Grandma Barb’s This and That

Showing posts with label semis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label semis. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Life of a Soy Bean Field

I thought it would be fun to show you the life of a soy bean field.  I know many of you are from big cities or other countries and may not realize what goes into raising soy  beans.

Here's the big tractor waiting to plant.  Sorry I didn't get a picture of the planting.

Here is what the field looks like in July or August...nice and green

The middle to late September...Almost ready to combine

Here is one farmer combining the beans.  Some farmers load the beans into this kind of wagon and then it is hauled to either their farm and put in bins or to the elevator in town.

Other farmers use these huge wagons and then they are emptied into the big grain trucks below

The farmers work well into the night.  Sorry for the quality of this photo.

This is what the field looks like when they are finished.

It costs a lot of money to grow the beans.  The huge equipment is expensive.  Then there is the cost of seed, the fuel to run the tractors, combines, and big semis.  Plus the hours of work that goes into it.  The soybean harvest has pretty much wrapped up and now the farmers are onto picking corn.

I hope you have learned a little about what goes into growing soy beans.

Thanks for stopping.  Have a great day.
Until Next Time