Saturday, January 26, 2013

A New Start...

Hello! It has been quite a while... This is because a lot has been going on and not really in a good way. Darren and I are getting divorced. So its the single mom life for me! I won't go into details about why, but it is for the best. I just hope my kids will be ok.

While this has been very hard, I have learned more about myself than I ever have in my entire life. I have learned what I need to be a happy and whole person. I have realized what I want out of life, and life is too short to be unhappy. I also have realized how many people I have that support me in my life. I am so grateful for everyone who has been there for me!

I have gotten a job as a teller at Wells Fargo. Its just part time but it has benefits and I can transfer anywhere I want. I am just so grateful I was able to get a job so quickly in this economy. I have dropped down to part time school. Its going to take me a while to get through, but I'm not giving up because I want my degree! I am going for Social Work and hope to get my masters.

Aiden and Kyler are doing great and loving school. They both now have glasses! I will post pictures when they come in. They are learning so much and have been so helpful to me lately!

My goals for this year:

Get out of debt
Fix my car
Move back to Boise
Buy a house
Keep a consistent yoga and workout schedule
Run the Dirty Dash and the Color Run 5ks
Be happy :)

I am going to keep this blog up about me and my boys so everyone can see our new adventures!

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