Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sleeping Angels

Melissa is doing this and it looked fun, so I thought i would do it, too. It is a contest to win a bedroom set. If I won I would go with the Blueberry color Summer Breeze set.Anneke sleeps all curled up like this and with the bunk beds it is hard to get a good picture. She has been having bad nightmares lately, so I thought it best to go with a photo I already had than to scare her.

I love taking sleeping pictures of my babies, so the last three are of Luke. I love how you can see how chubby his cheeks are in this one.
Luke was exhausted and fell asleep on the couch. I got a series of pictures of his as he slept. (You can't see the pile of pillows and blankets off to the side.:))
After a walk he was finally asleep, so we left him in his snow suit. Oh, he is so cute!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Memory Monday

Before Andy and I even thought about each other in "that way", I was friends with him and his family. I did a play where I was engaged to Scott. My senior year in high school I did "Preferred Couples" with Jeff and was in the Mormon Miracle Pageant with Scott and Andy just before Andy went on his mission. It is interesting the dealings that I had with his family before we even got together, let alone engaged. I still enjoy hanging out with them. Scott and I have always had fun together. I have great in-laws. (I had to get these all out of my scrapbooks, so they are weird shapes. Sorry.) After Andy and I got engaged and then married we split every Sunday between his family and mine. I loved playing games with his brothers and getting to know everyone better. In fact, my first Bahlmann kiss was given to me by little Michael. At the time he was 14 months old. I even think my mother-in-law has pictures of that somewhere. Ah, the memories...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ender's Game

This is not ordinary book review. So, I am going to start with a bit of explanation. This book is probably Andy's all time favorite book. He read it over and over when he was in middle school and several times since. His copy was well worn and he could turn to favorite sections easily. (Someone borrowed and never returned this copy, though.) My husband was tormented and abused by his peers for most of elementary and middle school. His first real friend (besides his brothers and family) was Dave Bone, his sophomore year in high school. (I hope that I am not embarrassing you, Andy.) In the book Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, Andy saw himself in Andrew Wiggin, known throughout the book as Ender.

Okay, so I went into this book with high expectations. It is Andy's favorite and the best known book by the author. After reading it I realized a few things. I am not a science fiction fan. I don't understand how things work and that is a problem. Even if they explain it, I don't usually buy it, so sci-fi is not my genre of choice. I don't like swearing at all. I can't stand it when bad things keep happening to children. All of this happens in the book.

The book is about Andrew "Ender" Wiggin. Who, at the age of six, is taken from his home to be trained in battle strategy for a war with an alien race. Ender ages throughout the book and grows up. But, I had to keep reminding myself how old the boys were. They seemed too old for their age. I am not sure if it was poor writing or they were forced to be more mature because of their circumstances. Since he starts out Marcus's age, it was easy to compare at first.

The book was very well written and engaging. I wanted to know what happened and kept reading to see. I began to care about many of the characters and felt what they felt. I am intrigued to read the sequels, but it was pretty dark and I don't do well reading too much of that all at once. So, I will read something else and try Speaker for the Dead another time.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just say NO

This cute picture is of my daughter getting her 4 year photos done. Unfortunately this is the only one of this pose. So, I am sharing it here. The one everyone is getting is not nearly as cute. She is in the fake smile faze. In other news...she got a fork stabbed in her nose at school and wasn't too bothered. "They were playing with me, I guess." She just rolls with the punches. She had no cavities today and her hair was complimented by the dental hygienist. When they took "pictures" of her teeth Anneke smiled really big. It was hilarious! The worst was her comments, "My mom didn't let me brush my teeth." We were heading out the door and she didn't do it when I asked. When asked about flossing she told them I didn't let them do that either. When she got into her chair she said, "My brother and I both have cavities." She had thoroughly embarrassed me by the end.
Marcus is a great big brother. He is so cute with Luke. He was rough housing with him this afternoon and was surprisingly gentle. Marcus also came home with a perfect score on his spelling test, for the 4th week. That is not was intrigued me though. There were always little pictures next to each word. His teacher wrote "Cute illustrations". I asked him about it and he said, "I get done before anyone else and there is so much time I draw the sentence she uses rather than get bored." We went to the dentist today and Marcus has no cavities, and very little plaque. His missing teeth should come in soon. The dentist said it could take until he turns 8, though! (One guy in the practice graduated from the University of Colorado. Sound familiar?)

