Showing posts with label Finished. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finished. Show all posts

Saturday, May 22, 2010


At long last, I whipped together my final two BJPs for the first year.
Click here for "April Showers ...."  and follow that with this click to see

" ... bring May Flowers"

 (detail above)

I am so proud that I finished my commitment to myself with these BJPs as I have struggled with starting my third series before finishing either of the first two years of BJPs!  But now, one year is complete ... onto my Portraits series for 2008 BJP series .....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Christy H Finished and Framed Her 12 Pieces!

Christy H, bead journal project, bead embroidery, detail
Actually, Christy finished her BJP pieces for this year quite a while ago and is now working on the current year's BJP. Finally, I got around to photographing her last four pieces and put them on my blog, here.

Christy and I worked together to prepare her 12 pieces for framing. Thinking our process might be useful to others in the BJP, I wrote a tutorial about how to do it. It's the second half of the post (here.)

Great work, Christy!!!!! Thanks for allowing me to share it with the group!

Robin A.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Elemental Water - complete!

Elemental Water is finally done! All I have left is Elemental Earth and the whole series will be done and ready for Bead Dreams! Check out the full panel here.


Sunday, August 31, 2008

My last page is complete!

Hello beady friends!

Well, talk about getting down to the wire! My last page, my November page, is finally finished and you can see it here. Even though I am 3 months late, I am feeling quite a sense of accomplishment today to be finally done with all of my pages.
To all of my fellow BJPers who are not done yet - have faith, it WILL happen. Keep on beading and, most of all, have fun!


Friday, June 27, 2008

Finishing - Final Solution Found!

bead journal project, Robin Atkins, finishing detailThis picture is a clue... To see the solution, take a peek at my blog, here! I'm satisfied now, at last... They are finished!

My bead/quilt friend Lunnette (also in the BJP) coined the phrase, Paralyzed By Finish... Often when a long-term project is completed, there is a period of paralyzation of creativity and productivity, of being stuck, of being down emotionally. Her solution is this: ALWAYS have a new project started before finishing an old one. I wish I had heeded her, because now I'm suffering the PBF syndrome... So, I caution you... finishers take note!

Robin A.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Just cheering you all on

G'Day all,
Thought I'd just pop in and cheer on those of you who have still to finish. You all know that you will get there and it is so satisfying when you have completed it.
I'm enjoying my little busmans holiday, I've been making a few baubles for presents and catching up with my social life.
I'm off now to check out the Members Pages at our website, I've no work today and can't think of anything better that looking at everyones completed work for an hour or two.
Bead on
Nospoj - Dinah

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Done! And hardly late at all! I'm so thrilled and proud to have been on this journey with so many talented people. Thanks, Robin, and everyone else, finished or not, for being part of this! I think I'll keep blogging on my BJP blog pages, in anticipation of the beginning of the new project. Next year I'll be working on smaller 'canvases' probably art card side, but probably beading them more intensively (at least that's my idea for now, who knows what I'll want to do in September. :-) You can see my May page here.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The finished BJP quilt and a puzzle!

I have finished putting my pieces together, gotten the borders on and it is stretched onto a painters canvas.  I am really happy with the effect!  
 I have also been doing a little pre-project in preparation for next year.  Please come see me!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Broke out the Champange at 9:20am Sydney Time

I completed my August piece at 9:20am Sydney time this morning and Yes I really did break out the champange, I had a little bottle put adise for this ocassion. It went down really well!
August is the page I struggled with, I have two unfinished pages for August,
which will now go into the BJP 2008.
I love this pendant and I finally decided that as I don’t wear necklaces and only make them on request, I’d use it as a center piece in my August page.
The song ‘I never Promised you a Rose Garden ‘went through my mind and thought
it was apt as the August deadline has long past, it’s now May 2008!
And this is definatey NOT a Rose Garden.
So I'm off work today and am going to continue my celebrations. This has been a great year for me having made a lot of friends here and doing something I really love.
Raising a glass to you all and a special toast to Robin!
Nospoj - Dinah
PS Full Page on Flickr

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The last page!

I waited until last Saturday the 12th to begin my May block. But then it just took me over and MADE me finish it. I am pleased with it, and think it will be the crowning block (well, at least the LAST block) of my year's collection. You can go here to see the progress and the finished block.