's gift to you.  What you do with it is your gift back to God.  -Leo Buscaglia

Monday, November 18, 2013

Musical Monday- Rion Paige

I used to be a die hard fan of those singing competition shows.  Then, somewhere along the way, I just kind of lost interest.  (I seem to have lost interest in much of TV these days.)  So these days I don't often know what's going on with those singing shows at all.

The other night I came upon a young girl singing on what turned out to be the X Factor that I just could not ignore.  She was mesmerizing and her Southern country style was just wonderfully comfortable to hear.  When I found out she was only 13 years old and has some challenging life issues, I was even more impressed. 

Take a listen and look at Rion Paige and let me know what you think!

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