Luke is walking up a storm. He just randomly takes off now, just not too well. I loved this video and am glad it came through. It is at "Talk LIke a Pirate Day" at the library.

I was offered a beer while walking to my YW activity tonight. It was interesting. I also saw a man peeing on our apartment building on my way home. It was a big night for me.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Memory Monday

Pictured above in Orem Utah with our dancing pizza friend is me, Anna (Osmond) Poole, Heather (Bailey) Nordell, and Christa (Hampton) Anderson.

This was after we took a trip to the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City. (Spring of 1999) We saw this guy on the side of the road in Orem and had to get a picture with him. I wonder what he is doing now... For my senior prediction, Anna said that I would be a dancing pizza some day. Well, I haven't yet, but who's to say. I loved hanging out with Anna and Christa. We did speech and drama trips and plays. Anna and I (plus Becca and April) traveled to SUU for state basketball. They were like family. In fact, Christa was one of my bridesmaids. Heather was also very willing to take me places in her cool car and for that I am grateful. She was (and is) a good big sister. Now you guys know I am cool. I am friends with an OSMOND! (Anna, that last part is for old times sake.)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Big brother

Marcus wants me to post the jokes he has made up. He is pretty clever. Since he is reading over my shoulder as I write this, I will follow his wishes.
Q - What is a Zombie's favorite drink?
A - 'Die' t Pepsi

Q - What do you call a bird playing soccer?
A - a sea - goal

Q - What do you call a quiet potato?
A - Hushbrown

The other night Anneke wouldn't clean up the living room after being asked 3 times in 20 minutes, so she got all of her blankets and pillows taken away. That was what she had chosen to spread around the front room. (There are a lot. I am not sure why my children feel the need to sleep with so much stuff.) I let her choose one blanket to sleep with that night, since she had a small pillow. She had the bare minimum so she would learn to listen. That night Anneke had a bad dream. When I went to tuck her back in I returned the other pillows and blankets to get them out of my room. Somehow she already had pillows on her bed. Marcus did not. Big brother was taking care of little sister.

I wanted a boy first because I wanted a big brother to watch out for his younger siblings. Sometimes, you do get what you wish for.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Life, Doctor visits...

On Monday I realized that we have found "our restaurant". My older sister said she was still looking for "her restaurant" in Japan and I started thinking about where we eat. Our first choice is "Metro Pizza". We went there on Anneke's birthday for the first time and a few times since. It isn't too far from our house either. On Monday we took my sister-in-law there for her birthday. They give the kids pizza dough to play with while they wait and everyday is a theme day. Monday just happened to be "50% any pizza if it's your birthday". (Last time we went it was "free canolli") They also let kids make their own pizza's once or twice a month for free. It is a fun place.

We finally found a doctor for the children here. It is out in Henderson, but seems good. All of the children had their check-ups. Marcus and Anneke got shots, but not Luke. Poor Marcus. I was sure he was up to date, so told him he wouldn't get one. I should learn to shut my mouth. Marcus is 4 feet 3 inches tall, and above average. Luke is almost 30 inches tall and above average. (But, he lost 2 ounces. He is slimming down instead of rapidly gaining like usual.) Anneke was 44 inches tall and off the charts. They are all skinny. Poor Bubba had to get re-circumcised. I won't go into details, but lets just say that I did not like the doctor he had in Boulder. (Also, please don't comment such as, "That is why we did not circumcise our baby..." It is a personal choice that I respect in all people, so please do the same. We thought about this decision and researched it extensively and believe we made the right choice for our family.)

