Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nashville Trip -25 Weeks

We took a Francoz family trip to visit Steph and Tyler, and by we I mean Adrian, me, Sylvie, Philippe, and of course Abbie! Getting there was rather interesting as Sylvie left a few days before us, Adrian had a free ticket with Southwest and flew out of Ontario, and Philippe and I flew out of LAX as it was cheaper than Ontario. The plane ride was okay, but I got uncomfortable about half way through the trip. I had to get up and stand a lot. We left on November 21st and returned on the 25th. It was a very quick trip, but it was a lot of fun!

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand getting uncomfortable on flights. the trip from NYC to LAX pregnant is NOT fun. Especially when we did it four times in two weeks!
