
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

May 8, 2014

May Letters

Dear family (in my home and otherwise),

Sometimes happiness comes in a box...

...or a basket.

Thanks for the birthday gifts.


Dear weather gods,

Snow boots and swimming suits in the same week is bizarre.

Yours Truly--Confused mama who is bidding winter farewell, no matter what

Dear National Do Not Call Registry,

Despite having filed my home number with you three(-ish...seems like 20) times , I still receive telephone solicitations on a regular basis. I am tempted to block all solicitors' calls and blast back that message I've seen on some front doors. It goes something like, "We've found Jesus, we like our vacuum, and our roof is fine, thankyouverymuch." Do you know it?  I think it ends with "...unless you're selling girl scout cookies..."

I'd ditch our home phone except that my children would have no way to call me when I'm gone. Hmm....there's an idea.

Impatiently--Current Resident

Dear Wells Fargo,

Thanks for being good to us. Garry sure has been good to you for ten years! Thanks for the extra five days of paid time off, for the steak lunch Garry's boss paid for, and for his early release last Friday.

With appreciation--The employee's wife

Dear Colorado Springs Utilities,

Our electricity usage has inexplicably decreased by half over the last year. I have no idea what's happening, but thank you for the credit on our bill.

Thankfully--Equal-pay customer

Dear daughters,

The fact that both of you soiled your underwear in a 20-minute period while we were away from home reinforces my belief that storing multiple pairs of back-up clothing in the van is a must. Kate would probably agree, as she's the one who ended up in a diaper. I am glad that one of you refused to eat breakfast before school, and so had a zip baggie of cereal that we could use Ew. That was gross.

Resignedly--Still a diaper-changing mama

Dear Subway,

I am sorry that one of the afore-mentioned incidents happened on your premises.

Sincerely--Your customer

Dear Coats & Clark,

You make transparent thread. I sew scout patches to olive drab shirts. It seems that we would be a match made in heaven (or Troop 512). However, my sewing machine hates you. Patient as I was about starting over and over and over, I simply couldn't tolerate the mess you made in my bobbin compartment, not to mention the fact that you wouldn't complete an actual seam. And so I return to matching threads to patches. *sigh*

Yours (or maybe not) in sewing--A wannabe seamstress

Dear Hobby Lobby,

Why don't you carry Guterman thread? Let's hope Lexi doesn't noticed the slight shade differential in the seams of her bed curtains, since I RAN OUT OF THREAD during the final phase of the eternal sewing project I am attempting for her birthday, and I didn't want to drive to another store when I had already driven to you. Bah.

Secretly--President, Overly-Ambitious Anonymous

Dear May,

You are just as harrowing as December, minus the snow and ice. Wait...

Yours in scheduling--Mother of four school children and a toddler who naps

Dear friend with a husband and father in the hospital,

Your stress is palpable. Man, I wish I could help. I sure love your family.

Love to you--Your mom's former-but-always visiting teacher

Dear Landsharks,

I am sad that you changed your policy and no longer allow kindergartners to run in the one-mile race. Gavin was totally planning on it, telling everyone about his "big race." He was so disappointed. However, after processing the disappointment for a while, he said, "Mom, can I do Landsharks next year so I can run the mile?" I guess he's resilient.

Speedily (or not)--A mom raising a runner

Dear LG,

Our dishwasher--or rather, your dishwasher in my kitchen--is broken. Do know how lame this is for a family that generates so many dirty dishes? Garry has ordered one of your fancy heating elements and will attempt to make the repair himself. We'll see. Until then I am remembering the days of washing dishes by hand when I was a kid, and feeling guilty for the lack of character-building parenting in my current home every time I pass out paper bowls and plates at meal time. I am trying to believe that, as a friend pointed out, we might be conserving water while killing trees.

Sadly--A lazy mom

Dear Not Me,

Thank you (but not) for sitting in the stroller and breaking the seat, and for taking off the front wheel simply because it is removable. Seriously, I don't know how the idea of LEAVE IT ALONE never enters your head!

