Showing posts with label babysitting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babysitting. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bye, Audrey!

 Anneke is on the right in the front for the talent show in May.
 The last Friday in May we said goodbye to Audrey. Her family moved a week or so later. It was sad.

Marcus held Audrey's new sister, Lena. She is the opposite of Audrey with light blue eyes and blond hair.
 The gang all together one last time.
 Anneke had to have a turn with Lena, too.
 Audrey posed for the camera.
 Mallory hugging her friend.
 Playing together.
I love watching kids. I love that we will always have a bond. I have been very blessed since we have lived here to watch some fun kiddos. It is bitter sweet.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

How I lost another babysitter...

Micaela has been our babysitter of choice for years. She recently left for SUU, a very fun school. We are excited for her, but that meant we needed someone else.

I have not been to the temple for about a year. With a nursing baby every couple of hours we couldn't make it work. I have really been missing it. When the YW president asked that the presidency make an effort to go for ward temple night I knew it was time. It helped that all the young women were offering free babysitting.

During the day we went to the children's museum. We had a busy day and Mallory only cat napped a few times. She was exhausted by the time I put her down and I knew she would sleep well for at least the time we were gone. I put her down and then remembered my temple clothes. I snuck into the room and we quickly left.

Maddy has watched our children before, but it has been a while. A few minutes after we left Mal started wailing. Immediately she was rescued. Poor exhausted baby just wanted to sleep, but everyone else thought she needed something. Food and diaper change were tried. In desperation, Maddy took Mallory to our neighbor's house. Stacie suggested a bath. Poor Maddy figured that since Mally was sweating a cold bath would be good. Remember how much my baby hates baths, add to that cold water you have one (even more) unhappy girl. By the time we got home baby girl had finally fallen asleep on the couch a few minutes before and Maddy and her sister were more than ready to leave. *Sigh* I just have about a year and a half until I can hire my oldest child to watch the kids. Until then I need to find someone else because I am pretty sure Maddy and her sister Hannah will have plenty of excuses not to. ;) Any takers?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

News Flash

At the risk of grossing people out (TMI alert) Luke just poohed on the potty! Wow! I am thrilled. Okay, carry on with your lives.

Oh, and today I realized what it will be like with a baby. I watched Baby Marcus and his (really a baby) brother Austin. I spent most of my time trying to take care of Austin. I earned every penny today, I think. Anyway, I hope it is not as hectic in 4 months. (I am due in exactly 4 months people!) I think it will be better because I can nurse the baby. ;)

Sunday, January 31, 2010


After 4 months in Primary Children's hospital Dave Bone's daughter, Avalyn, was able to come home on Friday. She was not supposed to survive this long and have no reason why the things happened the way they did. The Bone family are so happy and doing well. Avi's older sister and brother love her. She looks like a baby Dave with cute chubby cheeks and dark hair. (I just wanted to update interested parties.) It sure made me realize how blessed I am. I am so grateful for my healthy children and the love of my Father in heaven. I am so grateful he hears and answers my prayers.

I am no longer watching baby Marcus. His mom had her baby last week. She was able to have a VBAC like she wanted. They named him, Austin Pete and he was exactly the size Luke was at birth. (8 pounds 3 ounces, 20 3/4 inches long.)

Anyway, I just wanted to share. I love you all.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Best Job

I have the best job. I get to stay home and play all day! Anneke and I just finished having a Christmas breakfast. She spent at least 1/2 an hour wrapping things in Christmas paper. (She used a whole roll of tape. Then as we were playing she commented, "Wow these are wrapped so good." and then took a sip of our pretend hot cocoa.) Now, she is coloring outside. (If she can be outside, she will be.)
Luke and baby Marcus like to push the babies in the strollers. The baby above is named Max and Luke thinks he is his own property. (I am grateful we have twin babies and two strollers for the toddlers. It makes the fighting less.) Max has gone to the playground with us and been, um, loved a lot. Once we forgot him and Luke asked for him to whole time.
(Luke has stopped smiling for the camera.) A few days ago we played restaurant and grocery store with our reusable grocery bags. It was entertaining. Doesn't he look so cute?