I finally took Anneke to get her 4 year pictures taken on Friday. I had a dear friend that was amazing at getting all 5 of her children pictures taken at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12months, 18 months, 2 years, 3 years, etc. I did great with Marcus and started out great with Anneke. I missed 18 months and 3 years with her. Luke, poor kid, hasn't had any taken yet. I guess I will start with his 1 year. Anyway, Anneke has perfected her fake smile. I was hard pressed to find a good picture to get copies of. But, I will post it when we get them back.

Friday night we went bowling. We bowled 2 games and that was too much. Too bad you can't do 1 1/2. The kids had fun and I did awful. Marcus beat me both times. Andy has a swollen toe because of the bowling shoes, but we would go again. We found a bowling alley with an entrance not through a casino. Yeah!

I am almost done with week two of watching baby Marcus. I am so glad I did not have twins. Luke is walking around and pulling the poor 6-month old's hair. (He has A LOT!) However, it is not as bad as I feared and not too stressful on me. Poor Andy was not meant for the job.

I think that is the best recap for now. I hope this isn't too long.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Memory Monday

So, I missed last week, but here is this week's blog. Many of you may stop reading, sorry.

These are my oldest friends besides my sisters. From top right, Katie (Hopkins) Heller, Crystal (Johnson) Hunt, Summer (Adams) Wheatley and me, Heidi (Bailey) Bahlmann.

I moved to Ingram in the Texas Hill Country when I was in kindergarten and attended the Kerrville ward. This picture was taken 10 years later and is one of the last of the four of us together. Katie, Crystal and I were the 3 Musketeers and later we added Summer. We were in the same ward, but all lived in different towns and went to different schools. We traveled to stake functions (an hour away) together. I fondly remember ward camp outs at the Moore's ranch, Youth Conferences, firesides, sleep-overs, "Newsies" and of course stake dances. I remember each of our crushes, Ross Davidson, Justin Nylander, Chris Johnson, (I wonder if it was weird for Crystal having one of her best friends in love with her twin brother) and Sam Harmer. (He is still quite good looking by the way, but I am madly in love with my husband.)

I have seen them each since this photo, but not all together. Crystal came to Mormon Miracle pageant, Summer came and stayed a few weeks with me one summer, and Katie came for her brother's wedding in the Manti temple. She got to meet the man I thought I was going to marry, just a few months before Andy returned from his mission. (Was James going to do your hair or Morgan's? I was trying to remember.) I still keep in contact with each of these women and they amaze me still. Katie, Crystal and I were all pregnant at the same time with boys. Katie and I gave birth within days of each other last November. I still love these guys and am grateful for the memories and friendship.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Everyone that reads this can probably remember where they were when they heard about what was going on 7 years ago today in New York and elsewhere. I was getting dressed when my oldest sister called. Then watched events unfold while in my bowling class. (No comments about that, please. It was fun.)
Marcus was supposed to wear red, white and blue today. He spent a while making sure he had something of each color on before he left for school, but he was not sure why. Before he left I felt the need and explained what today was as best I could. (I was pregnant with him at the time.) I told him that we needed to remember all the people that died for us and what an amazing gift our freedom is. After school Marcus told me in essence, "After I said the pledge of allegiance this morning I thought about what you told me today was." No one else told him why he should wear those three colors that mean so much to us. Not a teacher or principal. Yet, he chose to think about it. Did you remember?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Guess Who is...

