Showing posts with label Ghost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ghost. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ghost (1993 - May 23, 2009)

Ghost went to the Rainbow Bridge joining Mia and all of our friends who have gone before us. We will miss our hissy girl very much.

Jade, BG & Jen

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

More cats???

Look what Mom brought home... I don't even hiss at these ~ Ghost

Monday, June 02, 2008


We thought we might have confused things with the last post on who is who so here are brief introductions of everyone.

Ghost - white 14+ year old cat... lived here since 1995ish

BG AKA Baby Girl - brown/white Jack Russell woofie... lived here since Labor Day 2006

Jade - Calico cat... newest arrival been here less than month

Mom saw this on Luxor's blog and decided to give it a try - we'd have to say it is right on for her as she has lived in Alabama her entire life.

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The South

That's a Southern accent you've got there. You may love it, you may hate it, you may swear you don't have it, but whatever the case, we can hear it.

The Inland North
The Northeast
The Midland
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wordy Wednesday

Answering some of your questions...

ZS&S asked about the woofie. BG AKA Baby Girl came here in 2006. She is a Jack Russell so she isn't very big - see her picture above. We have no idea where she came from - she just showed up. She only barks when she chases the cows or gets mad at evil squeaky toys. She is scared of Ghost because of the scary Ghost HISS!

Parker asked how old I am and we aren't entirely sure of the answer to that. Our best guess is probably between 2 and 3 - Mom said she could be way off cause it has been a long time since she was around younger cats.

Tybalt asked how I was lucky (?) enough to be Ghost's new sister. As much as she has hissed, I'm not sure she thinks it lucky! Mom said the short answer was it was the right time when I showed up.

Hopefully, Mom will be able to get my gotcha story up soon. Thanks to everyone welcoming me. Ya'll are a lot nicer than that grumpy white cat is to me.


Monday, May 26, 2008


Happy Memorial Day to all our American friends and a big salute to the troops who gave all serving our great country!

Mom said I had to introduce the brat (oops, Mom gets on to me for calling her that). Anyway, I'm told this is my new sister (I didn't order one - still don't know how I ended up having a d-o-g as a sister either)... She is getting ready to tell you her story or at least the little we know of it. So the brat finally told Mom her name... so here is Jade getting ready to talk to all of you.

Jade can be quite shy so we may have a hard time getting her to talk. Ya'll list any questions you want to answer & that might make her talk faster.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Looking for Gifts

Mom was shocked because I was walking around entire house today (I normally stay in my one room where I feel safe). I was looking for my Christmas gifts. We all hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas (or Happy Holiday of whatever kind you celebrate).

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tattle Tail Tuesday

Before I tattle, I'd like to thank everyone for their kind words about Mia. We still miss her & think about her every day...

Now on to the tattling... I think I'll start with BG. She is scared of me! Ha - all I have to do is growl or hiss & she backs up! Now I can tattle on Mom. Guess first I should tattle that yesterday was her birthday but I know better than to share age. She still is working on her Christmas shopping & has no idea what she is going to feed the family yet. Mom is horrible with not taking pictures or helping me blog. I'd better stop with the tattling or I might not get anything for Christmas.

Purrs to all... Ghost

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day to our Granddaddy

As the senior member of the house, I get to wish our Granddaddy a Happy Father's Day. He takes care of us while Mom works all the time. We love you Granddaddy.

We've been bad - we missed wishing our Aunt Gail (Mom's sister) a Happy Birthday last week. We hope she had a good one.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ghost's Tuesday Tag

Monty tagged me for my favorite things. Thanks Monty - here I go....

Time of day: Bedtime
Day of the Week: all the same to me (Mom disturbs my naps more on weekends)
Season of the year: Fall (doesn't last very long down here)
Holiday: any that don't interrupt my napping
Beaches: don't do beaches
Song: Eine Kleine Nachtmusic by Mozart (night music = sleep)
Talk show: none
Movies: quiet ones so I can nap
Soaps: no thank you
Beverage: water
Fruit: nope
Snack: chicken
Food: grilled chicken stinky goodness
Restaurant: nope - rather stay home & nap

Whoa... that was a lot of work. I gotta take a nap... I don't know who has been tagged so if you would like to do this please consider yourself tagged.


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ghost was tagged

Thank you Faz for tagging me.

Here are the rules:
Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. As you might can tell from my picture, I only have one eye. This was picture right after I came back from V-E-T. If you look closely you can see my stitches where eye was removed.

2. I was a feral kitty when I came here but Mom helped me trust her & convinced me to come move in with her.

3. I'm a girl! Sometimes people don't know because my name doesn't give them any clue.

4. My Granddaddy's (Mom's Dad) birthday is tomorrow (5/13). Shhh... they are planning a surprise party and letting him think it is for Mom's nephew who is graduating from Emory Monday.

5. I have lost all my teeth - some never came in due to my diet as kitten. Others have either been pulled or fallen out due to infections

6. I'm still mad that BG (that d-o-g) is living here. But I'm not scared of her cause I know Mom wouldn't let anything happen to me.

7. I have completely white fur, pink paw pads, and my eye is green.

We think everyone has been tagged - but if you would like to play please consider yourself tagged.

Mom hasn't been helping us with blog very much because she is working all the time. We hope it will get better but she isn't very hopeful - she is sitting around looking at her laptop mumbling about JDBC, C, databases, VPN, sftp, and other stuff. Hopefully she won't lose her mind and will be able to help us more soon.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ghost - Kat's Cat of the Day

I'm so excited - Kat has made me Cat of the Day. Thank you Kat!!!


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Stormy Saturday

Hi, Ghost here... this is an old picture of me. We are having some pretty strong storms in Alabama tonight. We need the rain but hate the thunder & lightning (BG is scared of the thunder).

My turn!!! BG here - I'm not scared... I just was panting hard because it was hot not because I was scared. That's my story & I'm sticking to it.

You two stop fighting... We need to ask everyone to keep DKM & family in your thoughts with the loss of Joaquin, Bear has also been at the vet - we have been purring for her & her family. Also Gizzy isn't doing well. Please go by and offer your support for our friends. On a happier note - Happy Birthday to Beau's Mom! We think the storm has finally past. It is good napping weather....zzzzzzzzzzz....... Mia