I play with blocks and Mr. Potato Head every day. We play cars and drawing. We read a lot of books. Seriously, I am so lucky. Today I met Mikhal. He is baby Marcus's cousin and will join our play a few days a week. He is easy going and very cute. He fit right in. We will be busy.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


On Wednesday Child Protective Services is coming to my house. They are coming to see the girls I watch away from their parents and in the care they are getting from week to week outside of their homes. (Andy says I need to link it to my former post.) I am so freaked out by that. I am not at all certified to have child care in my home, but it is clean. What are they going to look for? Now, Monday and Tuesday I am going to super clean my house. Seriously, there is no rational reason to be worried, but I am. I need more worry in my life, too, right?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My "day care"

Many of you know that i do child care in my home. It was an accident that it happened, but I have enjoyed watching Baby Marcus for the most part. We understand each other now. My bishop keeps recommending me to people because he "trusts me and knows the children will be loved". A great compliment. I was sad when things didn't work out to get the newborn this month. However...
I have two little girls that I am watching now. Their background is VERY complicated, to say the least. Let's just say their mom and dad had a shot gun wedding and mom cheated on dad and is now living with her boyfriend. I am stuck in the middle. The hardest part for me is caring for the two girls. They have no schedule or boundaries. Their mom brings mac and cheese literally every day for me to make for them. I mostly give them real food and return the unopened boxes, but she doesn't even notice. They do not come bathed. The youngest is lactose intolerant, but mom won't admit it so I clean up the vomit and yucky diapers. (I don't let her have dairy here.) The youngest girl also has not gained any weight since she was 6 months old. (She is now 14 months.) Why is no one concerned about this? She won't eat anything but sweets and junk. UGH! I feel like the bad guy every time they are here. However, I really care about the girls and want to do what I can for them. The oldest girl still colors like an 18 month old and she is almost four. They are not getting the care they deserve at all. I am mostly venting, but if you have any ideas or thoughts that would be nice. I would rather have the girls here than elsewhere. At least I know they are getting proper care a few days a week.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Marcus's

I watch a little boy three times a week. He was born on Leap Day last year, so he and Luke are almost exactly 3 months apart. We have a lot of fun. Lately he has been choosing me over his mom at church and Young Women activities. His name is Marcus. His middle name is close to my Marcus's, too. His mom is Spanish and their is a word for being name twins, but I can't remember it. I had a cute picture of BM (baby Marcus) with his curls, but when my computer crashed I lost it. Still he is cute now, too.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 4th/Forth

I didn't want to leave my last post as something so negative, so I am posting even though I don't have much to say.
Last night was rough. Apparently there was a party going on somewhere that Andy tuned in on so he couldn't sleep. I find it interesting that when the children cry or get up he miraculously sleeps through it, but he can't sleep through noises outside the apartment. I slept fine until he left the bed to sleep on the couch.
I have decided to watch more children in my home. I start watching 2 more children next week. They are ages 12 months, and 3 years and both girls. Their parents just divorced and their mom works at Hooters Hotel and Casino. The girls grandparents asked me to watch them so that they would have a good influence in their lives. Okay, here goes nothing. It makes my life more complicated, but I sure hope to rise to the task. I am now working more than a full time job and making less than $1000 a month. Oh, well. It should help so Andy isn't so stressed.
Anneke got to change her earrings last week and has worn a new pair every day. (We got a set of 9.) She looks very cute. We already lost a butterfly because Luke thinks they are fun to play with.
Marcus got new church clothes because he is too tall for his pants. Andy was upset that the size 10 pants fit him. Our little boy is not so little anymore. It will be interesting when we wear the same size shoes in a couple of years.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Life, Doctor visits...

