Screaming Bean |
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Like many of you, I sat transfixed yesterday watching the pageantry and historical significance of the inauguration. The speech was moving and angry at times, as was the crowd. When the chant of na-na-na-na goodbye went up from the crowd as the Bushes' helicopter passed overhead, you knew where the crowd stood politically. Still, to see nearly two million people in one spot for one singular purpose with no riots or incidents, that was as breathtaking as anything that took place on stage. I felt bad that Senator Kennedy overextended himself during the inaugural, causing his later health incident during the luncheon. I know he wouldn't have missed it for the world, but to sit for nearly two hours on the dais, it was a risk certainly. The thing that made me laugh though would have to be Al Roker's attempt to contact the president while he walked past him on the parade route. After hearing over the course of the morning that he'd been snubbed by every president to date, to actually have Obama make a direct statement that it was warm nearly made Al come unglued. Labels: inauguration, Obama