Crying with frustration--Fed up

Dear Kate,

Stop being so ridiculously cute. It's really hard to discipline a cherub, except when said cherub is acting decidedly un-heavenly. Then it's easy.

Lovingly--Yo mama

Dear AEES teachers,

We love you, which hopefully is obvious by the tedious process required I created for myself to make these posters. I don't know when I'll learn to pass on projects like this. Maybe you can teach me.

With gratitude--The Bartle boys' mom

Dear Anthony E. Wolf,

Your book is especially resonant in my life right now, but I think you could have emphasized your points about ornery teenagers without all the swearing. Doesn't that mean you're as immature and un-creative as they are? 

Harshly--A desperate but picky reader

Dear self,

It has taken a year, but I am glad you f.i.n.a.l.l.y figured out that relocating Kate's clothes to the lower drawers would nearly eliminate her incessant need to invert the laundry baskets and use them as ladders.

With relief and gratitude--A slow learner

Dear Saturday evening,

You were just perfect for a walk. Ahhhh....

Appreciatively--A fresh air lover

Dear child with a pink obsession,

Your outfits are always creative, but the nightgown-boots-jacket-helmet combo especially amused me.


Dear Not Me,

Whatever possessed you to put a marker inside of a jar of burning wax is beyond me, but I am sure you enjoyed seeing the results of the experiment. Bursting glass and dripping wax are always funny, right?!

With suspicion and annoyance--Your exhausted mother

Dear Lynn the attendance lady,

You always laugh at my children when we stop by the middle school to drop off a child or an item. It is true: they are crazy. That day I brought in four children between the ages of two and four (one is hiding behind the bench) was especially chaotic, but only because we had to wait 20 minutes for you to locate my son.

With a smirk--Zach's mom

Dear band director,

We've got another percussionist in the family. He will probably practice.

Excitedly--Tyler's mom

Dear Pinterest,

I found this wreath and LOVE it, but I think I am not up to such a project. Maybe next summer? (Because surely I'll have more free time then...hahahahahaha...)

Yours in pinning--A recovering ambitious crafter

Dear friends and family,

Thank you for supporting Tyler in his required-for-school business. He is too young to appreciate that soliciting money from loved ones is uncomfortable for his parents. Nevertheless, he loves to cook and is excited to sell his made-from-scratch crescent rolls, which, I promise you, will be delicious. A dozen rolls are $4.50 and will be available on Saturday, just in time for Mother's Day. It's not too late to order!

Thankfully--A Tyler's Tongue-Tingling Tasties marketing strategist

Mar 28, 2013

Spring break

It's Spring Break in these parts, and guess what we're doing?

Hanging out.

No schedule.  No stress.  No packing or driving or flying.

Lots of TV.  Lots of playing outside.  Lots of naughty food.

I'm smiling.

Mar 15, 2013

Sunny Day

The planets aligned and our family had a terrific day.  The kids were out of school (the elementary school had a teacher work day...although we didn't realize that the middle school was in session and Zach missed math--oops), Garry had the day off (rollover PTO from 2012), and the weather was fantastic.  We spent the morning at Fox Run Park and had a great time.  As I was playing soccer with Zach, I realized I need to run outside as much as he does.  Despite skipping the gym this morning, I had a good workout chasing kids and balls.  I even had to stretch my legs when I got home.  Haha.

We started on the playground and grassy field, then hiked around the park to see the ponds and trees.  The kids were anxious to walk out on the frozen ponds, but we enforced a safety precaution and kept them on the muddy banks.  They were mostly content to throw heavy things and skip pine cones on the ice.

When we got home, Lexi was asked to play at a friend's house.  The boys played in the backyard for several hours with their friends.  Garry and Kate napped, and I spent some time preparing my Young Women lesson for Sunday and blogging.  The older boys are enjoying a "late night" at another friend's house, and Garry is bringing Red Robin take-out for the two of us to eat. I anticipate a quiet evening at home.  How nice is that?