On Monday I realized that we have found "our restaurant". My older sister said she was still looking for "her restaurant" in Japan and I started thinking about where we eat. Our first choice is "Metro Pizza". We went there on Anneke's birthday for the first time and a few times since. It isn't too far from our house either. On Monday we took my sister-in-law there for her birthday. They give the kids pizza dough to play with while they wait and everyday is a theme day. Monday just happened to be "50% any pizza if it's your birthday". (Last time we went it was "free canolli") They also let kids make their own pizza's once or twice a month for free. It is a fun place.

We finally found a doctor for the children here. It is out in Henderson, but seems good. All of the children had their check-ups. Marcus and Anneke got shots, but not Luke. Poor Marcus. I was sure he was up to date, so told him he wouldn't get one. I should learn to shut my mouth. Marcus is 4 feet 3 inches tall, and above average. Luke is almost 30 inches tall and above average. (But, he lost 2 ounces. He is slimming down instead of rapidly gaining like usual.) Anneke was 44 inches tall and off the charts. They are all skinny. Poor Bubba had to get re-circumcised. I won't go into details, but lets just say that I did not like the doctor he had in Boulder. (Also, please don't comment such as, "That is why we did not circumcise our baby..." It is a personal choice that I respect in all people, so please do the same. We thought about this decision and researched it extensively and believe we made the right choice for our family.)

I finally took Anneke to get her 4 year pictures taken on Friday. I had a dear friend that was amazing at getting all 5 of her children pictures taken at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12months, 18 months, 2 years, 3 years, etc. I did great with Marcus and started out great with Anneke. I missed 18 months and 3 years with her. Luke, poor kid, hasn't had any taken yet. I guess I will start with his 1 year. Anyway, Anneke has perfected her fake smile. I was hard pressed to find a good picture to get copies of. But, I will post it when we get them back.

Friday night we went bowling. We bowled 2 games and that was too much. Too bad you can't do 1 1/2. The kids had fun and I did awful. Marcus beat me both times. Andy has a swollen toe because of the bowling shoes, but we would go again. We found a bowling alley with an entrance not through a casino. Yeah!

I am almost done with week two of watching baby Marcus. I am so glad I did not have twins. Luke is walking around and pulling the poor 6-month old's hair. (He has A LOT!) However, it is not as bad as I feared and not too stressful on me. Poor Andy was not meant for the job.

I think that is the best recap for now. I hope this isn't too long.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Yeah for school

Photo - walking to school.
I know I probably blog more than I should. Those of you that do not, I am sure it is because you have friends and a life. I have my family, so when things are quiet I blog about them. (However, some of you could stand to blog more...) I am so glad that I started thsi trend in my family and now they all blog, too. Yeah!

Last night was back to school night for Marcus. It really put me at ease. His teacher has enough schooling for a PhD, but doesn't see a point when she is teaching first grade. But, she takes classes all the time to keep up. They are a title 1 school, though not a good thing (It means that most of the children are poor and on government assistance), it does mean they get a lot of money to use for programs. Anyway, it is a great fit for my boy.

My little sister suggested we watch "Pushing Daisies" (ABC). I was skeptical. I knew nothing about it and have blown her off for a year. Finally Andy looked into it and now we are hooked. We watched an overview and then two episodes online. Two words - Kristin Chenoweth. Unfortunately it is on Wednesday nights, along with Bones (Fox) and Criminal Minds (CBS). I hope they stream it online. I don't watch many shows, so the fact that these are all on the same night is frustrating. Luckily I still have Chuck and The Office on other nights. ;)

Anneke did start school and I am totally unimpressed. It doesn't help that I know exactly the requirements they should be following and am WELL aware of where they are falling short. They are government funded for crying out loud. Plus, her school was tagged and is in the ghetto. Not too comfortable with that. I am going to try it for a little while longer, but if things don't improve I am pulling her out.

A friend of mine had a bad child care situation and was scared for the safety of her baby. He is 3 months younger than Luke, and I volunteered to watch him 3 days a week. She needed someone quickly. It is awful pay, but she is giving what she can and I don't mind. His name is Marcus, and my Marcus is so excited. I hope that it all turns out okay. If not, it will give her time to find something different and that she feels good about, but I have no worries right now.