Showing posts with label Circumcision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Circumcision. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Circumcision Tips

(o.k., I know, that was a really bad pun).

Via Yahoo! News, Study shows circumcision may reduce AIDS risk.

Here's the link to the mohel we have used twice now:

No, we're not Jewish. Rabbi Rovinsky is the only one I know of in the Dallas area who does non-ritual circs. He is well-known among local homebirthers and midwives. It's a great alternative to a hospital procedure if you want to wait 8 days, plan on waiving the vitamin K shot, or just want a more baby-friendly procedure. I could also go into detail about technique, but I won't. Trust me. If you oppose circumcision, please don't email me or leave comments. Just pray for a girl.