Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Formally Feral with Blackie

Hello, I am Blackie... it nice to meet everyone! Purrs!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Formally Feral Friday with Myst

Here is current picture to compare to my baby picture! I desparately need someone to help. You see it is the Mom's birthday today & she is picking me up and kissing on me since she is home. Surely I can do something other than kiss her for birthday - I might get human germs from her kissing :(

Anyone have ideas???

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baby White Cat Wednesday

Hi, everyone... we really haven't dropped off face of earth. It just seems that way. Mom spends too much time working & on facebook to help us blog. Hopefully she will start helping again soon so our friends won't forget all about us. Maybe she will even get a picture of Blackie so he can be introduced to everyone. I made her share my baby picture - this was first one ever taken of me. Mom thought I was too cute to find a home for so I got to stay here in my forever home.

Purrs.... Myst

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Eric & Luxor

Golden Memories
They say memories are golden, well, maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories, I only wanted you.
A million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly, in death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place no one else could fill.
If tears could build a stairway and heartache make a lane.
I'd walk the path to Heaven and bring you back again.
Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same.
But as we are called back one by one, the chain will link again.

Until we meet again Eric & Luxor...

Thanks to Cat Blogosphere for lovely pictures of Eric & Luxor

Sunday, May 16, 2010


As some of you know (from facebook), Mom had surgery so we are busy nursing her back to health. Jade has night duty & makes sure she sleeps soundly. Maybe when she recovers she will actually help us blog!

Purrs... Jade, Myst & Blackie

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jade's Gotcha Day

I would like to invite you all over for temptations. Kittens can go play with Myst and anyone who likes an adventure can go outside exploring with Blackie ~ Jade

PLAY!!!! PLAY!!!! Come play with me ~ Myst

Jade is my fluffy Calico girl. Two wonderful years & I hope to have many more with her along with Myst & Blackie. I'm thankful she found her way to me & can't imagine life without her ~ Jen

Monday, March 15, 2010

We are back...

Hi, everyone... we really haven't dropped off face of Earth. Mom is horrible with not helping us (she addicted to facebook). We also are having some camera difficulties so no picture of us today but Mom hopes to have that worked out soon. Purrs to all our friends....

Jade, Myst & Blackie

Monday, December 21, 2009

Mondays with Myst

HI!!!! Sorry for no pictures but I won't stay still long enough for Mom to snap a picture... I'm only about 6 months old so I have questions...

1. Why can some bugs fly? I can't catch them when they land on ceiling.
2. Why does Jade hiss at me?
3. Why can't I help cook?
4. Why is there a tree in the living room with door closed?
5. Why am I not allowed to climb it?
6. Why are there socks hanging on wall?
7. Who is this Santa fellow that is suppose to be coming?
8. Why does Blackie live outside while Jade & I are inside?
9. Why does Mom kiss me on the head?
10. Why are there closed doors?

Mom said there are a lot of smart cats on blogosphere so I'm hoping someone can help me with my questions (I have more).

Thx - Myst

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

It is the Soldier
by Father Dennis Edward O'Brien

It is the Soldier,
not the reporter, who has given us freedom of press.

It is the Soldier,
not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Soldier,
not the campus organizer, who gives us freedom to demonstrate.

It is the Soldier
who salutes the flag,
who serves beneath the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.

Happy Veterans Day & thank you to all the veterans....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

National Cat Day

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

We plan to celebrate with lots of naps!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

BG (2002 - 10/23/2009)

BG ran off to the Rainbow Bridge on Friday. Her test results were worse than the vet expected so we decided that we couldn't put her thru treatments that wouldn't save her. We'd like to thank everyone for their purrs... We are sure that Ghost & Mia were waiting for her (probably with a HISS from Ghost). We only had just over 3 years with BG but we will never forget her...

We love & miss you Baby Girl...

Jade, Myst & Jen (and rest of human family too)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Another BG Update

She still at vet - they believe she has a growth on her larnyx... they are still testing... hopefully will know more later today.

Please purr really hard for BG...

Thanks... Jade, Myst & Jen

Thursday, October 22, 2009

BG Update

Just an update on BG... She is still at the vet and they ran tests today on her to try to determine the cause of her breathing problem. Hopefully they will have results today & determine a treatment. Myst has been looking for BG since she has been gone.

Thanks for all the purrs for BG... Jen

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thoughts for Tuesday

Could everyone purr or woof (or anything else) for BG please? She been referred to another v-e-t for more testing. She has been having trouble catching her breath & diagnosed with an enlarged heart too. We don't know if this is something that is a problem with Jack Russells.

Thanks - Jade, Myst, BG & Jen

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

White Cat Wednesday

HI, I'm Myst!!!! Mom said I could introduce myself to everyone today - I'm very excited!!!! I've just moved in but the BIG CAT hisses at me & the dog won't play with me. I want to tell my story but I'm exhausted from all this talking so I think I will take a nap.

PURRS.... Myst

Monday, August 03, 2009

Mysterious Meows

Hi, everyone... we have mysterious meows around here. Jade is making me tell you since she is still pouting. If you have seen Mom's facebook then you may have an idea of where the meows are coming from... We know we havent been around much but we wanted to thank everyone for your thoughts about our Ghost passing in May.

Woofs... BG

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ghost (1993 - May 23, 2009)

Ghost went to the Rainbow Bridge joining Mia and all of our friends who have gone before us. We will miss our hissy girl very much.

Jade, BG & Jen

Friday, April 17, 2009

One Year

This is the picture that Mom took the day I came here to my forever home. It has been 1 YEAR!!! I can't believe it - I'm very lucky to have found the place I belong. Purrs to all our friends...


BTW... we are trying to figure out a way to be more active on the blog again but Mom said that life is driving her crazy so she has to fit everything in. We miss everyone!