Caspian Luke is walking! He is only taking a couple tentative steps between furniture and people, but it is still great. He is also clicking his teeth, (yuck) and climbing into the dishwasher. He is getting so big!
This week has proven more challenging than I expected, so I forgot to do "Memory Monday". I will start again next week.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Some things I learned this week

  • It is not easy to kill anything, even if it is a mouse.
  • The second mouse is a lot easier.
  • You can still feel the pain of those you love from 1,000's of miles away.
  • Sometimes what you want makes you sad when you get it.
  • I have an addictive personality.
  • Money stinks, especially when you have none.
  • When exposed to a lot of books a 9-month old will know what to do with them.
  • When your downstairs neighbors smoke a lot, it will seep through the floor and make your apartment smell like smoke.
  • Some people think that Andy looks like a jock.
  • Canadian geese and ducks don't like popcorn, just tortillas.
  • Regular geese will eat anything.
  • Catnip supposedly repels cockroaches. (We'll see.)
  • Mint is supposed to work against mice and ants.
  • Toast is better than bread
  • Everything needs a name.
  • Anneke's super power is somersaulting.
  • Marcus is not a typical first grader. (Sorry for the fuzzy photo, but Marcus made a "jet-pack" for his pet lion, Mr. Noil, out of Anneke's velcro curlers.)
  • New ways to spell swear words. (from Anneke's "tagged" school)
  • My little sister has good taste in books and TV shows.
  • Marcus is on a 3rd grade reading level. (I think he got scared when they said "4th grade words" to him. He is reading chapter books, though.)
  • I am blessed in all the ways that truly matter.
A mystery - At lunch yesterday Anneke said, "He is not itchy, gooey or twerty." Any ideas?

P.S. I am a clean person and in fact vacuum every night and scrub the kitchen to prevent mice and roaches. It is not working. Andy thinks they are coming from our neighbors. *sigh* I want a house of my own.

Yeah for school

Photo - walking to school.
I know I probably blog more than I should. Those of you that do not, I am sure it is because you have friends and a life. I have my family, so when things are quiet I blog about them. (However, some of you could stand to blog more...) I am so glad that I started thsi trend in my family and now they all blog, too. Yeah!

Last night was back to school night for Marcus. It really put me at ease. His teacher has enough schooling for a PhD, but doesn't see a point when she is teaching first grade. But, she takes classes all the time to keep up. They are a title 1 school, though not a good thing (It means that most of the children are poor and on government assistance), it does mean they get a lot of money to use for programs. Anyway, it is a great fit for my boy.

My little sister suggested we watch "Pushing Daisies" (ABC). I was skeptical. I knew nothing about it and have blown her off for a year. Finally Andy looked into it and now we are hooked. We watched an overview and then two episodes online. Two words - Kristin Chenoweth. Unfortunately it is on Wednesday nights, along with Bones (Fox) and Criminal Minds (CBS). I hope they stream it online. I don't watch many shows, so the fact that these are all on the same night is frustrating. Luckily I still have Chuck and The Office on other nights. ;)

Anneke did start school and I am totally unimpressed. It doesn't help that I know exactly the requirements they should be following and am WELL aware of where they are falling short. They are government funded for crying out loud. Plus, her school was tagged and is in the ghetto. Not too comfortable with that. I am going to try it for a little while longer, but if things don't improve I am pulling her out.

A friend of mine had a bad child care situation and was scared for the safety of her baby. He is 3 months younger than Luke, and I volunteered to watch him 3 days a week. She needed someone quickly. It is awful pay, but she is giving what she can and I don't mind. His name is Marcus, and my Marcus is so excited. I hope that it all turns out okay. If not, it will give her time to find something different and that she feels good about, but I have no worries right now.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Memory Monday

So, I couldn't get my scanner to work. (I have not had a very good experience so far with the new operating system that Andy was so excited about.) I was going to use a picture from high school, but since I couldn't, I thought this would be good.

In Boulder every summer they would have a family camp-out in family housing. This was last year while Andy was in England. The picture is of our friends William, Dallin, and Spencer, with Anneke and Marcus. The kids keep talking about camping out again. We'll need to find a good place to do that. Anyway, this is a Boulder picture. We miss Colorado. We miss the friends and the green. Anneke and Marcus miss being able to go outside. (It is too hot and we have no grass, just rocks.) But we are enjoying our life here, too. Still, Colorado will always hold a place in our hearts.