Apr 23, 2012


Every spring, approximately seven gazillion Miller Moths migrate through Colorado Springs.  They like to hide in the crevices above our windows and screen doors by day and fly into our house by night.  The moths are a complete nuisance for about three weeks, and then they move on.

A rogue moth hid in Garry's car yesterday afternoon until Garry was driving down a major street in town.  Then, quite suddenly, it was dive bombing everywhere, bouncing off his glasses and the windshield.  It's pretty amazing Garry didn't crash!

After surviving that harrowing incident, Garry snapped a picture as the moths swarmed around our blossoming tree in the front yard. 

These moths are oddly fascinating creatures, but we won't be sad to see them go.

Mar 16, 2012

playing hooky, part two

When we got home from the park this afternoon, I wanted to nap.  The kids, however, had another plan.  It was 75 degrees  outside (read: BLAZING HOT!), so of course swimsuits and water were required.  They wanted to wash the van.  I acquiesced, so the entire neighborhood (well, three other kids...but with my four, it looked like a lot) joined the fun.

I gave Zach a bucket and some Dawn and a pile of rags.  I told him that if he and his friends were going to use the water, they had better really wash the van!  Apparently my instructions were not explicit enough.  Zach emptied that entire Costco-sized bottle of Dawn on the van.  Then he sprayed a little water on the van.  Then all of the kids got to work.

Lexi wasn't super keen on this activity, but her new swimsuit is just so darling....

The neighbor kids all wanted to know what I was going to pay them for their hard work.  I told them I was letting them use my hose and have fun in their swim suits, and that was payment enough.  Besides, they really just made the van dirtier!  You can't even see through the windows now.

Later tonight Garry will take the van to be properly washed, as we had planned previously. But I got a few more smiles out of my kids--and consequently, out of myself--today, and that makes me happy.

playing hooky

The kids are out of school today.  Spring Break isn't until the week after next, so today is just a random hooky day on the calendar.  Lucky for me, the weather is super duper fantastic right now.  Even though I personally had a rotten morning, I was determined that we would ALL get out and enjoy the sunshine.  A little Vitamin D is good for everyone, but since I found out that my body doesn't produce any at all, I have additional motivation to enjoy this beautiful spring weather.

How's that for a lengthy preamble?

Getting to the park was nothing short of miraculous.  The weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth as we collected lunch supplies, scooters, and shoes was overly dramatic.  It really made me wonder what will happen if a great calamity strikes and we have to quickly collect 72-hour kits, food rations, water, and survival gear.  It really seemed like the end of the world was upon us today at 12:15, so who knows HOW insane we'll all be if civilization as we know it legitimately ends?

Anyway, we drove to Little Caesar's pizza, paid for two pies, and then drove to one of the parks in our neighborhood.  We enjoyed our feast at a picnic table in the sun.  I think this is when the knots in my shoulders started to loosen a little.  I laughed to myself as I remembered our last trip to this park.




And then, before I knew it, the kids scattered.  I whipped out my cell phone to capture some fun moments, but that quickly gave way to children vying for photo ops.  "Mom, look at me!"  "Look at me now!"  It was pretty fun, and we had the park to ourselves.  For the next hour, the kids and I roamed from the slides to the swings to the trees to the monkey bars to the basketball hoop to the climbing wall.  Everyone took a turn riding/running/walking around the grassy loop.  I took 64 pictures in about as many minutes.  The only thing that would have made the park time more perfect was having a grown-up someone to talk to (I tried to make up for the lack via texting, but it's just not the same).  But I don't think the kids had any complaints.










Then, abruptly, the kids were done.  D.O.N.E.  That's very typical of our family.  The same thing happened during our other park trip this week.  So we packed up our stuff and shipped out.  While I was putting the stroller into the trunk of the van, Gavin busted out the leftover pizza and the kids went to town.  I don't like leftover pizza anyway!


That many smiles ought to last us a while, right?

pass it on!

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