Saturday, December 27, 2008


Once again I am at a loss for what to post about today. So, I hope this is as fun for others as it was for me. Being a child of the 80's I loved this website. It had some fun t-shirts.
(The link to the below mentioned is imbedded in the word t-shirt.)
I have been looking at some fun T-shirts lately. Andy and I enjoyed them partly they made you think a bit and of course, were not raunchy. Here are a few of my favorites...
*Holland - Can't Dutch this (Andy's grandparents immigrated from Holland.)
*Christians have the best sects (I hope that doesn't offend anyone.)
*Pavlov - the name that rings a bell
*Archeologists will date any old thing
*Lady Macbeth Hand Soap
And finally the motto we live by:


Cari said...

Those are hilarious. Carl loves shirts like that, too. His favorite one to wear is "Your village called. Their idiot is missing."

JJthe1st said...

Hey friend! Loved the tshirts and no the Sects one did not offend me.

Raspberry said...

Loved them - thanks for the laugh. (Totally not offended by the Christian one.) Yay for the 80s....

Raspberry said...
