Thursday, August 11, 2005


As most of you know, I used to dump all of my thoughts into an e-mail and jettison them to hundreds and hundreds of people around the world every week. Since finding this format, however, I’ve only used my weekly e-mail blast to remind people to check in every so often. Many of you are already on the reminder list (because you appreciate the weekly nudge). But some of you may have stumbled upon this site by pure accident (fate), or because someone you love wanted to share something they love. So if you are not on the list and would like a weekly reminder to check back, you can subscribe here:

When I went to Topica to sign up for my list, I discovered I was a “Topica Pick.” Apparently, AYNtK has been designated a good read by the editors at According to their site, the little bug they placed next to AYNtK “indicates that a list has won Topica's pick for valuable content. Topica Picks are the most intriguing, amusing, useful and informative lists in their category.”

Well, I’ll be dipped in shit.


Anonymous said...


Have you sent a reninder in the last two weeks 'cause I have not received them...

One of your most loyal fans for years,


Contact me! said...


No - I've been remiss. Beer came calling twice, and I answered the call both times. I'll try to eat more fiber this week so my reminders are regular again.

Thanks for asking!


ChatRat said...

You might like to encourage your faithful who may also have blogs of their own to link back here and catch the stragglers - as it were.

Hmm... I might change the tag on my own link to "Be one of the knowing."

Has a nice ring to it.