About Me

name: Beanie
age: 35
email: bbbeans@yahoo.com


Book: New York by Edward Rutherfurd

Music: 1999 by Prince

Mood: The current mood of bbbeans@yahoo.com at www.imood.com


Teahouse Blossom
May It Please The Court
Blonde Justice
Ernie The Attorney
Lessig Blog
Evan Schaeffer's Legal Underground
Jeremy's Weblog
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The Neutral Zone Trap
the imbroglio
Biting Tongue
Peanut Butter Burrito
Legal Quandary
In It But Not Of It
A New Duck
Just Playin'
Res Ipsa Eloquent
How Appealing
Lag Liv
Law v. Life
Lowering the Bar
Bag and Baggage
The Uncivil Litigator
Will Work For Favorable Dicta


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Magic Cookie
Knocked Up (and in Law School)
Mommy on the Floor
Thanks, But No Thanks
Law Ingenue
No. 634
think like a woman. act like a man.


the underwear drawer
Do Not Overmix
Little Lost Robot
Overheard in the Office


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Screaming Bean
Monday, September 17, 2007

The bug is missing. That's the one highlight of my Monday. The weekend was far better though...after 3 seasons and much swearing, I finally broke 100 in golf. Okay, it was a 99, but it was a 99! I've signed up to play in a tournament, so the fact that I've dropped my handicap by 6 points this season cheers me greatly. When my game is good, it looks great. I do fear however, the season is nearly over. I woke up to weather in the 40s. I'm wearing long sleeve shirts again. It's still sunny, but wow, I didn't want it to get cold this quick. I still have golf to play!

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Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm exhausted. Very little sleep last night, and getting up insanely early will do that to you. I tried to go back to sleep this morning, but wasn't terribly successful. And to top it off it seems my doctor submitted my insurance claims to the previous insurer, so now I've got to go through that rigmarole. But, I did make deviled eggs this weekend, and played golf, so the weekend was pretty nice. My new clubs are really good. Me as a player? Not as good, but the clubs are doing their darndest. I just need to tap into my internal mad skills. Yeah, the weekend was good...too bad I am starting out the week so beat. It's going to be a long day.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Damn, that weekend went fast. But...I did make a purchase over the weekend that may pay large dividends to me in the long run. Yes, I will actually own my very own golf clubs. No hand-me-downs, no weird cheap sets, my very own fitted set of clubs. It took nearly 2 hours to do it. So the way I see it, I got an hour lesson out of it too. The key to being fitted is consistency in swinging, which is harder than it sounds. Try to hit a number of golf balls exactly the same and see what you think. It's not possible at my level. Either way, I'll have a set of clubs for me in about 2 weeks. Next stop, professional! (Okay, stop laughing now...)


Friday, July 06, 2007

Yes, I made it back from golf school in one piece. One small blister on my hand, some odd sunburnt parts, and a set of grass covered golf shoes. I had a hard time articulating what about the trip makes it a vacation since it's a bit of a 3-day athletic marathon, but I think it did improve my mood. You can't be thinking about the vagaries of work and hit a couple hundred golf balls effectively. The limited cell phone service also helps. And so I came back yesterday, tired, sore but in a better frame of mind. Not sure how long that will last, but it's worth trying. That reminds me, I really need to clean up my clubs when I get home...that last round in the rain really left them a mess.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Yes, I don't post as much as I used to, but then again very little happens in my world these days. In fact, with the exception of trying to figure out how to stretch out lunch without offending the powers that be, I haven't had a whole heck of a lot of things to do. A lot of my job is waiting to hear back on documents from my superior. So that's what I do. And that's not billable. *scowl* But in better news, I go to golf school next week! Yes, just like the last two years, I get to head off for three days of beating golf balls senseless in the hope of improving my game. If nothing else, I get to rid my pent-up aggression this way. It's effectively infinite golf balls, or until my arms fall off. I've come close on the latter front. Either way, it's not the inside of my office, and that's fantastic. If I can only keep from getting sunburned, it'll be a total success.

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